Florida Deaf-Blind Association State Meeting

October 13, 2012

President Vicky Magliocchino welcomed everyone at 10:00 AM on October 13, 2012 at the First Baptist Church of Apopka in Apopka, Florida.

Vicky said that Bob Green, presenter of the FSSP training workshop, was conducting in a different room and asked the audience if they were in the right room. She also mentioned that there would be lunch, Dinner in the Dark, and entertainment by Jag Einhorn, well-known Deaf-Blind entertainer, for those who had paid in advance.

Vicky had people in the audience introduce themselves so the Deaf-Blind would know who were in the audience.

Vicky quoted the quote by Helen Keller, ”Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

Vicky thanked Dr. McCann, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Apopka for using the facilities for our FDBA state meeting and gave him a check of $100 as an appreciation gift from FDBA.

Vicky also thanked Tracie Inman and Malia Johnson for coordinating the interpreters for ASL, tactile, and voice interpretation.

Vicky also thanked Kathy and Martin Zarate for ordering delicious lunch from Publix and making Martin’s famous Mexican Lasagna for Dinner in the Dark. She also thanked Cheryl and Steven Rhodes for setting up breakfast: donuts, fruit salad, coffee, and tea.

Vicky also thanked Barbara Chandler for the FM system for those who depended on voice interpretation. Vicky also gave her deepest appreciation and thanks to Bob Green from Georgia for conducting the very first FSSP training workshop so the attendees could be certified as SSPs.

Vicky also said that Darlene Laibi-Crowe brought some T-shirts which were of tropical colors with the FSSP logo on the back and the FDBA logo on the front. Each shirt is for sale at the price of $15.

Vicky also mentioned that we were still selling raffle tickets until the conclusion of the Dinner in the Dark. The 1st place is the New iPad; the 2nd place, a birdhouse made by Greg Ezell of Alabama; and 3rd place, a lap quilt and matching pillow made by Glenna Schneck of St. Augustine.

Vicky pointed to the nice displays on the tables informing the general public of FDBA, FSSP, Guide Dogs, etc. They were made by David Roberts, Member-at-Large. FTRI and FRVT also had booths.

Vicky welcomed the FTRI representative to give us an updated report. AJ Sondossi spoke in absenia of James Forstall. She said that FTRI is the state provider of the TDDs, etc. She also spoke

a little bit about the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP). The candidates to receive the free equipment must be a resident of Florida, must be legally Deaf-Blind, and have proof of low income. She said that FTRI works together with FRVT (Florida Reading and Vision Technology).

Patrick Turnage of FRVT gave a brief talk about the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA). He said that every state has their own NDBEDP. He mentioned that Kathy Zarate, treasurer of FDBA and FTRI’s Deaf-Blind specialist, can train the Deaf-Blind people how to use the equipment from NDBEDP.

Vicky thanked the SSPs and interpreters for their tremendous help during the meeting. They are like multiplying Anne Sullivans.

Vicky called the FDBA meeting to order at 11:00 AM.


President Vicky Magliocchino, present

Vice President Cheryl Rhodes, present

Secretary Roland Stetson, present

Treasurer Kathy Zarate, present

Deaf Blind Participants: David Roberts, Beth Bystrycki, Julianne Stetson, Brooke Evans, Greg Ezell, Maria Brook, Winnie Tunison, Caterina Zorrilla, Gary Muglach, Jag Einhorn, Tracie Inman, Darlene Laibi-Crowe, Frank Levine, Divya Goel, Joe Naulty

SSPs/Interpreters: Martin Zarate, Kevin Inman, Marion Roberts, Steven Rhodes, Lisa Ezell, Ashley Loomis, Bill Cooper, Erik Hoover, Gina Hoffman, Kiva Bennett, Malia Johnson, Natalie Basna, Beverly Stokem, Michelle Pearson, Barbara Chandler, Kathy Crichlow, Raissa Ollice, Amy Ryals, Adiel Davila-Cruz, Amber Rose, Amy Kanop, Ashley Rodriquez, Brooke Jensen, Claudia Mansill, Jessica Henriquez, Katie Mick, Sally Fuentes, Tami Taylor, Andy Flynn, Al Evans, Adam Ledo

