PCO 690 (Edwards), p. 1

PCO 690: Diagnosis of Mental and Emotional Disorders

Fall 2011▪ 3 Credit Hours▪Online

Updated 7.14.11

Instructor: Jodie Edwards, Ph.D., PC


Office Phone: 513-244-8430

Cell Phone: 513-240-7722

Office: Counseling Center

Course Description

An examination and practical use of the current edition of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders and an understanding of the International Classification of Diseases. This course focuses on conducting mental status examinations, and on the development and recognition of a framework for identifying symptomology, etiology, and psychodynamics of mental and emotional disorders.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are designed to meet CACREP requirements of Sec. II, G, 3 relating to part (f) of the core component of Human Development, including understanding aspects of developmental crises, disability, exceptional behavior, addictive behavior, psychopathology, and situation and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal behavior. In addition, this course is designed to meet CACREP requirements for clinical mental health counseling programs:

G.2. Understands various models and approaches to clinical evaluation and their appropriate uses, including diagnostic interviews and mental status examinations.

K.1. Knows the principles of the diagnostic process, including differential diagnosis, and the use of current diagnostic tools, such as the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manualof Mental Disorders (DSM).

K.2. Understands the established diagnostic criteria for mental and emotional disorders.

Method of Instruction

In general, the class will follow a lecture format. Active participation with assignments and case studies is required to help develop a richer understanding of diagnostic issues. Learning will be facilitated via readings, online lectures, case studies, assignments,and examinations. Students are expected to discuss their application, insights, and understanding of the reading and the exercises with the instructor and other students. Class sessions will be taught online via Moodle.

Required Materials

Moodle and Email:

All students enrolled in this course are required to check Moodle and their CCU email weekly for the duration of the course. Course announcements, changes to the syllabus, and memos from the instructor will be distributed via Moodle and/or email. Students are responsible for all information distributed in this manner.

Required Texts:

American Psychiatric Association (2000).Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed, text revision). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Yarhouse, M. A., Butman, R. E. & McRay, B. W. (2005). Modern psychopathologies: A comprehensive Christian appraisal. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Optional Texts:

Morrison, J. (2007). Diagnosis made easier: Principles and techniques for mental health clinicians. New York: Guilford Press.[Noted as DME on course schedule.]

Zimmerman, M. (1994). Interview guide for evaluating DSM-IV psychiatric disorders and the mental status examination. East Greenwich, RI: Psych Products Press.[Noted as IG on course schedule.]


Assignment / Points / Points / Percentage
Assignments & Forum Posts (10 x 10 points) / 100 / A / 475-500 / 95-100%
Case Studies (10 x 10 points) / 100 / A- / 460-474 / 92-94.99%
Exam 1 / 100 / B+ / 445-459 / 89-91.99%
Exam 2 / 100 / B / 430-444 / 86-88.99%
Exam 3 / 100 / B- / 415-429 / 83-85.99%
C+ / 400-414 / 80-82.99%
Total / 500 / C / 385-399 / 77-79.99%
C- / 370-384 / 74-76.99%
D+ / 355-369 / 71-73.99%
D / 340-354 / 68-70.99%
D- / 325-339 / 65-67.99%
F / ≤ 324 / < 64.99%

*MAC students: In accordance withrule 4757-3-01, J-1, from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, & Marriage and Family Therapist Board, you must receive a B- or higher in this course for it to count toward licensure.

Assignments: You will receive 100 points (20% of your final grade) for completing 10 assignments. Late assignments will NOT be accepted for any reason. Details about individual assignments will be posted on Moodle.

Case Studies: You will receive 100 points (20% of your final grade) for diagnosing and discussing 10 case studies. Late case studies will NOT be accepted for any reason. Details about individual case studies will be posted on Moodle. Please use the forum on Moodle to discuss the case study with your colleagues!

Exams: Material for each of the three exams may be cumulative and taken from readings, online discussions, and lectures. Exam items may be case studies, multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and essay. Exams are worth 100 points each for a total of 300 points (60% of your final grade). Exams are time-limited and open book/notes. Exams are individual – not group –projects. Exam 1 covers Lectures 1-4, Exam 2 covers Lectures 5-9, and Exam 3 covers Lectures 10-12.

