Some Things Are Not Up for a Vote!

July 10, 2017

Dale & Jeannie Daly

Genesis 11:6 reads, “The Lord said, if as one people the same language they have begun to do this, “build the tower of Babel….my words) then nothing they plan to do will be impossible to them.”

Mankind is intelligent, however, that does not mean that each decision he or she makes is intelligent, and some things are simply not up for a vote! If man made a decision to repeal the law of gravity, it wouldn’t change a thing, he still could not jump from a building without being a ‘smash hit’! Just as God has established physical laws that cannot be broken, so too, He has set up moral standards. And if we break them, we are ultimately broken by them. If wise, we must look at the Bible to discover what God’s moral laws are, then we must obey them. They are never up for a vote! God is our authority! Not the majority!

I remember years ago reading an article of a man on the West Coast who built a marvelous machine in his garage. By using only surplus parts, gears, motors, relays, along with other items he produced a machine that contained just about every mechanical and electrical device known. On command, the huge machine, would begin a complex series of “important” operations. The operator was seated in the middle of this invention, watching with satisfaction as colorful lights blinked on and off to indicate all was going well, or occasionally that something needed his attention. Technicians from across the U.S. rated the machine a marvel. There was just one sad note! The machine was designed and built to do absolutely nothing! It was a wonder of the machine age with the operator getting his kicks just sitting in his chair pulling switches and watching all the parts, while beautifully lighted, busily functioning perfectly to accomplish nothing.

Each of us is a marvelous creation, however, we determine whether we will live purposefully, destructively, or merely vegetate. Will we go through life as a marvel of creation and yet end up one who does nothing? Each of us is on earth for a specific purpose. A God ordained and directed purpose. It’s up to each individual to decide to fulfill and accomplish the plan God has in His mind.

You no doubt have known someone who only finally accepted Jesus and His will into their life as a result of a mound of problems that hit their life leaving them in a position they could not escape from, or even being to see daylight at the end of their tunnel. Before we met this man, who later became part of our lives, he had encountered a huge problem he was unable to escape from on his own. Years later he told us (as well as being interviewed on Pat Robertson’s Christian TV program) of the time when he sat in a lonely cell in the Terre Haute Federal Penitentiary. During that empty time in his life, he sat alone, with a long fifty-year prison term hanging over his head. Nothing was in the cell but a steel bed, the cement floor, and just a little toilet fastened to the wall providing no privacy at all from those passing by. However, there in that lonely cell, our friend accepted the same Jesus you can know today. Now check this out! Remember! Our friend had been sentenced to fifty-years in prison! And then, miraculously, his case was reviewed after a few years and he was released from that tiny cell where the toilet hung on the wall for all to see, after serving only five years! Talk about something that should cause a person to sing and shout and serve the Lord the remainder of his days walking out God’s plan and purpose for their life. SADLY…his singing and shouting didn’t last long! After being released, and after a brief period of time, he forgot that “Some things are not up for a vote,” and he chose to no longer follow the Lord. The last time I talked with him he was still the same friend we had loved, ministered with, stayed in their home numerous times with, and even helped he and his wife to ‘birth’ a motorsport ministry, yet, here he was with little or nothing now to do with the Lord.

The Lord has given us possessions and talents, which He wants us to use to accomplish His will. It may not be in a dramatic way, but it will be no less real! We can be real men and women, with the Lord’s help. Such as our Creator meant us to be, but he leaves the control of our lives in our hands, however, may I repeat again that “Some things are not up for a vote!” And, if not careful we can be found sitting in the midst of our own-made-and manufactured life designed originally for a purpose and plan God had in mind, yet found sitting in the midst of a swirling of colorful lights doing nothing of lasting value. Some things are not up for a vote!


Psalm 20:7

Dale & Jeannie

Thank you for your faithful support and blessing to keep CRA and this CRA Moment going around the world!


CRA Ministries Int’l

P.O. Box 6238

Goodyear, AZ 85338