FFSP Training Workshop Participants: Liz McGrath, Melissa Diebold, Patty Jean Nowicki, Robin Sullivan, Kathy Mintle, Marilyn Brook, Ashley Dalia, Joey Dalia, Marco McGrath,

Candace Kogut, Liana Johnston, Scott Lewis, Tiffany Taylor, Cindy Dulin, John Collette, Julian Jewell, Shannon Watters, Mandie Barber, Andres Burnett, Roxanne Harvell, Julia Lanz, Barbie Volper

Vicky asked the audience if the minutes from last year’s meeting posted online needed any corrections. Cheryl Rhodes informed Roland thatthe winner of the afghan blanket was Irene Sirois from Lake Worth. Beth Bystrycki accepted the minutes with the corrections. David Roberts seconded.

Vicky asked the audience if they read the treasurer’s report online. Vicky said that FDBA dues are $15 for FDBA regular members and $8 for associate members, which can be prorated from October 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. The current balance is $ 6,540 as of October 11, 2012. The year’s total donations and cash inflow (income) came to $ 6,912 with membership dues being $489. The cash outflow (expenses) were $3,517 leaving FDBA with a current balance of $ 6,540. The treasurer’s report was approved by the audience as read.

Vicky gave her President’s report. She said that the 2013 Florida Vision Summit in Tallahassee will be on Feb. 7. She also encouraged FDBA members to come to the summit. She also said that she has been a Deaf-Blind representative on FRCB (Florida Rehabilitation Council of the Blind). FRCB meets four times yearly at various sites. Division of Blind Services (DBS) former and current clients are encouraged to attend FRCB’s public forums. The next FRCB public forum would be on October 25th in Daytona Beach. She said FDBA is an affiliate member of the FAD (Florida Association for the Deaf). She said that Jag Einhorn represented FDBA for the January 7th FAD Board Meeting, and Cheryl Rhodes attended the May 19th and September 8thFAD Board Meetings as our representative.

She mentioned that FDBA once again would be involved in the St Augustine Lions Club Seafood Festival on March 1 to 3, 2013, and David Roberts is our liaison person for FDBA. David said it would be our 4th year to be involved in educating the public about FDBA, FSSP, Guide Dogs, HKNC, etc. David said we receive a booth at no cost but pay $20 for the electricity fee. Vicky also mentioned that the DeafNation Expo will be held in Tampa on March 2. Emily Snell-Taylor of Florida Outreach Project (FOP) said that her organization offered to pay half of the cost of a booth ($125 and FDBA be responsible for the other $125). The FDBA Board previously has approved hosting the booth along with FOP at DeafNation Expo.

Vicky also talked about the successful HKDBAC (Helen Keller Deaf Blind Awareness Celebration) weekend in Daytona Beach on June 22 to 23, 2012. On Friday night, we swam and had a pizza party at the pool at Ramada Inn. On Saturday, we met at the Conklin Center for our annual HKDBAC and had fun during the day with delicious catered lunch. Vicky also mentioned that we need to vote on a new location for our 2013 HKDBAC during new business.

Cheryl Rhodes gave her Vice President report online. She said she attended the TASA tele-conference meeting twice. The next TASA meeting will be on Nov 2, 2012 and said that our FDBA treasurer, Kathy Zarate, is now the NDBEDP trainer. She said she went to the St. Augustine Seafood Festival, HKDBA celebration in Daytona Beach, and attended the FDBA Bowl-A-Thon and represented at the FAD Board Meeting twice in behalf of FDBA. She said that FDBA would like to host the second Bowl-A-Thon in The Villages hopefully sometime in the winter of 2013 (Feb 23, 2013???). She said she would get back to the FDBA Board with all the information from the bowling manager in The Villages and about the monetary support from the Deaf and hearing community of the Villages. She mentioned that there may be two bowling sessions – one in the AM and the second in the PM. She also said that she sold over $400 worth of raffles for FDBA.

