2012 /
Illinois State University
Chapter President and Council Executive Officer Manual
Illinois State University Fraternity and Sorority Life
Chapter President and Council Executive Officer Manual
This manual will help guide your leadership experience from daily responsibilities to crisis situations. This document also includes valuable resources and information needed for your success as a student leader. /

TO: Chapterand Council Presidents

FROM: The Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff

RE: President’s and Council Officer’sManual

Itgivesus great pleasuretoprovideyouwiththe ChapterPresident’sManual.

Thismanualisdesignedtoprovideyouwithinformation youneedtobe an effectiveleader,aswell asinstantaccesstohelpful resources.Onthe followingpages,youwillfindcopiesofpoliciesaffectingallfraternal organizationsatIllinois State University,emergencyinformation,aplethoraofresources,andlastlyacalendarthat contains importantfraternity and sororitylifeeventdates.Asadditionalprogramsareplanned, youwill benotifiedona weeklybasis.

Asalways,Fraternity and Sorority Lifeis committedtoworkingwithyouinoptimizingtheGreekexperienceatIllinois StateUniversity.Feel freeto contactthe Fraternity and Sorority Life Staffwithanyquestionsor concernsthroughout theyear. Hopefully,you will findthePresident’sManualuseful andworthutilizingonadailybasis.

People to Know

Michael Zajac -Coordinator, Fraternity and Sorority Life

Kari Murphy - Senior Specialist, Fraternity and Sorority Life

*Primary Advisor for the National Pan-Hellenic Council (spring and fall 2012)

*Primary Advisor for the Panhellenic Association (fall 2012)

Kaitlin Kirk - Graduate Assistant, Fraternity and Sorority Life

*Primary advisor for the Interfraternity Council (spring and fall 2012)

Kate Wehby - Graduate Assistant, Fraternity and Sorority Life

Wendy Keller – Administrative Assistant for Fraternity and Sorority Life

Rick Olshak – Associate Dean of Students, oversees the Fraternity and Sorority Life Unit of the Dean of Students Office

Jan Paterson - Dean of Students, oversees all units and functions of the Dean of Students Office

What does Fraternity and Sorority Life do?

  • Advise
  • 3 governing councils:Panhellenic Association, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Interfraternity Council
  • 2 fraternity and sorority specific honor societies: Order of Omega, and Rho Lambda
  • Greek Programming Board and Fraternal Values Society
  • Oversee all aspects of fraternity and sorority community recruitment
  • Serve as a liaison for ISU with all Inter/National Headquarters and chapter advisors
  • Develops and implements educational workshops and retreats for the Greek community
  • Advocate
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life is a support system for you as an individual, your chapter and the Illinois State fraternity and sorority community.
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life will attend events when possible, be a presence in the community
  • Challenge and support. We will hold chapters accountable, but CR&R is responsible for all aspects of the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Facilitate
  • Greek Support Summit
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life 101
  • Emerging Greek Leaders Retreat
  • 3 Council Retreat
  • Greek Alternative Spring Break
  • Leadership programs
  • Chapter Specific facilitation serves
  • Goal Setting & Strategic Planning
  • Recruitment & Retention
  • Student & Alumni Relations
  • Conflict Management/Standards/Values
  • Parliamentary Procedures
  • Others upon request
  • Educate
  • Develops and implements educational workshops and retreats for the Greek community
  • Regarding the relevance of fraternities and sororities
  • Chapter members
  • New members
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Non-affiliated students
  • Normal community
  • Crisis Management
  • Any time your chapter or any of your members have crises (large or small) contact our office for assistance. We will connect you to the resources available on campus.

