P.O Box 390
Jerry Fox & Robert Snitzer, Co-Chairs
Eryn Boone, Mike Edgington, Sam Daniel
Ethan Berkowitz, Mayor

September 18, 2017

GBOS Regular Meeting

Minutes Draft

7:00 p.m. Girdwood Community Room

Call to Order 7:00 p.m. Jerry Fox, Co-Chair

Attending are: Jerry Fox, Eryn Boone, Robert Snitzer, Mike Edgington
Sam Daniel is excused.

Agenda Revisions and Approval
September 18 2017 Regular meeting agenda approved with changes below ME/EB 4-0
Update from HLB on Industrial park moved to Land Use Report.
Chief Banning will give GFD report
August 21 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes Approved with changes below RS/ME 3-0
Update GFD report to show that furniture was not received thru surplus channel
Update that GBOS/LUC meeting was not cancelled. It changed to include Girdwood Area Plan.

August 28 2017 Non-Profit Grant Presentation Meeting Minutes approved RS/ME 3-0


·  Open House with Mayor Berkowitz is THU Sept 21, 2017 at 5PM Community Room.

·  Girdwood Fire Station Open House is THU Sept 21, 2017 at 6PM at the Fire Station.

·  Girdwood 2020 is holding a Kenai/Seward Highway safety stakeholder meeting on SAT September 23 from 10A-12P in the Girdwood Community Room.

·  Girdwood Rotary is sponsoring the Girdwood Health Fair SAT Oct 7 from 8AM-2PM in the Girdwood Community Room.

·  HLB Advisory Commission will meet in Girdwood on TUE Oct 10 from 12P-4P is their retreat. Meeting is 4PM-5PM in the Girdwood Community Room.

Both meetings are open to the public.

·  MOA/GBOS Quarterly meeting is scheduled for MON Oct 23, 2017 at 4PM in the Girdwood Community Room.

Introductions, Presentations and Reports:
1. Resolution of Thanks for half-pipe rebuild: Clint Kyffin, John Quesenberry, Kyle Bates

Kyle Kelley introduces that the original half pipe was an old ramp received from Elmendorf 22 years ago. It had been moved twice. Group of volunteers raised donations and received APF grant to work on this project.

Eryn Boone stated that she was impressed with how quickly this project came to fruition. Group worked quickly upon deciding to replace the half pipe.

Eryn Boone read resolution of thanks in to the record.

GBOS Meeting Agendas and minutes are available on line:


Girdwood Board of Supervisors moves to provide Resolution of Appreciation to Clint Kyffin, John Quesenberry, and Kyle Bates for their work on the Half Pipe Ramp.

Motion by Robert Snitzer/2nd by Eryn Boone
Motion carries 4-0

Clint Kyffin is in attendance and receives a copy of the resolution.

2. Four Valleys Community School Presentation – Catherine McDermott

Catherine McDermott provides a history of FVCS, which is now the only community school in the state. FVCS grant hard funding of $20,000 from GBOS has helped achieved the following:

·  keep registration rates low through scholarships and financial aid

·  allows for the running track to be open for free for residents to use

·  expand summer programing to kids and adults

Thank you GBOS for the continued support for these important programs.

Upcoming events and news:

The next FVCS meeting is on October 5, there are 2 board seats open, please contact FVCS if you are interested in participating on the board.

FVCS and Girdwood Clinic are beneficiaries of the 2017 Mayor’s Charity Ball. They are still accepting donations for the auction.

FVCS Sports Swap is November 4.

3. The Herbal Cache, Susan Carse Presenting

This presentation is part of the required public engagement under licensing requirements. Herbal Cache has been open since July, 2016, although they have only sold marijuana products since February, 2017. Renewal of license is on the Assembly agenda for November. Renewal of the license occurs annually.

4. Gerrish Library and 2018 MOA budget - Girdwood Library Boosters and Mary Jo Torgeson, APL Director

Meeting room is crowded with residents who have come to hear reasoning for proposed library closure and receive direction on how to proceed.

Diana Livingston presents history of the Gerrish Branch of the Anchorage Public Library – Current location was built after community voted to tax itself for construction in 2002.

Total cost of construction was $6M. $3M came from State of Alaska grants, $1M came from Denali Commission; $500,000 from Rasmuson Foundation; $500,000 from other sources. $1M was approved to be raised from taxes in Girdwood, and repaid in 5 years.

