Table 1: Summary of DMDP Participation by Semester, AY 2013-14
Summer 2013 / Fall 20131 / Spring 20142
Number of Student Records Reported to NEBHE / 128 / 402 / 279
% of Reported Students Using Khan Academy / 67% / 73% / 88%
Number of Faculty / 7 / 26 / 13
Number of Courses / 8 / 18 / 14
Number of Institutions / 6 / 9 / 5
1 Fall 2013 summary data includes one control course at one institution where students were not assigned Khan Academy materials as part of the course.
2 Spring 2014 summary data excludes one DMDP-affiliated course taught at the high school level. It also excludes two institutions with Spring 2014 DMDP courses that have not yet reported any data to NEBHE as of August 2014.

DMDP Year One Implementation Summary

As DMDP progressed through the first academic year of implementation, student and faculty experiences with Khan Academy was captured through multiple avenues:

·  Feedback surveys

·  Classroom observations

·  Interviews with Faculty

·  Student-level data submitted to NEBHE

Diverse Implementation Models

·  Semester-long courses and short “boot camps”

·  Modularized self-paced courses and traditional, faculty “paced” courses

·  Use of Khan Academy missions and other teaching tools

Student Feedback

Feedback on Khan Academy was mixed. A majority of students agreed or disagreed with statements such as, “Using Khan Academy has helped me feel more confident when it comes to understanding and doing math” (69%) and “I would recommend Khan Academy to my other friends in college” (71%). However, students were quick to share that Khan Academy was not a perfect tool—technical hiccups, unannounced changes to the website and personal learning preferences were all cited as reasons why Khan Academy may be a good supplemental tool, but “no substitute for an actual teacher.”

Table 2: Number of Institutions With Statistically Significant Correlations Between Course Grades and Other Characteristics
Number of Institutions / Total Number of Institutions With Applicable Data
Fall 2013
Grades and Number of Khan Academy Videos / 3 / 4
Grades and Number of Khan Academy Exercises / 1 / 3
Grades and Time Spent on Khan Academy / 2 / 4
Subsequent Course Grades (Spring 2014) and Khan Academy Usage / 1 / 4
Spring 2014
Grades and Number of Khan Academy Videos / 2 / 3
Grades and Number of Khan Academy Exercises / 2 / 2
Grades and Time Spent on Khan Academy / 2 / 3