What Fraternity and Sorority LifeDoes Not Do

  • Oversee the conduct process at Illinois State
  • Remove students from membership
  • Want fraternities and sororities to become nonexistent at ISU
  • Look for situations on social media sites involving our chapters or members

Things to Know as a Chapter President/Council Officer

  1. Please read your email daily. This is the most time-efficient way for the Fraternity and Sorority LifeStaff to communicate with you and as a large group. If you can provide us with a response at that time, please do, if not, do get back to us by the deadline. If you pass this responsibility off to another officer, follow up to make sure he/she meets the deadline.
  1. Please meet deadlines. It is so important now in life to pick up the habit of meeting deadlines, instead of being hounded after the deadline.
  1. Fraternity and Sorority Life expects you to infuse the values of Academics/Scholarship, Philanthropy/Service, Leadership, and Brotherhood/Sisterhood into your chapter’s values and into your daily lives.
  1. If the Fraternity and Sorority Lifecall you to come in, it is important for you to call back and see if you can fit in our schedule for that day. It is usually not the best of times if you are called in unexpectedly.
  1. Presidents are asked to meet with a respective Fraternity and Sorority LifeStaff member at least twice a semester. It is important to talk about goals and objectives and then wrap up the semester on still what needs to be accomplished.
  2. Presidents are asked to meet with both your council advisor and the Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
  1. Become familiar with the Fraternity and Sorority Lifeweb page ( This is your one stop shop for everything you need. We will do our best to ensure it is updated in a timely fashion.
  1. Have your NPHC/IFC/PA Delegates give reports at everychapter meeting. Information that you need as a Chapter President or programs that are important for your chapter to hear about are discussed in the council meetings.
  1. Ask for help. Ask for help from other officers, from Fraternity and Sorority Life, from your executive board, from your chapter advisor. You are a better leader if you learn up front to delegate, follow-up and ask for help!
  1. Support one another. There are 31 other chapter presidents who know and feel the same as you.
  1. If you have a problem with NPHC, PA or IFC go to the elected leaders of those organizations first. You would want your chapter to come to you and talk to you about a problem, before going to the advisor. If they truly cannot help you or rectify the problem, feel free to come to the appropriate Fraternity and Sorority Life staff member.
  1. Know your organization’s policies and procedures. You might be surprised on what you don’t know!
  1. Invite the Fraternity and Sorority Life and Dean of Students Staff members of functions. We truly want to know more people in the fraternity and sorority community, so if you have an event or program and you would like us to attend, please ask!
  1. If the police, fire department, or ambulances need to be involved in a situation please call 911. The Fraternity and Sorority Life staff should be notified as soon as possible. If you think it can wait until the morning, please call your council advisor. If your members go to the hospital or are arrested for any reason, contact your council advisor immediately. Err on the side of caution and not waiting for the staff to hear of the situation from another source.
  1. Last, but certainly not least…Do not lie to the Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff. It is easier if you ask for permission than to ask for forgiveness. If you don’t think the staff will find out about something, think again…the Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff knows almost everything that goes on-on campus.


TheRiskManagementPolicyof FIPG,Inc.includestheprovisions,which followandshallapplyto allfraternityentitiesandall levelsoffraternitymembership.


