Romeo and Juliet Quiz

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3. How are the personalities of Tybalt and Benvolio established in their first few lines?

A: Tybalt is shown to be argumentative and aggressive, immediately trying to start a fight in his first appearance in the play. Benvolio is more of the opposite, as when he first enters he tries to stop the fighting, showing he dislikes conflict.

6. "Read o'er the volume of young Paris' face,
And find delight writ there with beauty's pen.
Examine every married lineament
And see how one another lends content,
And what obscured in this fair volume lies
Find written in the margent of his eyes.
This precious book of love, this unbound lover,
To beautify him only lacks a cover."

According to her speech, does Lady Capulet approve of Paris as her daughter's husband? How does she use metaphor to express the reason for her feelings?

A: According to this speech Lady Capulet does approve of Paris. Here she is comparing him to a precious book, with beauty in every line. She is telling Juliet that he is this book with perfection written in every available place, and that the only thing that could make him even better is a perfect cover - Juliet.

10. What language techniques are used by Shakespeare to show the seriousness and depth of the love between Romeo and Juliet? How does their use of language communicate their feelings?

A: The language techniques used by Shakespear to show the love between Romeo and Juliet are metaphors. During the first time they met, they speak in the form of a sonnet, as well as an extended metaphor. Their talk consisted of religious topics, Romeo representing a pilgrim and Juliet representing a saint. This metaphor communicates their feelings because a pilgrim (Romeo) seeks out on a pilgrimage to go see a saint (Juliet) and confess to the saint about their devotion. Also during the balcony scene, Romeo compares Juliet to the sun, expressing tha her beauty is far more than anyone elses.

16. Romeo is partly responsible for the death of Mercutio. How does this happen and why is it ironic?

Romeo is trying to break up the fight, but while he is doing so tybalt stabs mercutio under Romeos arm. If Romeo did not interfere the fight might have continued fine and mercutio may have won. This is ironic because Romeo was trying to stop the fight, but instead he got mercutio killed the exact opposite of his goal.

19. "Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun."

Describe Juliet's tone in this passage. How does she use literary devices to communicate that tone?

A: Juliets tone is loving and full of awe (not awful). She uses figurative language to say that when she dies, if Romeo is out into the stars, he will everyone love the night because his face, even in stars, is far more beautiful than the sun

22. When Romeo and Juliet part they say
Juliet: "O now begone, More light and light it grows."
Romeo: "More light and light, more dark and dark our woes."

How does the use of antithesis and irony contribute to the tone and meaning of this moment?


The use of antithesis contributes to the tone and meaning of the situation by showing that there is more literal sunlight coming from the sky as it turns into day, but their situation with each other gets worse and worse, darkening their moods. This contributes to tone and meaning because it brings out their feelings for each other. The use of irony contributes to the tone and meaning because the audience knows what is going to happen to Romeo and Juliet after they part, so the irony foreshadows that there is more darkness coming upon them

See the next page for Sample Questions from Act IV

Sample Questions to Practice

1. “Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt’s death

And therefore have I little talked of love

For Venus smiles not in a house of tears.”

What literary device does Paris use in this quote, and what does it mean?

2. CAP: “How now, my headstrong, where have you been gadding?

JUL: “Where I have learnt me to repent the sin

Of disobedient opposition

To you and your behests, and am enjoined

by holy Lawrence to fall prostrate her
To beg your pardon.”

How does dramatic irony contribute to the meaning of these lines?

3. Before she takes the poison what is Juliet worried about?

a. The poison will kill her.

b. She’ll go crazy from seeing her dead relatives.

c. She’ll suffocate from lack of fresh air.

d. All of the above