Telephone: 061-226111/226112 Telefax: 061-237052

P.O. Box 3028 WINDHOEK

Van Rhyn Primary School Prospectus

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1. History of Van Rhyn Primary School
2. School Song
3. Van Rhyn Vision and Mission Statement
4. Admission Requirements
5. Extra Curriculum Activities
6. School Rules
7. Disciplinary Code
8. Letter to parents and general information
9. School prayer
Addendum A: Undertaking by Parent or Guardian / Page 2
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I, the undersigned, parent/guardian of ………………………………………………………………………..

Declare that I have acquainted myself with the policies of the school as

contained in its Prospectus, and that I undertake to support it in every aspect.

Undertake to uphold the character and policies of the school and to ensure that my child adheres to the rules and regulations of this institution.

to honour all financial obligations within my means.

Accept that admission and attendance of this institution is subject to

continuous adherence and respect for the school rules and its ethos.

Consent that my child may go on educational excursions as arranged by the school and under supervision of its staff members, and that I will

exempt the institution from any liability that might result from any incident or accident incurred during these visits, except in the case of wilful negligence by the responsible supervisor(s). In case of emergencies I consent to any form of treatment that would be at the best interest of my child’s state of health.

Expect my child to obey the rules and respect the authority while under their supervision.

……………………… ………………………………….



Van Rhyn Primary School Prospectus

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1. First named Eros – 24 January 1949 – principal Mr. J.J. Botha (Boet)
2. 7 Teachers (including pincipal) and 224 pupils (there was no Secretary)
3. Name changed to that of the Administrator of the then, SWA – DR.VAN RHIJN,
in 1952.
4. Mr. Botha remained principal and retired on 30 June 1976.
5. After him seven principals followed for short periods.
6. Mr. H.A. Karsten then became principal in 1981 – September 1993.
7. The International School was accommodated in our buildings until December 1993.
8. Mr. R. Nieuwoudt, became principal from January 1994 – May 2000.
Mr. J.C. Titus is the present principal since January 2001.
9. We are now 44 teachers, 1454 learners, 2 secretaries and 6 cleaners.
10. Our motto, SERVIMUS – means: “We serve”.

We are proud to belong to the

school on the hill
It’s a fortress of knowledge
and skills
Here we learn to serve and to
take a stand
At the best school in our land.
Van Rhyn, Van Rhyn
We will try to honour and
Together we will strive
to keep our hopes alive.
We will serve our fellow man!

Van Rhyn Primary School Prospectus

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·  We strive to ensure a school learning environment that is conducive to safe and
harmonious interaction amongst learners, parents and teachers.
·  We strive to provide quality education in order to prepare all learners to be well
balanced and fully equipped in their quest for adulthood and productive
·  In the process we will continue to optimise our learners’ skills, abilities and
individual talents while broadening their perspectives.
·  It is our aim to strive for continued teaching excellence and to ensure an
environment of appreciated discipline and order.
·  Finally we will always strive to maintain a policy of optimising our school’s financial resources, continually upgrading our facilities and ensuring meaningful child and parent involvement.
·  Applicants must, together with their applications, submit to the principal a certified copy of a birth certificate and the latest progress report.
·  Applicants must undertake to obey the school rules, to honour the principles and ethos
of the school and to submit to the authority and disciplinary measures of the school.
·  Parents, as well as learners, must undertake to commit themselves to the aims and mission of the school.
·  Parents must undertake to accept responsibility for the payment of all financial obligations.
·  Applicants with a record of bad behaviour or expulsion from any other school will be dealt with on merit and will only be admitted in exceptional circumstances.
·  Parents must see to it that transport is not a problem with regard to school attendance
and participation in and support of extra-mural activities.
·  Parents must show a visible interest in all school activities offered.
·  Learners must adhere to the prescribed guidelines with regard to the school uniform as
determined by the school.
·  The total number of learners shall not exceed the facilities available at the school.
·  Preference will be given to applicants who are permanent residents of the school’s
immediate vicinity (except special class applicants).
No failures of other schools will be considered except in cases of merit.
·  Grade 1 applicants must turn six years of age, not later than 31 December of the previous year, preceeding the year of which he/she will start attending Gr. 1 for the first time.
·  Applicants not older than 15 years will be considered for admission in the Upper Primary Phase (Gr. 5-7).