  1. Thepossession,sale,use orconsumptionofALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES,whileonchapter premisesorduringafraternityevent,in anysituationsponsoredorendorsedbythechapter, oratanyevent anobserverwouldassociatewiththe fraternity,mustbein compliancewithanyandallapplicablelawsofthestate,province, county,cityandinstitutionofhighereducation,andmustcomplywitheithertheBYOBorThirdPartyVendorGuidelines.
  1. Noalcoholicbeveragesmaybepurchasedthroughorwithchapter fundsormaythepurchaseof same formembersorguestsbeundertakenorcoordinatedbyanymemberinthenameoforonbehalfofthechapter.The purchaseor useofabulk quantity orcommonsource(s)ofalcoholicbeverage,forexample,kegsorcases,isprohibited.
  1. OPENPARTIES,meaningthosewithunrestrictedaccessbynon-membersof the fraternity,withoutspecificinvitation,where alcoholispresent,are forbidden.
  1. Nomembers,collectivelyorindividually,shallpurchase for,serveto,orsell alcoholicbeveragestoanyminor(i.e.,thoseunderlegal drinkingage).
  1. Thepossession,saleoruseofanyILLEGALDRUGSorCONTROLLED SUBSTANCESwhileonchapterpremisesorduringafraternityeventorat anyeventthatanobserverwouldassociatewiththefraternityisstrictlyprohibited.
  1. Nochaptermayco-sponsor an eventwithanalcohol distributorortavern(taverndefinedasan establishmentgeneratingmorethanhalfofannualgrosssalesfrom alcohol)atwhich alcohol is givenaway,soldorotherwiseprovidedtothosepresent.Thisincludesanyeventheldin, atoron thepropertyof atavernasdefinedaboveforpurposesoffundraising.However,a chaptermayrentor usea room orareainatavernasdefined abovefora closedeventheldwithinthe provisionsofthispolicy, includingtheuseofathirdpartyvendorandguest list.Aneventat whichalcoholispresentmay beconductedorco-sponsoredwitha charitableorganizationifthe eventisheldwithintheprovisionsofthispolicy.
  1. Nochaptermay co-sponsor,co-financeorattendorparticipateinafunctionat whichalcoholispurchasedbyanyofthehostchapters,groupsororganizations.
  1. All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non- alcoholic.Norecruitmentorrushactivitiesassociatedwithanychaptermaybeheldatorinconjunctionwith atavernoralcoholdistributorasdefinedinthispolicy.
  1. Nomemberorpledge,associate/newmemberornoviceshallpermit,tolerate,encourageor participatein"drinkinggames".Thedefinitionofdrinkinggamesincludesbutisnotlimitedtotheconsumptionofshotsof alcohol,liquoror alcoholicbeverages,thepracticeof consumingshotsequatingtoone'sage,"beerpong","centuryclub","dares"or anyotheractivityinvolvingtheconsumptionofalcoholwhichinvolvesduressorencouragementrelatedtotheconsumptionof alcohol.
  1. Noalcoholshallbepresent atanypledge/associatemember/newmember/noviceprogram,activityorritual of thechapter. Thisincludes butisnotlimitedto activitiesassociatedwith"bidnight","bigbrother/bigsister night"andinitiation.


Nochapter, colony, studentoralumnusshallconductnorcondone hazingactivities.Hazingactivitiesare definedas:

"Anyactiontaken orsituation created, intentionally,whetheronor offfraternitypremises, toproduce mentalorphysicaldiscomfort, embarrassment,harassment,orridicule. Suchactivities mayinclude but arenot limitedtothefollowing:useofalcohol;paddlingin anyform; creationof excessivefatigue;physicalandpsychologicalshocks;quests,treasure hunts,scavengerhunts,road tripsor any

othersuchactivitiescarriedonoutsideorinsideoftheconfines of thechapterhouse;wearing ofpublicapparelwhich is conspicuousandnotnormallyingoodtaste; engaginginpublicstuntsand buffoonery;morallydegradingorhumiliatinggamesandactivities; andanyotheractivitieswhicharenot consistentwithacademicachievement,fraternal law,ritualorpolicyortheregulationsand policiesof theeducationalinstitutionorapplicablestatelaw."


Thefraternitywill nottolerateor condoneanyform ofsexistorsexuallyabusivebehavioronthepartofitsmembers,whetherphysical,mentaloremotional.Thisistoincludeanyactionswhicharedemeaningtowomenormen,rangingfrom butnotlimitedtoverbalharassmenttosexual assaultbyindividualsormembersactingtogether.


  1. All chapterhousesshouldmeet all local fireandhealthcodesandstandards.
  1. All chaptersshouldpostbycommonphonesandinotherlocationsemergencynumbers for fire, police andambulance andshouldhavepostedevacuationrouteson thebackofthedoorof each sleepingroom.
  1. All chaptersshouldcomplywithengineeringrecommendationsas reportedbytheinsurancecompanyormunicipalauthorities.
  1. Thepossessionand/or useoffirearmsorexplosivedevicesofanykindwithin

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Candlesshouldnotbe usedin chapterhousesorindividualroomsexceptundercontrolledcircumstancessuchasinitiation.


Eachfraternityshallannuallyinstruct itsstudentsandalumni/alumnaeinthe RiskManagementPolicyofFIPG,Inc.Additionally,allstudentsandkeyvolunteersshallannuallyreceiveacopyoftheRiskManagementPolicyanda copyofthepolicyshallbeavailableonthefraternitywebsite.

StepstoFollow inan Emergency

Belowaresuggested guidelinesthat shouldbefollowedintheeventof anemergencyinyourfraternityor sorority. Acrisismaybeadeathorseriousinjurytoamemberofyourgroup or an eventthat involvesan emergency.

