Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Pine River City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Said meeting was held in Council Chambers in said City.

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tamara Hansen.

ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Desanto, Troy Gregory, Patty Melby, Tammy Hoppe, Tamara Hansen

Absent: None

OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Hansen, Travis Grimler, Terri Dabill, Shawn Birr, Ted Lundrigan

CONSENT CALENDAR: Gregory motioned, Desanto seconded to approve the consent calendar as presented including the minutes of May 10, 2016 and checks issued as follows:

City Account- Cks #47514-47584$102,942.61

Checks 47514-47522 were voided due to misprinting

Airport Fuel-Credit Card Fees- $100.97Total All: $103,043.58

All voted aye. Carried.

OPEN FORUM: No one wishing to be heard at this time.


POLICE: Officer Birr present.

SCHOOL LIAISON CONTRACT: The school has approved the contract for 2016-2017 school years. Except for an increase of $929.25 everything else stays the same. Desanto motioned, Gregory seconded to approve the contract for the 2016-2017 school year. All voted aye. Carried.

CALLS: Birr reports that they responded to 105 calls in May.

OLD SQUAD: Officer Birr states that this has been sold to Paul Sasse for $750.00.


Clerk reports that she has received a couple of examples of LDO’s and has spoken to the Cities that have done so and so far all of them have expressed that they are happy they did this. She inquired as whether the council would like her to contact MN Initiative and Region Five. Council affirmed that she do this.

PUBLIC WORKS: Michael Hansen PWD present.

WATER: Water on @ 214 Norway Ave after being off for many years.

SEWER: Televising has been done. Looks like about a block of sewer line will be replaced.

NEW COUNTY GARAGE: Hansen states that the State changed the rules after January 1, 2016 and they were going to require a separate line run to the new building rather than putting it with the existing line. The State has now said that if the City will approve them putting in a manhole on their property and run the new line to the manhole which would be connected to the existing line. The County would be responsible for the installation of the lines, manhole and the repair and maintenance of this line out to the main line from here on out. Hansen states that he would rather the City allow this than to have them dig up Barclay Ave West and put in new services. Hansen states that the clerk has written a letter stating that the City has no issue with this plan.

LIONS SHELTER: Michael Hansen states this facility has been used a lot this year.

SOFTBALL FIELDS: Michael Hansen states that the softball fields are getting a lot of use. Community Ed is using it 4 days a week. There is a men’s league on Friday night. Hansen states that these is less trash and damage in those 4 nights that Community Ed uses it, compared to the 1 night the men’s league uses it. Hansen states he would rather see the Community Ed use it on that Friday night.

RINK ADVERTISEMENTS: Hansen states the ad fees are due again and that he would like to put the money from the ads towards putting up nets on the ends of the rinks.

STREETS: Hansen reports the following activities:

  • Spray Patching third year for this
  • Sweeping- this is the 2nd year the City hired this done and Hansen states they will do it themselves next year. Anderson Bros did take back the edge which the city does not do and apparently they made an adjustment on the bill for the shoddy work that was done. Hansen states that they had more than the 18 hours billed on the project. Clerk asked if he would recommend that the City pay the bill at this time now and he replied yes.
  • Crack sealing was more expensive than they anticipated. Will be approximately $5000. Should be cheaper next year as they will be re-filling instead of doing them for the first time.
  • Street painting
  • Fox St. will grade this for the events but not routine maintenance.
  • Siren is now under control of the County. Hansen questions whether the City wants to discontinue the $15 payment to Rogers that we had been paying for the ability of the City to set this off. Would also like the council to consider discontinuing this service and have Rogers do one of two things; remove their equipment off the tower or charge them a monthly lease like we do the phone companies. Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to go ahead and discontinue the service with Rogers Two Way and come up with an amount for a month fee if they want to continue having their equipment on the tower. Hansen states he can get a template from KLM for the agreement. Will charge $400 a month if they decide to go with the lease agreement. All voted aye. Carried.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Kevin Kleiner not present.

BUILDING INSPECTOR: Jeff Melberg not present.

HOUSING AUTHORITY: Tammy Hamilton not present.

CITY ENGINEER: Bryan Drown not present.

PAY ESTIMATE #7 FINAL PAYMENT: The engineers are recommending payment of the final bill in the amount of $10,387.92 contingent upon the City receiving the IC 134 forms. Gregory motioned, Desanto seconded to approve this final payment to Tri City in the amount of $10,387.92. All voted aye. Carried.

CIP UPDATE- Table this item.