Van Rhyn Primary School Prospectus

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-  Netball
-  Soccer
-  Tennis
-  Athletics
-  Swimming
-  Rugby
- Van Rhyn Sports Day – July
- Interhouse Athletics - October
-  Window of Hope Club
-  School Choir
-  Chess
-  Scripture Union
- Parent meetings - annually meet School Board + teachers
-  Parent Evenings - discuss learners’ performance
-  Prize giving
Annual fundraisers
a) Van Rhyn Fun Day
b) Van Rhyn Big Walk, and/or
c) Ms.Van Rhyn Competition
- Outdoor Club and grade excursions (Gr. 5 + 6)
- Educational Tour – Grade 7
- Gr. 6 Leadership training camp / Hike
- Yearly / Annual – Sports Tour
-  Counselling Support Group
-  Tuckshop – Snacks for breaktime

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In order to ensure a school learning environment that is conducive to safe and harmonious interaction, the following school rules, as approved by the Management, apply:
1. No one will be allowed inside the buildings before and after school or during breaks, without
2. Walk quietly, briskly and in single file. Be quiet in classrooms.
3. Wait quietly in front of classes before entering.
4. Strangers must be reported immediately to the office.
5. Enter and leave the school grounds through the gates BEFORE 07:05 at 12:00 and 13:00.
6. Homework is to be written into homework books and completed by the due dates.
FAILURE to do so will result in the pupil receiving NO MARKS! Absenteeism is not an
7. Learners must greet all adults and render assistance where necessary.
8. Latecomers will be dealt with accordingly.
9. Physical education is compulsory in the appropriate clothing.
10. Absence from school for illness: submit doctor’s certificate.
Absence for other reasons: a note from parents to principal/class teacher.
Absence for 10 consecutive days without a note: removed from register.
11. Only urgent calls may be made from the school and only during break.
12. No climbing of trees or other structure is permitted.
13. All learners must remain on the school premises during school hours.
14. No littering is permitted.
15. When on outings in a group, remain with the teacher in charge.
16. Correct, clean, neat and clearly marked uniform, is to be worn for school and sports.
17. No jewellery allowed for boys. Only plain gold/silver earrings and studs will be allowed for
girls. Wearing of a ring is prohibited. However: Watches and medical alert bracelets are
allowed for both boys and girls.
18. Girls’ and Boys’ hair must be neat!
GIRLS – Long hair must be tied or plaited neatly. (No extensions are allowed); no
funny hairstyles; no colouring/highlights. Hair accessories must be plain maroon/yellow
ponytail elastics or Alice Bands.
BOYS – Short and neatly cut – no funny hairstyles.
19. Nails must be clean and short. No nail polish is allowed.
20. A sturdy schoolbag, with partitions for books, is required. NO PLASTIC BAGS!
21. No cigarettes, matches, lighters, drugs, alcohol etc. may be brought to school.
22. Chewing gum is strictly prohibited.
23. No knives are allowed on the school premises.
24. No tape recorders, radios, cameras, electronic equipment (games, cell phones, etc.) may be
brought to school. If a learner has to bring a cell phone to school for use after school, he/she must
hand it in at the office for safekeeping early the morning and collect it after school.
25. Money must be handed to a class teacher for safekeeping.
26. No swopping transactions will be permitted.
27. No learners may interfere with, or borrow another learner’s belongings, without his/her permission.
It will be treated as stealing.
28. No fighting or teasing may take place. Respect each other.
29. NO VANDALISM. School property accidentally damaged, will be paid for, or replaced by the parents.
30. NO swearing at teachers or other learners.
NB! Although all necessary precautions are taken to safeguard the belongings of learners and
staff members THE ONUS IS ON THE INDIVIDUAL to ensure that his/her belongings are
safe and secure.