  1. Takecommandand remaincalm. Becertainthat everypersoninyourchapterknows that thepresidentisin commandofthesituation.Ifthepresidentis absent,havearankingorderofofficersestablishedandbesuretheyknowwheretofindthisbrochure.Please reviewyour arrangements from handlingemergencieswiththeexecutiveboard,chapteradvisors,andthechapter’srisk managerwhenappropriate.Thespokespersonforthechaptershouldmakeallnecessarycontacts inthesituation.
  1. Call911.Yourfirst phonecall istotheemergencyservicefor assistance.Donothesitateto callISUPD(911or 309-438-8631) regardlessofthesituation.
  1. Ifan emergencyorcrisishasoccurredwithintheresidencefacility,closetheareaatonce,andpermitonlymembersorappropriateofficialsto enter.Nowitnessesshouldleavetheareauntil thepoliceorappropriateUniversityofficialsarrive.
  1. Contact Fraternity and Sorority Life at 309-438-2151, Monday through Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm. After hours, contact the appropriate council advisor, if possible. If they do not respond, contact the Coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Life.
  1. Contactyourchapteradvisorandinform him/herofthesituation.Eitherthepresidentor advisorshouldcall theInter/National Headquarters.
  1. Dependingon thesituation,itmaybeagoodideatoassembleyour membersin agroup. Explaintothemthenatureofthecrisisathand.Askthemtohalt all outgoingphonecallsuntilthesituationhasbeenresolved.Instructyourmemberstomakenostatementsto anyoneotherthanUniversityorlawenforcementofficials.
  1. Makesuretokeeprecordsof thosepeopleinvolvedin thesituation.Writedownyour membersthatwerepresent,allguestspresent,andnamesofall officials(Police,Fire, and Ambulance)that assisted.Thetimes,datesandplacesare alsoimportantinformationto record. Thisinformationwill beanimportantreferenceforyoulater.
  1. Whenan emergencysituationoccursduringajoint activitywithanotherorganization,itis extremelyimportantthatboth organizations/chaptersworktogetherwhennotifyingpeople andhandlingthesituation.Workwiththeleadershipof all organizationspresenttohandlethesituationboth promptlyandcorrectly.

Important Phone Numbers


ISU Police:309-438-8631

Dean of Students Office (Main BSC Office)309-438-2008

Dean of Students (SSB)309-438-2151

Community Rights & Responsibilities309-438-8621

Diversity Advocacy309-438-8968

Fraternity and Sorority Life309-438-2151

Disability Concerns309-438-5853

Environmental and Health Safety309-438-8325

Leadership & Service309-438-7346

Health Promotions and Wellness 309-438-5948

Nite Ride309-438-RIDE (438-7433)

Sexual Assault Prevention & Survivor Services309-438-3655

Students’ Attorney309-438-5951

Student Counseling Services309-438-3655

Student Health Services309-438-8655

Student Involvement Center309-438-3212

Learning Resource Center 309-438-2807

Off Campus

Normal Police DepartmentEmergency 911

Non-Emergency 309-454-244

Bloomington Police DepartmentEmergency 911

Non-Emergency 309-434-2700

Normal Fire Department309-454-9689

PATH Crisis Centers (Eating Disorders, Alcohol & Drug Problems, Rape, Sexual Assault, Suicide) 309-827-4005