Vicky said that our FDBA webmaster, Theresa Wells, was not able to come to the meeting, but she posted her report online. Many things have been revised or updated to give the FDBA website a better look. It is the 3rd anniversary of our FDBA website which started on July 24, 2009. Theresa has put in many new features, and Vicky gave her deep and heartfelt thanks for her hard and wonderful work on our FDBA website.

Vicky said we need to separate the treasury into two different accounts – one for FDBA and the other for FSSP. She also mentioned the need of a Finance/Audit committee for that purpose. She said someone needed to make a motion to create this committee during the new business.

Tracie Inman, our Fund Raising Chair, gave her report saying we received $2000 from the St. Augustine Lions Club for our project FSSP and said the Bowl-A-Thon in Jacksonville under Tracy’s and Darlene’s leadership was very successful ($1043 was raised before the expenses). Tracie said all the sponsors were wonderful in helping the FDBA raise the money. Tracie said the next FDBA fundraising event will be the Walk-A-Thon on April 6, 2013 in the Ravines State Park in Palatka when all the azaleas will be in full bloom. It will be a two-mile walk, and there are benches for the walkers and pets to rest. Darlene Laibi-Crowe will be the chair for that event, and we are to contact her for more info. We were told that the Palatka Lions Club will cook some BBQ for $10.00 per person, and Darlene will check on the hotel rates and transportation (shuttle from the hotel to the Ravines). Tracy mentioned that the NFB (National Blind Federation) National Conference will be held at Orlando next summer. Tracie also informed that there will be a possible ocean cruise on Norwegian Cruise Lines in the Caribbean for the FDBA members in Feb 2014, and an inside room is $327 per person for 3 or 4 nights. More info will be forthcoming.

Vicky called for lunch recess at 11:55 AM and told us to be back at 1:15 PM.

Vicky called us back to order at 1:25 PM.

Vicky mentioned that the regional representatives are:

NE – Joe Naulty

Julianne Stetson

NW – David Roberts

Susan Herring

SE – Maria Brook

Brooke Evans

SW – Theresa Wells (FDBA Webmaster)

Linda Knight

Vicky informed the audience that the regional representatives and we need to spread word about FDBA and FSSP and try to get the Deaf-Blind individuals to register with FDBA so we can add the numbers to our registry to show the great need for services from the State; thus, the need for FSSP. We should take home the bookmarks on No Deaf-Blind Floridians Left Behind to distribute.

Vicky said that she was very pleased that our FSSP task force committee had been very active during the past year. Tracie Inman contacted Americorps, and after careful consideration, the committee made a decision not to ask Volunteers Florida – Americorps for funding for our FSSP project since the Americorps requires matching funds. She said she will contact them at a later date once FDBA is able to obtain other grants. Darlene Laibi-Crowe was to look into the possibility of establishing a SSP program that is centralized in one location that provides SSP training and contact SSPs who live all over the state of Florida. Darlene also said that she applied for an ABLE grant but was denied because the FDBA budget was too low for the grant to be approved. Darlene said that there are brochures and bookmarks to be passed out to any new Deaf Blind individuals. She also encouraged us to contact our senators and representatives for help to get the funds for FSSP. Darlene said that the age to get into any SSP training workshop is 18 & over and will be offered 4 times per year. The next FSSP training workshop will be at the Braille Club in West Palm Beach on Jan. 12, 2013; inTallahassee April 2013 with David Roberts; in Tampa July 2013; and in Jacksonville October 2013.

Someone in the audience asked about the two different positions – Darlene as the FSSP program administrator and Tracie as the FSSP Training coordinator. Vicky explained that the FDBA Board has approved those two positions. Both ladies have been volunteering to do all the work to make FSSP a reality.

