Research Project: ????????????????????????????????
1. What is the study about?
Many people with disabilities can feel very sad and can worry about a lot of things. This study is about finding out whether your ability to do things for yourself at home, in the community or at work is related to how you feel.
2. What does the study involve?
I would like to ask you a number of questions about different parts of your life and how you feel.
3. How much time will the study take?
It should take about 30-40 minutes of your time.
4. Can I choose whether I take part in the study?
You can choose whether you want to take part in the study or not. If you do not want to take part, that’s OK, it’s totally up to you! If you choose to be involved, whatever you tell me will be private.
It’s OK if you want someone you trust to support you in taking part in the study.
You can stop taking part in the study at any time. If you stop taking part in the study, your relationship with any service you use will not change.
If you stop taking part in the study all information you give will not be used and will be destroyed.
5. Will anyone else know the result?
Whatever you tell me is private. Only myself and my supervisor, Dr ???? ????, will know what you say. We will not tell anybody else what you say. However, the results of this study may be used in special magazines or at special meetings, but your personal information will not be discussed.
6. Can I tell other people about the study?
Yes, you can tell other people about the study
7. Has this study been approved?
Yes, this project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of New England (Approval No; HE??-???, Valid to 00/00/20??).
8. What if I become upset during the study?
It is unlikely that this project will raise any personal or upsetting issues but if it does you may wish to contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
9. What if I need more information?
If you would like to know more at any stage, please feel free to phone Mark on 6773 ???? or Donna on 6773 ????.
Mark Donna
10. What if I have a complaint?
Should you have any complaints concerning the manner in which this research is conducted, please contact Mrs Jo-Ann Sozou, the Research Ethics Officer at the following address:
Research Services, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351
Telephone: 02 6773 3449, Fax: 02 6773 3543
This information sheet is for you to keep