Advocate BroMenn Regional Medical Center 309-454-1400

McLean County Health Department309-888-5435

Mid Central Community Action’s Countering Domestic Violence309-827-7070

American Red Cross309-662-0500

Academic Plan Ideas

  • Know your own chapter local and/or national academic requirements and hold members accountable.
  • Host the Julia N. Visor Academic Center at a chapter meeting to inform the entire chapter of the academic support the Visor Center has for students.
  • Compile a list of all chapter members – current classes, professors, credit hours and times of each class. This assists in holding member accountable for attending class and helps members plan classes for the following semesters by given them a resource for the classes that members have already taken.
  • Require members who are below the chapter minimum GPA to meet personally with the Visor Center.
  • Require members who are below the chapter minimum GPA to set up a one on one meeting with each of their professors to develop open communication and ensure the student under all assignments and expectations.
  • Limited social events for member who are below the chapter minimum GPA.
  • Recognize members who made the Dean’s list (3.5 GPA or higher). Ideas include recognizing members publically at a chapter meeting, give each member a small gift (gift card, chapter pens or pencils etc.) or if the chapter funding is tight, enter all Dean’s list members into a drawing for a larger gift (letter t-shirt or sweat shirt, larger gift card amount etc.)
  • Recognize members weekly who have excelled on exams, or papers.
  • Strongly encourage all members to attend study hall times which the chapter or council sets up with location and times ensure these vary to meet the needs of all members with different study habits.
  • Utilize your faculty/staff advisor – ask this advisor to provide study tips, tips for academic success etc.
  • Utilize local alumni to mentor students in specific academic programs.
  • Make studying fun – as a brotherhood/sisterhood event, provide food or study groups etc.
  • Encourage members to ask for help – ask other members of your chapter or the community, ask professors, ask advisors, ask your academic advisor or Dean of your academic program.
  • Host a faculty appreciation event and invite your member’s professors to stop by. This develops relationships, builds a positive chapter and Greek image with professors. Building these relationships makes asking for help easier, more comfortable. You can also utilize these relationships for other events you might need judges etc.

Officer Transition Checklist


-A Copy of the constitution, by-laws, chapter policies, and procedures

-Officer Job Description – as outlined in by-laws and revised by outgoing officer

-Goals and Objectives from last year

  • Detailed descriptions of what goals were achieved and how
  • Detailed descriptions of what goals were not achieved and why

-Status report for ongoing projects (what projects will new officers inherit?)

-Previous meeting minutes and officer reports

-Review Financial records/budget relating to officer position

-Notes/advice from current officer


University Specific Materials:

-Risk management Guidelines

-University Policies and Procedures (Code of Conduct)

-Fraternal Organization agreement information (information regarding chapter status at ISU)


Pertinent Contact Information:

-International/local chapter headquarters

-Chapter Advisor and Faculty Advisor

-Alumni Board/Board or Trustees

-Fraternity and Sorority Life Contacts – Specific Council Advisor, Senior Specialist, and Coordinator

-Housing Corporation Contacts (if relevant)

-University Resources Contact List

  • Athletics, Other units in the Dean of Students Office, Community Rights and Responsibilities

-Talk together about ways the organization has used or could uses DOS resources

-Emergency Contact Information

  • Dean on Duty, Community Rights and Responsibilities, Critical Incident Response Team


Other General Information:

-Governing Council Information (IFC, PA, NPHC)

-Last year’s calendar of events – critical dates

  • Academic holidays, founders days, official visits should be included
  • Review upcoming calendar of events or important dates together


Important Questions for Officer Transition Meetings:

What do you consider to be the responsibility of your office?

What do you wish you had done, but did not?

What did you try that did not work? Why?

What problems or areas will require attention within the next year?

Who/what resources were the most helpful in getting things done?

What key relationships need to be built?

What should be done immediately?

How did you work with other officers?

What specific paperwork is required of the officer?


The only real training for leadership is leadership. ~Antony Jay

Additional Resources

Title:“GOAT a Memoir”

Author: Brad LandYear printed: 2004


“Reeling from a terrifying assault that left him physically injured and psychologically shattered, twenty-year-old Brad Land is desperate to feel he belongs. When his brother enrolls at Clemson University and pledges a fraternity, Brad Follows. Enduring torturous late-night hazing, heartbreaking estrangement from his brother, and, finally, the death of a fellow pledge, Brad is forced to weigh total alienation from his newfound community against accepting a form of brutality he already knows too well.”

Title: “Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities”

Author: Alexandra RobbinsYear Printed: 2004


“New York Times bestselling author Alexandra Robbins spent a year undercover with a group of sorority girls. Her worst expectations were met, and surpassed – extreme promiscuity, drugs, psychological abuse, racism, violence, and rampant eating disorders were just a few of the problems. But even more surprising was the fact that these abuses were inflicted and endured by intelligent, successful, and attractive young women. Pledged is an extraordinarily gripping narrative that reads like a bestselling novel. With fly-on-the-wall voyeurism and remarkable insight, Pledged is a fast-paced account that manages to both expose the dark side of sorority life and endear its participants to us.”