Betty Charnon presents that the library building opened in 2008. Prior to that it had been housed in the Girdwood School. Library has 100 programs per year serving 2000 people.
Josh Hegna, Girdwood k-8 librarian presents a video that the Girdwood School kids produced with clips of what they value at the Girdwood Library.

Mary Jo Torgeson speaks to the group. Request from the Mayor was a budget that reflected 10% cost reduction from all departments, including the Library. 10% of the library system budget is $837,000. The proposed budget that was submitted includes closure of the Girdwood Library, which saves $320,000. It also includes lower book budget, less technology, fewer open hours at the Loussac Branch, and reduced staffing. Girdwood cost per check-out is higher than other branches of the library system. Highest costs in library system are: staff, technology, materials.

Public attending the meeting bring up the following topics:
Lynn McNamara Girdwood created the library to address need in the community in 2008, taxing themselves to meet this need.

Girdwood is dark and wet for many months of the year, library is well-used

No public transportation to existing Anchorage library facilities

Road is dangerous and commute is time-consuming

Group questions if other options have been considered: using volunteers, shortening hours, using check-out kiosks instead of library staff.

Recommend that library administration look to the community for solutions before closing the branch.

Consider grants to keep the library open.

Consider fee for use of the library facilities.

Joan Frankevich states that the state needs to figure out a way to raise revenue for needed services, such as library and public safety. Alaskans pay the least in taxes in the US. Consider a tax to provide for community needs.

Mary Jo Torgeson explains that this is part of a lengthy budget process. Budget proposal goes to the department head, who submits it to the Mayor and then it goes to the Assembly.

Timeline for this process is:
October 10 – Budget goes to the Mayor
November 7 and 21 – Budget is heard by the Assembly.

It is recommended that Girdwood appear at the Assembly meetings if the closure is still in the budget at the November meetings.

5. Sub-Committee Reports:

a.  Trails Committee – Kate Sandberg

Trails Committee made some additions to the Girdwood Trails Management Plan and approved them. There are other changes to be made in the future, as this is a living document with many parts.

Nordic Ski Club is working on replacing bridges behind the Our Lady of the Snows Chapel.

Girdwood Mountain Bike Alliance is working on grant application to do trail work on proposed trails.

Beaver Pond Trail work is done, GTC will be seeking reimbursement of grants through Anchorage Park Foundation.

Iditarod National History Trail work is pending permits from the Army Corps of Engineers.

Hand tram is up and running, rope will be tightened soon. Tram will close for winter sometime in October, most likely.

b.  Girdwood Area Plan Review – Diana Livingston/Lewis Leonard

Lewis Leonard updates the group that the GAP met with LUC and GBOS earlier this evening and heard a presentation from the Anchorage Community Land Trust on how the Mountain View Area Plan was accomplished and approved from 2012-2016. Next meeting is scheduled for September 28.

6. Legislative Report – J. Johnston, J. Weddleton, S. LaFrance

Representative Jennifer Johnston presents that she is likely heading back to Juneau for special session in October. Governor has indicated the session will focus on public safety and the fiscal plan. Fiscal plan keeps getting tied to other measures, so if that continues, passing it will remain difficult.

$200,000 that was designated for Seward Highway safety is a stopgap measure, that funding doesn’t exist for next year, and is not much compared to cost of highway enforcement. Mike Abbott should be making formal announcement of how the MOA will use those funds in the coming days.

Group discusses that the highway is not just a Girdwood/Anchorage resource, but statewide one, impacting important revenue streams with the visitor industry and all commerce on the Kenai Peninsula.

Jennifer Johnston states that the statewide crime rate, drug issues and recession are all impacting the state trooper limited resources.

Jerry Fox asks Jennifer of her position on taxes, as this was brought up earlier by a resident.

Jennifer states that she has highest hopes on POMV: Percent of Market Value of the Alaska Permanent Fund. She also considers a possible low sales tax – perhaps 2% on non-perishables. This could be on the books with a 2 year sunset so that the amount of tax is reviewed and adjusted frequently.

Jennifer suggests that Girdwood consider franchise library if Girdwood facility is cut from the MOA budget.

Assembly members John Weddleton and Suzanne LaFrance address the group. Points about the closure of the Girdwood library are well taken. Community participation in the budget hearings can turn things around. Take note of the November 7 and 21 dates when the budget is heard by the Assembly and attend those meetings.

