2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 318
VOICE/TTY (703) 228-7096


April 16, 2013
6:15 PM
Azalea Conference room
Type of meeting / Regular monthly meeting.
Staff / Anna Maynard
Members present / David Peterson; Doris Ray; Bill Staderman
members absent / Lee Jones (excused); Elizabeth Akinola (excused); Alexa Mavroidis (excused)
Guests / Barbara Kavanaugh, Brandon Cox, Iris Portney
3 minutes per speaker
Public commment
Speaker / None
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline

Agenda Items

20 minutes
emergency preparedness focus group
debbie powers, eOC and jackie snelling, epac chair
discussion / The Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee (EPAC) is seeking feedback from the ACDAC regarding the needs and concerns of the disability community in emergencies. Particularly, they are seeking information on emergency response, notification, and evacuation. The EPAC is seeking assistance from the ACDAC and community partner so identify stakeholders in the community that are concerned and knowledgeable about the issues.
The Commission that the EOC and EPAC consider issues around:
·  The feasibility of a registry or other method of identifying persons with disabilities during emergencies
·  Issues in notification and emergency evacuation/sheltering in multi-family buildings
·  Accessibility of shelters and training of staff
·  Planning for people who use personal assistants
·  Redundancy of communication
·  Preparedness information and training
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
The Commission will request feedback on this issue from the community via the Disability Roundtable Listserv / Commission members / Next meeting
15 minutes
old business
item / Metro Station Detectable Warning letter
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
This item will carryover and staff will follow-up with the County Board in one month. / Anna Maynard / Ongoing
item / Courthouse Plaza renovation letter
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Re-send these letters to the County Board requesting a response / Dave Peterson / Next meeting
15 minutes
new business
item / Approval of minutes
Deferred due to lack of quorum.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
item / Regional Grants to Disability Groups application and award process
discussion / Deferred until next meeting
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
This item will carryover / Ongoing
Staff will re-send application packet for member review / Anna Maynard
item / Letter of support for DES Transportation Division
discussion / The Transportation Division has asked the ACDAC to write a letter of support for a grant application to
Upgrade the accessibility of a number of curb ramps and crossings in the County.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Draft letter of support / Anna Maynard / May 15, 2013
10 minutes
liaison reports
David Peterson reported that he met with Arlington County Board Chair and ACDAC liaison, Walter Tejada, regarding membership applications and lack of appointments. Mr. Peterson will interview prospective applicants and make recommendations to Mr. Tejada for appointment.
Bill Staderman attended a WMATA emergency evacuation meeting and demonstration. Every Metro station has an emergency evacuation cart, which is manually operated. All fire trucks are equipped with evacuation chairs, as well.
Doris Ray reported that the Consolidated Plan goes to the County Board this week. The Planning Commission is reviewing a large number of site plan projects. Pierce Queen Apartments redevelopment will contain twenty accessible units.
Adjourn / 8:25PM
Next Meeting / May 21, 2013 6:15 PM
2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Conference Room Azalea (A) Lobby Level