Painting Project Choices (Updated 10/5)
- Educational Center Services Holiday Card Competition Students create a Holiday Greeting Card. The winning design will be made into actual greeting cards to be mailed out to area schools. *Due Oct. 26th
- DATA / ETA / Roosevelt Fiesta Medal Create a design that promotes all 3 schools on a Fiesta Medal. *Due Oct. 13th
- State VASE Tshirt Design Competition (Visual Arts Scholastic Event) Students create a tshirt design for the annual State VASE Competition. The design should only be in black. It should include art related images.
- Red Ribbon Week Contest theme: “Your Future is Key, So Stay Drug Free” This is a Roosevelt only High School competition. Medals will be given out for 1st , 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention. Create a poster about not using drugs.
- San Antonio Western Art Show Students paint a western style picture. The art could be a Western landscape, animals or people. Students must work from real photos. Images from a computer, book, or magazine or prohibited. The San Antonio Rodeo looks for artwork that is super realistic. Scholarship money can be awarded in this competition. I have a few photos you may use.
- PTA Reflections theme: “Within Reach” Students create a painting that represents this theme. The picture must be creative and original. (your idea—not something you saw on the internet) The art will be judged at the high school level and have a chance to go to the district, state, and national level.
- City Colorific: SA 300 In celebration of the city’s tricentennial (300 yrs), the San Antonio Museum of Art is having an art show for this event. Professional artists will select works of art to be on display at The Spring Break Family Day. The artwork should be about early settlers of San Antonio-especially the Spanish from the Canary Islands that arrived here long ago. (no larger the 11x14)
- 37th Tejano Conjunto Festival 2018 Poster Contest Create a poster to promote this festival. Include traditional South Texas instruments such as the button accordion, bajosexto, bass, and drums. It must be a colorful interpretation of Conjunto Music. 1st place: $1,000 Top Selection $100 Honorable Mention $50 (size 11x14) The poster must include the theme words: Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio 2018
- NEISD Gala Cover Design Contest Theme: “When We Wish Upon a Star” Create a picture relating to this theme for the invitation cover. The Gala is a formal night of dinner and dancing. Money is raised at the event to support NEISD projects.
- Scholastic Art and Writing: Create a picture of any subject and style for this competition. If your art is selected it will be featured in an art show downtown at Say Si. The judges tend to pick work that looks modern. Many popular ones are surrealistic in nature.
- VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic Event) A picture of any subject may be created for this competition. You have to physically go with you work to the art competition on Feb. 24th. It is UIL related so you have to be passing all your classes. Plagiarism is taken seriously in this competition so your work has to be completely original. No copying from the internet, books, or magazines,
- Regular Assignment: Spheres Project Create a picture that contains at least one sphere in the design. (3D circle) The picture may be realistic or have abstract qualities.