2016 SBA Annual General Meeting–2016 held July 25, 2017


  1. Meeting Opened– 7.27pm at Nunn Media Basketball Centre Meeting Room

COM Attendees: Parveen Batish, Jenny Mouat, Ian Leckie, Garry Hicks, Geoffrey Clark

Staff: Mark Chivers, Ashlee Cronin,Sophie Smirniotis, Vicki Barlow, Marg Gorman

Club Presidents/ Representatives:Sean Lynch (Eagles), Angela Gilchrist (Sharks), Susan Ruddock (St. Leonards), Bruce Allen(Parkdale), Grant Nicholson (Mentone). Renee Rimanic (OMBC), Jim Crane (Highett), Lisa Mouncer (Bullits), Alistair Perry (Moorabbin Tigers), Phil McFarlane (Sandy Saints).

Life Members: Judy Barlow, Michael Burke, Louise Graham, Craig Leith, Steve Lunardon, Andrew Moloney, Andrew Stavropolous

Other Attendees: Michael Dingli, Lurline Williamson, Bree Vallance, Alana Gadsby, Suzi Brown, Malcolm Pulling, Peter Ryan, Matt Nunn, Ian Fullager, Kelly Cigognini, Heather Simurina, Anne-Maree Nunan, Scott Harvey, David Hopkins, Tony Barca, Paul Dear, Peter Cigognini, Zoe Fagan, Rob Howell, Dean Cartwright, Kathy Pratt,

  1. Apologies: Petah Gibbs
  1. SBA Board Statement

The SBA President spoke to the SBA Board Statement, circulated to Members earlier in the afternoon. There was general discussion from the floor as to the validity of the change to the meeting agenda and the legality of the current constitution.

At the conclusion of the discussion there was consensus amongst Members that an eleven (11) person Interim Board be formed consisting of the current Board (Parveen Batish, Garry Hicks, Jennifer Mouat, Ian Leckie, Geoffrey Clark)and the co-opted six Board nominees (Peter Ryan, Paul Dear, Matt Nunn, David Hopkins, Dean Cartwright, Scott Harvey) and that the Interim Board are to present a new Constitution for Member approval at a Special General Meeting to be held as soon as practicably possible.

The six new Board Members then gave the meeting a background of their experience and reasons for seeking election.

The SBA President asked those in attendance if they agreed with the resolution and it was passed unanimously by a show of hands.

As per existing protocol, it was agreed the Interim Board would meet after the AGM to determine Office Bearers and roles

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of the last AGM


“That the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held onTuesday 15th December 2015 be accepted as a true and accurate record of the business conducted”

MovedMichael Burke / Garry HicksCarried

  1. Jane Ogilvie Memorial – Domestic Coach of the Year Presentation

Ian Leckie and Steve Lunardon spoke to the background of the Award and announced Jamie Treasure as the recipient for 2016

  1. Life Membership

SBA Members may elect as honorary life members individuals whose service to basketball and the SBA have been worthy of the highest honour upon the recommendation of the SBA Board to the meeting;

Following due consideration, Garry Hicks, on behalf of the SBA Board recommended Ian Leckie for acceptance as Life Members.


“That Life Membership of the Southern Basketball Association (SBA) be awarded to Ian Leckie”

Accepted by a unanimous show of hands

  1. Appointment of Auditor


“That Bayside Business Accounting (BBA) be appointed as Auditor for the 2016/2017 Financial Year”

Jenny Mouat / Geoffrey ClarkCarried

  1. Annual Report

Presentation, Receipt and Acceptance of the Annual Report, Financial Statements


“That the Annual Report and Financial Statements be accepted”

Judy Barlow / Kelly CigogniniCarried

  1. General Business - Nil

Meeting Closed at 9.07pm

Following the conclusion of the AGM, the Interim Board met and unanimously elected the Office Bearers and roles

Name / Position
Peter Ryan / President
Parveen Batish / Vice-President
David Hopkins / Secretary
Jennifer Mouat / Treasurer
Ian Leckie / Championship Teams
Matt Nunn / Domestic Teams
Garry Hicks / Domestic Teams
Dean Cartwright / Director
Geoffrey Clark / Director
Scott Harvey / Assistant Secretary
Paul Dear / Director