New Caretaker
I am delighted to be able to tell you that our new caretaker, David Wilkinson, will join our team on Monday 15 May. David will be a very welcome addition to our team. I would like to thank Mr Bell from RCMS for assisting us over the last year with opening, closing and managing our lettings.
New School Development
Thank you to those parents who took the time to see the model of the proposed school development when it was displayed in the entrance. There was definitely a sense of excitement when parents viewed the model which is easier to interpret than the 2D plans which can be challenging to visualise. Unfortunately the model is no longer in school, however the plans are still on display in the main reception entrance area.
Building Work
We are just waiting for confirmation of the start date for the modification of our building to accommodate year 5. We anticipate work beginning immediately after the half term holiday and lasting 4 to 6 weeks. The ICT suite and the library will be converted into 2 classrooms and an office space is being converted into year 5 toilets on the 1st floor. The whole of the upstairs building space and the stairwell will be sealed off to pupils and adults in school for the duration of the refurbishment. I will send out additional information to all parents once final clarification is provided by the builders.
New Staff
Next week we will be appointing new teaching staff to our school. The following week we will be appointing a modern foreign languages teacher to work across the Ponteland primary schools. I will share details with parents in due course as well as staffing arrangements for next year.
Display of work
Thank you to those parents who came into school to view the children’s work from their “Made In The North East” week.
Rugby Success
Congratulations to our Ponteland A Team who won the Ponteland Partnership Rugby Festival last week against the other partnership schools. The winning team comprised of Phoebe Todryk, Inaaya Malik, Megan Kelly, Finley Durham, Alex Coyne, Aaron Keith, Jack Storey, Owen Freer, Olly Rasmussen and Amelia Atkinson. Thank you to Mr Drane for coaching the team and for managing them on the tournament day. The team now go through to play the winner of the Morpeth partnership later this term.
Rugby News
Year 4 are currently receiving weekly rugby training in PE on Friday afternoons. This is delivered by Cramlington Rockets as part of their schools and community programme. This will be offered to years 2 and 1 in curriculum time after half term.
On Wednesday 17 May we have been chosen to have the RFL Super League winners trophy in school for a short visit on a tour of schools. I am sure that there will be photo opportunities for the children.
Lost Property
Please ensure that your children have their uniform and coats named. We have had an alarming amount of lost property which we are having difficulty returning to the rightful owner due to a lack of name tags.
Fidget Spinners
The latest craze amongst the children is to bring Fidget Spinners into school. These items have been marketed as a tool for children with ADHD, however when 10 children in class are using them at once they have quickly become a distraction to everyone. Children can use them, play with them and do tricks with them at play times, however we do not expect to see them in lessons.
Children’s Cancer Run – Sunday 21 May – It’s not too late!
If you would like to join us in this year’s Children’s Cancer Run at Gosforth Park then you still have time to enter. Please complete the on-line entry at and select Ponteland First School in the drop down list. Mrs Ramsay is coordinating our participation once again this year and we would love to see lots of families joining in. (Please see the separate Cancer Run letter for further details)
Dates for your diary in Summer Term 2017
Sunday 21 May Children’s Cancer Run – Gosforth Park
Week beginning 21 May STEM Week (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
Wednesday 24 MayReception visit the Great North Museum
6pm - MAT Consultation meeting
Friday 26 MayChef Ramsay working with Reception
Friday 26 MayEnd of half term
Monday 5 JuneBack to school
Friday 9 June Year 1 assembly
Week beginning 12 JunePhonics screening for Year 1 pupils
Wednesday 14 JuneClass photographs
Friday 16 JuneYear 2 assembly
Week beg 19 JuneMADD Week – Music, Arts, Dance and Drama
Friday 23 JuneYear 3 assembly
Monday 26 June5pm - New nursery parents meeting
Wednesday 28 JuneNew Nursery Induction Day
Friday 30 JuneYear 4 assembly
Monday 3 July5pm – New reception parents meeting
Thursday 6 July*Transition day for new reception children * date change
Thursday 13 July2.30pm - Transition meeting for year 5 parents (Sept 17)
Friday 14 JulyReception assembly
KS1 & 2 Sports Day
PTA Summer Fair
Monday 17 July2.30pm- Transition meeting for year 1 parents (Sept 17)
Tuesday 18 July2.30pm – Transition meeting for year 2 parents (Sept 17)
Wednesday 19 July 2.30pm – Transition meeting for year 3 parents (Sept 17)
Thursday 20 July 2.30pm – Transition meeting for year 4 parents (Sept 17)
Friday 21 July End of summer term
The above dates are those envisaged by the school and may be subject to change
L Blain
Head Teacher
12 May 2017