Important Notes

Late Assignments:Out of respect for the hard work that everyone puts into the course, late assignments will NOT be accepted unless there is a serious personal medical or family emergency (e.g., hospitalization, death in the family) that can be substantiated with documentation. In the rare event that a late assignment is accepted, there will be a deduction of 5% of the points each day it is late. I understand that unexpected life events occur, but I hold this policy to encourage the development of positive professional behavior. Therefore, please do not wait until the last minute to do your assignments because regular life stressors will not be accepted as reasons to turn work in late. I invite you to talk with me about any challenges you face in completing your assignments.

Christian Component: As we strive to provide a biblically-based approach to counseling, we expect you to evaluate all readings and discussions from a Christian perspective and work to integrate biblical truth into your life, thought, and work.

Student Conduct:Keep in mind that it may not be appropriate to disclose your own psychological struggles to the class. If you become distressed about any material/discussions, please talk with me and/or make an appointment to see a counselor.

Accommodations: Students with special needs should speak with me or provide documentation to the office of Student Retention specifying accommodations required to help assure success.

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, plagiarism, and all other forms of academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be dealt with in accordance to university regulations (see CCU student handbook), which will include failure of class and additional action by the academic committee.

Flexibility Clause: This syllabus is NOT a binding contract. The dates of lectures, exams, projects, etc. may be revised as the term progresses. All modifications to the syllabus will be announced in via Moodle.

PCO 690 (Edwards), p. 1

Course Schedule

Due Date
(11:59pm Deadline) / Topics / Required Reading / Optional Reading / Assignment
(FD = Forum Discussion; CS = Case Study; A = Assignment) / Objective Addressed
8.28 / Lecture 1: Diagnosis basics / DSM: xxiii-37; 743 / DME: 3-84 / FD 1: Yarhouse Ch. 3 / G2, K1
9.4 / Lecture 2: Diagnostic interviewing / DME: 87-123
Yarhouse: Chapter 3 / IG: 3-6, 120-141 / A 1: Mental Status Exam / G2, K1
9.11 / Lecture 3: Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence / DSM: 39-134
Yarhouse: Chapter 12 / IG: 70-85 / CS 1: Rocking & Reading / K1, K2
9.18 / Lecture 4: Cognitive Disorders & Substance-Related Disorders / DSM: 135-190; 746-747; 191-295 / DME: 213-234; 235-247
IG: 12-21 / FD 2: Substance Abuse Videos / K1, K2
9.25 / Exam 1 / K1, K2
10.2 / Lecture 5: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders / DSM: 297-343; 750-751
Yarhouse: Chapter 9 / DME: 182-212
IG: 22-29 / FD 3:Yarhouse Ch. 9
CS 2: Under Surveillance / K1, K2
10.9 / Lecture 6: Mood Disorders / DSM: 345-428; 752-753
Yarhouse: Chapter 6 / DME: 127-163
IG: 30-39 / A 2: Coding Mood Disorders
CS3: Still a Student
CS 4: You May Keep the Yacht / K1, K2
10.16 / Lecture 7: Anxiety Disorders / DSM: 429-484; 754-755
Yarhouse: Chapter 5 / DME: 164-181
IG: 40-60 / FD 4: Yarhouse Ch. 5 & 6
CS 5: Toughing it Out
CS6: Sniper / K1, K2
10.23 / Lecture 8: Somatoform Disorders & Factitious Disorders / DSM: 485-517; 756-757 / IG: 61-66 / CS 7: The Radiologist / K1, K2
10.30 / Lecture 9: Dissociative Disorders & Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders / DSM: 519-582
Yarhouse: Chapter 11 / FD 5: Yarhouse Ch. 11 / K1, K2
11.6 / Exam 2 / K1, K2
11.13 / Lecture 10: Eating Disorders & Sleep Disorders / DSM: 583-595; 785-787; 597-661
Yarhouse: Chapter 8 / IG: 8-11 / FD 6: Eating Disorders Video
CS 8: Close to the Bone / K1, K2
11.20 / Lecture 11: Impulse-Control Disorders, Adjustment Disorders, & Other Conditions / DSM: 663-677; 679-683; 731-742 / IG: 67-68 / A 3: Trich Article / K1, K2
12.4 / Lecture 12: Personality Disorders / DSM: 685-729; 788-791
Yarhouse: Chapter 10 / DME: 248-266
IG: 87-119 / FD 7: Yarhouse Ch. 10
CS 9: Blood is Thicker than Water
CS 10: My Fan Club / K1, K2
12.11 / Exam 3 / K1, K2