Anchorage works under a tax cap that prohibits much additional muni taxation, meanwhile crime and drug problems are using more resources. Revenue sharing funds from the SOA are unlikely. Cuts to city budget are going to be impactful.

Youth member on the assembly will be selected through the Youth Advisory Commission. 16-19 year old individual will be selected for a 6 month term shadowing Assembly member.

Jerry Fox asks about the status of the ballot measure for parking enforcement in Girdwood. John Weddleton states that he has contacted the Assembly attorney, they need some of the language from GBOS and then will begin.

7. Gerrish Library Report – Claire Agni

Library was open 179 hours in August, with 2666 visitors to the facility.

Programs on going: Storytime on FRI at 11; Magic the Gathering on TUE at 3:30; Ozobots on SAT at 3; Wii gaming on Fri after school.

8. Liaison Report - Kyle Kelley
Summer Staff, Reilly Buck, has completed his summer employment with us. He did a great job working on various maintenance projects in the parks and got us caught up on many tasks.

Turf contractor will complete their services the end of this month.

Summer projects mostly complete, remaining is the Iditarod National Historic Trail work, but this is on hold while we wait for Army Corps of Engineering permits.

Tennis committee will purchase and install wind screens next spring.

Friends of the Skate Park, as discussed earlier, completed half pipe construction as well as construction of four other ramps this summer. They have raised $11,000 for work in the park.
Campground will close in early October. Ben Grothe has moved on from his role as Campground Host, we’ll be looking for a new host for 2018.

Girdwood Parks and Rec staff will work on park cleanup as the leaves fall, as this helps a lot with spring start-up.
Volunteers Jessica Szelag and the von Imhof Family did great work at Nina’s Wall this summer.

GBOS will discuss the 2018 grant distributions later in the meeting, Margaret will send notices to grantees this week to advise them of their funding.

Hand tram is open, Parks and rec will tighten the rope this week. Hand tram will be closed and locked after freeze-up/snow.

Cemetery committee met with CRW Engineering to provide their vision for the cemetery. CRW is to provide an estimate for costs associated with construction documents.

Work ongoing on culverts, ditching, grading, brushing, asphalt replacement and patching in preparation for winter.

Major projects are mostly complete – Egloff Drive is pending a light pole, other punchlist items are complete. Fire Station now has occupancy permit. There are smaller electrical and painting projects. Come check it out at the Uncoupling of the Hose on THU 9/21 at 6PM.

Lions Club is going to BBQ.

Roads expenses are $383,000 YTD, 64% of budget

Plenty in reserve for last quarter winter snow removal.

Roads 406 fund is $150,000.

Parks are at 61% of budget
Parks 406 fund is $291,000

Community room fund is $74,000

Undesignated fund is $310,000
IGC’s are on pace with budget.

9. Supervisor Reports

A)  Public Safety – Kyle Kelley reports on Sam’s behalf.

Summer stats have been delayed while WPD is busy in summer season and Chief Schofield is recovering from an injury. We expect to have missing summer statistics for May, July and August before PSAC meeting in October.

B)  Roads and Utilities – Jerry Fox

Most items already covered. Sweeps on bike path have been filled in with recycled asphalt, and lines have been painted to show drivers where bike path is at road crossings.

C)  Parks and Recreation/Cemetery – Eryn Boone

No additional report.
Cemetery update – no additional report.

D)  Fire Department – Robert Snitzer

333 incidents YTD. Terry Kadel resigned and accepted a position in Homer as Assistant Chief. Manch Garhart is now Deputy Chief of Operations, a consolidated position.

Open house is September 21 at 6PM
Health Fair is October 7.

GFD currently has 36 members and is recruiting new volunteers.
Dial 911 in emergencies.

E)  Land Use – Mike Edgington

No additional update, most items are on the agenda at this meeting.

Agenda Item LUC 1409-04: Update on Girdwood Industrial Park (Robin Ward, HLB)

Bid has been accepted and work should begin in a couple weeks. Plan is to work from October 1 thru November 1 on the sewer and road bed. Lights and paving are slated for summer 2018.

HLBAC has 2 board seats to be filled and 4 applications, all of which are related to Girdwood. Diana Livingston is retiring from the board, after years as a great asset and friend to the HLBAC.