Pendleton College,
De La Salle Campus,
Weaste Lane,
12th February, 2002

Meeting commenced: 7.05 p.m.

" ended: 9.07 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Ullman - in the Chair

Councillors Carson, Clague, Grimshaw and Heywood.

P. Farrell - Nelson Street

P. White - Metro Residents’ Group

J. Gandy } Meadows Resource Centre

L. Crowder }

S. Hough }

K. Archer - St. Luke’s Church

L. Talner } Barff Road

E. Heslop }

J. Whitehead - Weaste Community Watch

V. Ivison } Victoria Road Homewatch (Middle)

L. Chappell }

L. Corfield } Hope Action Group

I. Corfield }

B. Evans }

J. Healey } Victoria Road Homewatch (Upper Middle)

S. Healey }

R. Marsh } S.A.R.A.

A. Stevenson }

A. Marsh }

M. Ferrer - Claremont Community Association

M. Cookson - S.P.C.T.

M. Kirk } Durham Road Homewatch

M. Kirk }

M. Groves - Local Resident

J. Saville - Local Resident

M. Parnham - Oakwood Community Group

R. Hibbert - Local Resident

T. McCarthy - Weaste Lane

A. Williams } Meadow Court

J. Jones }

J. Leonard }

P. Leonard }

B. Davies - All Hallows High School

N. Mawson - Irwell Valley Housing Association

C. Booth - Manchester Methodist Housing Association


A. Westwood - Area Co-ordinator

M. Walbank - Neighbourhood Co-ordinator

P. Templeton - Corporate Services Directorate

M. Vitali - Education and Leisure Directorate

L. Bates - Community and Social Services Directorate

INVITEES: F. Blinkhorn - Salford Primary Care Trust

C. Rice


C:\My Documents\claremont weaste\Community Committee\minutes 12th feb2002.doc

Claremont/Weaste Community Committee - 12th February, 2002


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Owen, G. Ainsworth and D. Elias.

(Councillor Owen attended towards the end of the meeting. See Minute 12 below)


Christine Rice introduced herself as the Travel and Transport Co-ordinator for the University of Salford and the Salford N.H.S. Trust, explained her role, and indicated that she would arrange to attend a future meeting in this capacity.


(a) Salford Primary Care Trust

Dr. Fiona Blinkhorn addressed the Committee on the formation of the Salford Primary Care Trust, and explained the purpose of the Trust and how it would operate.

In answer to questions, Dr. Blinkhorn (i) agreed that it would be helpful to have a Health Interest Group, (ii) confirmed that information on the Primary Care Trust would be available at the Healthy Salford Fair to be held on 29th May, 2002, and (iii) commented on arrangements to encourage young persons to pursue careers in the Health Service.

The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Dr. Blinkhorn for her presentation.

RESOLVED: THAT the “handout” document on this matter, which has been provided by Dr. Blinkhorn, be circulated to Members with these minutes.

(b) Commonwealth Games and H.M. The Queen’s Golden Jubilee

Masha Vitali addressed the Committee on Commonwealth Games activities in respect of the City, with particular reference to -

(i) the impact of Commonwealth Games events to be held in the City;

(ii) the City’s acting as host for South Africa during the Games;

(iii) the Spirit of Friendship Festival; and

(iv) the legacy of the Games for the City.

Masha Vitali also reported on the Events Pack which was available for those organising events to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee.

RESOLVED: THAT Masha Vitali ascertain whether any events are due to be held in Buile Hill Park in connection with the Golden Jubilee, and report at the next meeting on this matter.


(See also Minute 12 below)

(The Chairman indicated that he had agreed that this item, which had not been included in the agenda for the meeting, should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances, i.e. it had arisen since the agenda was produced and it was important that it be discussed as soon as possible).

The Chairman referred to an article which appeared in a recent edition of the Manchester Evening News concerning the Council’s Capital Expenditure Programme in relation to housing initiatives.

During the lengthy discussion that ensued, comments were made which included the following:-

(a) An explanation that the Capital Budget for 2002/03 was not due to be determined until March, 2002.

(b) The need for residents in the areas which are the subject of Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment initiatives to be informed and consulted.

(c) The need for meetings to take place with residents in respect of Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment.

(d) Reference to a recent Council seminar at which the adequacy of the Capital funding available to the Council was considered.

(e) Reference to the main priority which the Council gave to investment in private sector housing.

(f) Concerns which had been expressed regarding Capital funding in advance of the determination of the Capital Budget for 2002/03.

(g) Reference to comments made by Councillor Norman Owen regarding the Capital Budget.

(h) An explanation of the current situation regarding the Capital Programme and how the Council dealt with expenditure for that Programme.

(i) Confirmation that detailed questions regarding housing initiatives should be asked at the meetings to be held in the areas concerned.

(j) Reference to a proposed pilot scheme in Manchester and Salford in respect of the Housing Market Renewal Fund.


M. Walbank reported on the proceedings of the meeting of the Budget Sub-Committee which was held on 28th January, 2002.

M. Ferrer expressed her opposition to the application for funding in relation to the proposed Motor Crime Prevention Scheme, and requested that her opposition be recorded.

RESOLVED: THAT consideration of the recommendations of the abovementioned meeting of the Budget Sub-Committee be deferred until the next meeting of this Committee; and that the form in respect of the abovementioned application be submitted at the next meeting.


At this juncture, Councillor Norman Owen attended the meeting, and in relation to Minute 10(g) above, made a statement pointing out that the information contained in his comments regarding the Capital Budget were correct at the time they were made.


RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the next meeting is due to be held on Tuesday, 12th March, 2002.


At the close of the meeting, those items on the agenda which had not been considered remained deferred to a future meeting.


C:\My Documents\claremont weaste\Community Committee\minutes 12th feb2002.doc