The concept using PCA (Personal Care Assistants/Agencies) to provide SSPs was not discussed because Trish Brockman was not present to give her report. Vicky has been trying to contact her with no responses from her.

Julianne Stetson spoke for herself and for Linda Knight who was not able to attend the meeting. Julianne said some states in the country had success with starting SSP programs while other states had no success. Most of the SSP Programs, which had responded to the questionnaires, receive state funds. Many SSP Programs are services provided by state agencies. Julianne for the Western states and Linda Knight for the Eastern states were given thanks and appreciation for their hard work on research of SSP programs in other states. Their reports were shared on the FDBA member listserv.


Vicky reminded the audience of the 3 main issues for the new business:

1) HKDAC – new location

2) FSSP motto/slogan

3) Financial/Audit Committee

Tracie Inman made a motion the FDBA have the HKDBAC in St. Petersburg at the same time as the NFB State Conference during the Memorial Weekend. Cheryl Rhodes amended that Tracie be the chairperson of HKDBAC. Both main motion and amendment were passed.

Julianne Stetson moved that the FSSP motto/slogan be open for discussion and revisions. Tracie Inman amended to the original motion that an adhoc committee be established to come up with the FSSP motto/slogan. It was also amended that Steven Rhodes be the chairman of the adhoc committee. Passed.

Steven suggested that the adhoc committee would be composed of:

2 Deaf-Blind with Deaf culture background/experience

2 Deaf-Blind with hearing culture background/experience

2 SSPs – 1 Deaf SSP and 1 hearing SSP

Chairman –Steven Rhodes

The committee would have a total of seven members.

Then Steven asked the audience to volunteer as the member of the adhoc committee.

2 Deaf culturally Deaf-Blind – Julianne Stetson and David Roberts

2 hearing culturally Deaf-Blind – Darlene Laibi-Crowe and Brooke Evans (was not in audience when someone nominated her. She did not have the chance to accept.)

1 Deaf SSP – ??

1 hearing SSP – ??

Chairperson – Steven Rhodes

Steven said he will find/pick three more to complete the adhoc committee.

Roland Stetson moved that we establish a Financial/Audit committee of three people to audit the FDBA treasury and decide which funds should be in the new FSSP account. An amendment for a committee of 5 people rather than 3 people was made but was turned down due to the majority of the paid FDBA members. There was a 2nd amendment for a committee of 3 people with the understanding that the committee be composed of 1 FDBA member, 1 FSSP volunteer, and 1 independent person. Passed.

Vicky asked the audience for those who want to be on the Financial/Audit committee. The following volunteered to serve on the committee:

FDBA – Roland Stetson

FSSP – Darlene Laibi-Crowe

Independent – Kevin Inman


Frank Levine, chairperson of Deaf Blind Access Camp of the South (DBAS), informed the audience about the Deaf Blind camp in Warm Springs, GA, on the second week of October 2013.

Vision Summit – Tallahassee – FEB 7, 2013

2nd Bowl-A-Thon – The Villages – FEB 23, 2013

St. Augustine Lions Cub Seafood Festival – MARCH 1-3, 2013

DeafNation Expo – Tampa – MARCH 2, 2013

Walk-A-Thon – Ravines State Park in Palatka – APRIL 6, 2013

HKDAC – St. Petersburg at the NBF State Conference – MEMORIAL WEEKEND 2013

Roland moved that we adjourned our meeting. Passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:52 PM.

We had a raffle drawing after the Dinner in the Dark and Jag Einhorn’s performance. The 1st place item, an iPad, went to Roxanne Harvell; the 2nd item, a birdhouse made by Greg Ezell, went to Merv Garretson; and the 3rd item, a handmade quilt and pillow set, went to Bill Ramborger.

Respectfully submitted,

Roland Stetson

FDBA Secretary