CITY ATTORNEY: Ted Lundrigan present. Has nothing to report.

REVOLVING LOAN: Clerk states that one of the revolving loans is almost 3 months behind in their payment and wonders if the Atty would recommend action at this time. Lundrigan states to give it one more month and he feels that this will be resolved by way of foreclosure and that the City has 2nd on the real estate and may well have to write this loan off.

CLERKS DEPARTMENT: Clerk Wanda Mongan present. Reports the following activity since the last meeting;

  • Had a training session with the deputy clerk and auditors on adj and fund transfers
  • Will be having a Data Practice training with the LMC
  • Deputy clerk and Mongan submitted TIF’s for 2015
  • Reminded Department Heads that budgets are due before the end of July

CERTIFY TO TAXES: Clerk request the following resolution be passed to allow two water accounts to be certified to taxes payable in 2017;

RESOLUTION 6-14-16-1


WHEREAS, the Pine River city public works department is responsible for providing city water to properties located within the corporate limits of the city, and

WHEREAS, the Pine River City Council has duly established a fee schedule for the provision of said services, and

WHEREAS, the City of Pine River has also established a procedure for the collection of past due fees for the provision of the above described services, and

WHEREAS, those procedures include a provision whereby the City can have past-due billing amounts certified for collection with the property taxes for customers who, in a timely manner, fail to pay for the utility services received, and,

WHEREAS, the City has determined that the sole criteria for determining which accounts shall be certified as delinquent and thereby certified for collection is properties for which payments for the water was not made.

WHEREAS, the Clerk has provided a list of customers whose accounts meet that criteria and are thereby delinquent to the Pine River City Council for certification to the appropriate County Auditor for collection with the 2017 property taxes

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Pine River, Minnesota, does certify for collection by the appropriate County Auditor the delinquent accounts that meet the criteria for past-due accounts. Further, that said amounts shall be collected with the 2017 property taxes levied against said parcels.

ADOPTED this 14th day of June, 2016.

Hoppe motioned, Melby seconded to adopt this resolution. All voted aye. Carried.

WORK COMP DEDUCTIBLE: Gregory motioned, Hansen seconded to stay at the regular premium option with no deductible. All voted aye. Carried.

SEWER DISTRICT: Gary Siltman not present.

AIRPORT: Gary Gardiner not present.

ADD MEMBERS: Clerk stated that Gary Gardiner has requested that the City extend the airport commission member to 6 instead of 4. He had cited aging members and wanting more members and more input as the reason for this. Hoppe motioned, Desanto seconded to approve this request to add two more members to the board. The commission will submit names of those interested on serving to the council for their approval. All voted aye. Carried.

PROMOTE HANGAR LEASES: Gardiner has also requested permission to place signage at the airport to promote new hangar leases. The commission would take care of the cost of the signage. Hansen motioned, Melby seconded to grant this request. All voted aye. Carried.

“NEEDS” MEETING WITH MNDOT: Clerk states that Julie Carr from MNDOT states that the “needs” meeting is really a requirement and that the City does need to get more informed on the airport. Clerk will try and set this meeting for September after the budget is done.

QUEST FOR STREET CLOSING: The Riverview Church would like to request the portion of Norway Ave (between 2nd and 3rdSt) be blocked off to allow them to hold their annual Block Party on July 27. The street would be closed from 3:00p.muntil 8:30 p.m. Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve this request. All voted aye. Carried.


Desanto- nothing to report

Gregory-Attended the school board meeting, P&Z mtg, LDO training. The Library co-sponsored the Wine tasting fundraiser with the Chamber on May 19th and $3,749 was raised. Proceeds will be designated to the reading porch project. The library Foundation had a Luncheon and 34 volunteers/Foundation members attended. Library book sale will be moved to July. Summer reading program has added a Toddler program this year and so far 15 toddlers, 27 kids and 9 teens are signed up.

Melby- Attended the LDO training.

Hoppe-Attended the P&Z

Hansen-Nothing to report.



LIBRARY 103.00 134.64

FIRE12,329.18 1,521.90

SEWER -0- 336.36


MIF 2.71

SP POLICE 1,030.32


WATER12,503.48 1,191.51

AIRPORT 730.61

AIRPORT FUEL 2,516.65 100.97

ADJOURN: There being no further business to be conducted Melby motioned, Hansen seconded to adjourn this meeting. All voted aye. Carried.


Tamara Hansen, Mayor



Wanda Mongan, Clerk Treasurer