Proposal and TOR
Seminar/Workshop on ”What works”
In HIV/AIDS Intervention
- Background
-It has been 20 years when the first case of HIV/AIDS infection was identified in Indonesia.
-Indonesia has formulated and implemented the National Strategy to prevent HIV/AIDS in 1998-2002, 2002-2006 and 2007-2015.
-Various state and civil as well as international institutions have been seriously working in partnership to prevent the epidemic in Indonesia. They have been involved in developing and implementing various strategies to various target groups to respond timely and appropriately to the challenges presented by the epidemic, including the recent explosion of infection from among injecting drug users. In 1999, reports from practicing physicians had made us realize that HIV infection pattern in Indonesia had changed especially due ti unsafe injection and sharing of injecting paraphernalia among heroin users.
-In 2000, The Harm Reduction Task Force (HRTF) was formed. This task force is responsible for the development of and providing oversights to Harm Reduction policy in Indonesia. The HR Task Force is also expected to provide guidelines and political leverage in the initialization of all HR pilot projects until National Harm Reduction Policy was published in 2006. With the renewed mandate and leadership of NAC (KPA) in 2006, a rapid development of HR services and programs at the national level has been initiated. Currently Indonesia has HR services and programs in 33 provinces. A number of 159 NEP activities and 26 MMT program have been implemented by 70 NGOs, 90 Community Health Services (Puskesmas) and 10 prison facilities (KPA, 2008).
-Unfortunately, there have been no concerted effort to document and discuss the effectiveness of the current programs and services in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS. The most recent BBSS (Depkes, 2007) suggests that knowledge on HIV/AIDS does not help prevent someone from engaging in at risk behavior, condom use is still low among those engaged in high risk sexual behavior, unsafe injection is still prevalent among IDUs currently outreached by HR programs. The report also highlights that the scope of the current HR program has not been sufficient to effectively prevent HIV epidemic among IDUs.
-In the context of NAC’s plan to scale up the response against HIV/AIDS in Indonesia, it is important that key stakeholders are aware of the existing gaps between the current response (intervention) and the realities of the epidemic as well as the existing gaps between the policies and their implementation in the field. At the practical level, they need to know what effective interventions are possible or doable as well as what actually works.
- Objectives
The proposed national seminar/workshop should be a constructive vehicle to answer the basic question of “What Works” in our national strategy to deal with HIV/AIDS epidemic. We want to use the seminar as a venue where experts and activists in HIV/AIDS prevention share their data and perspectives to look for best practices and hard evidence of successful strategy. More specifically, the objectives of the seminar is as follows:
a)To gather empirical evidence of successful intervention in the domains of high risk sexual behavior, mother-to-child, and non-sterile needles.
b)To document best practices.
c)To look for the golden standard in the implementation of the National Strategy
d)To compose recommendations for government, donor agencies, and civil communities on developing effective intervention.
- Format of Seminar/Workshop
- The seminar is designed as a two full day workshop which consists of four (4) sessions
- Session I will be focused on evidence supporting behavioral change in interventions among Injecting Drug Use community.
- Session II will be focused on evidence supporting behavioral change in interventions to prevent sexual transmission of HIV.
- Session III will be focused onevidence supporting change in the intervention to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
- Session IV will be dedicated to record best practices and golden standard on HIV/AIDS intervention.
- Organization
The organization of the seminar is expected a collaboration among Atma Jaya Catholic University, the National AIDS Committee (KPA), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Affairs, and Donor agencies.
- Expected Outcome
This proposed workshop/seminar will deliver the following:
- Recommendation documents for government (NAC, MOH, MOSA) on scaling up strategy
- Documentation of best practices
- Proposed Dates
First week of December, 2008.
- Participants
-NACat national and provincial level
-Ministry of Health
-Ministry of Social Affairs
-BNN dan BNP
-Police Department
-NGO working or/and concerning in AIDS
-Peer Support Groups
-Research Centres at university level
-UN Organization
-Donor Organization