Name: ______Period: _____

Apostrophes and Contractions

Circle the word that best completes the sentence.

1. / The snake sheds (it's, its) skin every few months.
2. / (Who's, Whose) going to the grocery store to get the fruit for our smoothies?
3. / (It's, Its) really not my problem, but I will try to help you.
4. / The plane landed late and now (it's, its) leaving late, too.
5. / Carl loves Romeo's Bistro. He said that (it's, its) the best restaurant in town.

Write the contraction for the underlined words and add apostrophes where necessary.

6. / / Although the students promised to complete the painting, I will probably have to do it.
7. / / Hes the first person I have known who could read and watch television at the same time.
8. / / You must not tell the teenagers about our surprise party for Maddisons birthday.

Rewrite each sentence. Add apostrophes where necessary to show a possessive word.

9. / My cousins parents go to Alaska every year.

10. / We dropped the buckets contents and had to start all over again.

Rewrite each sentence. Add the correct punctuation to show joint ownership.

11. / Mary and Pauls son goes to my school.

12. / Madison and Victorias dance recital has been rescheduled for May 24.

Add apostrophes where needed.

13. / You mustnt tell teachers about our surprise party for Mr. Croswells retirement.
14. / If the store doesnt reorder more iphones, theyll soon be out of them; students will go somewhere else to buy their phones.
15. / I wasnt going to buy anything for their birthdays, but I just couldnt pass up Hollisters sale.

Add apostrophes where needed.

16. / The school board membershadnt eaten for over twelve hours and were faint from hunger.
17. / I wasntgoing to buy anything, but I just couldnt pass up the childrens cookie sale.
18. / I wont be joining them for dinner tonight, but I thankedthem for their invites anyway.

Rewrite each sentence. Add apostrophes where necessary to show a possessive word.

19. / Dawsons plan is to hire more employees to get the job done.

20. / The lions den is home to five playful cubs who love to play and nap.

Joint Ownership

When you want to show that two or more nouns together own one thing, you only to add 's after the last owner.
Kaylee and Alexis's science project was a volcano.

Rewrite each sentence. Add the correct punctuation to show joint ownership.

1. / Did you find your mom and dads shovel in the yard?

2. / Jack and Tamras dinner tasted wonderful.

3. / It is hard for me to believe that it has been twelve years since Joan and Carls daughter came for a visit.

4. / Tyler and Williams house is green.

5. / Michael and Samuels games are cool.

6. / My brother and sisters teacher has been out sick for more than a week.

7. / Please put more food in Fido and Spots dog bowl.

8. / Rachel and Alexis brother is here.

9. / I like Fred and Gingers poster the best.

10. / Victoria and Savannahs computer can burn DVDs and play movies.