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AIMS: To correct the behaviour of a learner, thereby promoting a sense of responsibility towards him-/herself, his/her school, peers and the community. To promote acceptable moral standards and development amongst learners.
If a learner’s conduct was absolutely flawless and exemplary throughout the year, he/she will be awarded with a certificate of Merit at the end of the year.
The following offences serve as guidelines when dealing with actions in correcting misbehaviour:
v  Homework not done/tests not signed
v  Art/Craft and Technology/Home Ecology appliances
not brought to school.
v  Books not covered
v  Eating/drinking in class (bubble gum etc.)
v  Arriving late in class
v  Left PE-clothes at home
v  Climbing on roofs/over fences or gates
v  Bicycle riding on stoeps, playgrounds
v  Littering
v  Bad behaviour
v  Disruption of class discipline
v  Projects not handed in
v  Written composition not handed in
v  Oral not prepared
v  Vandalism of books
v  Going to toilets without permission
(even during changes of classes)
v  Late arrival at school
v  Absent without excuse
v  Dishonesty
v  Wrong school uniforms
v  Wrong sport uniforms
v  Wrong shoes
v  Should a learner have infringed on the first of ANY three of the transgressions
above, it will be followed up with a letter of caution to the parent or guardian, by the subject- or
class teacher.
v  Should a learner continuously infringe on these transgressions, a meeting will be requested by the concerned teacher or management, with the parent, through an appointment.

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v  Cell phone at school during school hours
v  Disobedient/disrespectful to teacher
v  Constantly disobedient/disrespectful to prefects, scholar-patrol, media prefects
v  Books and/or library books at home/not handed in
v  Out of class without permission/ Bunking classes
v  Throwing stones, tins etc. over walls/fence/on roofs
v  Bullying
v  Mocking (repeatedly)
v  Hurting
v  Threatening/intimidation
v  Foul language
v  Drawing and writing on walls, desks
v  Messing in toilets
v  Leaving the school without permission
v  Using of laser beams
v  Sign own tests
v  Sign punishment letters
v  Copying in tests/exams
v  Wrong hairstyles
v  Wearing of make-up, lip gloss that colour, jewelery, nail polish, hair substances such as gel/
mousse/dye (boys and girls)
v  The parent/guardian will be informed telephonically about the misdemeanour of the learner.
v  An URGENT meeting with the parent/guardian will be requested by the concerned teacher and/or Management, through an appointment.

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v  Sexual molesting and harassment
v  Stone-throwing at another learner/ stone-throwing to harm somebody
v  Theft
v  Vandalism of school/government property, motorcars, bicycles etc.
v  Disrupting of class (repeatedly)
v  AWOL school
v  Drawing of pornographic pictures
v  In possession of, or using of:
-  Alcoholic beverages (beer, ciders, wine, spirits, etc.)
-  drugs
-  nicotine products
-  any other stimulant without permission
-  pornographic material
-  knives
-  BB-guns
-  “ketties”
-  Fire-arms
-  any weapons or dangerous objects
v  Immediate suspension from the school by the Principal, if he is convinced that the
further presence of the learner:
a)  poses a threat to the safety and well-being of other learners or staff,
or to the property of other persons, or the school
b)  is detrimental or possibly detrimental to the good order and
discipline of the school and to the progress of other learners.
v  Parents/guardians are informed telephonically/ and are requested to
come to the principal’s office.

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Dear Parents

Your child is hereby admitted as a learner to our school.

On acceptance of placement at Van Rhyn, a compulsory Stationery fee, which will be determined by the School Board, will be payable by the parent, accompanied by Addendum A (all learners) plus 4 recent passport photos (All Grade 3 + 5 learners and new learners grade 3-7).

The following information is important:

School starts 7:05 sharp on the first day of the new school year, as well as for the rest of the year. All learners (except Grade 1) gather under the carport in front of the building, for the official opening on the first day. We value PUNCTUALITY as a high priority at this institution.