Department of Reproductive Medicine

Old Saint Mary’s Hospital

1st Thursday of the Month Group for Men

You are invited to attend an informal monthly meeting which offers support and information about fertility investigations for men.

The group is run by Mike Hooper, a highly experienced Clinical Embryologist and Andrologist, who will be available to talk to you and answer questions about your planned course of fertility treatment.

Venue: Counsellors Room, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Oxford Road

Thursday Evening from 6.00 pm until 7.00 pm

Thursday 6 - 7.00pm
4th September 2014 / How good is your sperm?
An introduction into how we carry out an analysis of your sperm and how sperm
is prepared for your treatment
2nd October 2014 / IVF: The man’s role
You are not there just to provide sperm!
6th November 2014 / Dad of a donor conceived son
A personal perspective…
This is an opportunity to hear David’s story. David is the very proud father of a son conceived through donor insemination. David is happy to share his personal experience of becoming a DI dad and to talk to other would-be DI dads.
4th December 2014 / Freezing Sperm
For men who are likely to be away from home or abroad at the time of IVF treatment eg. business men who travel, oil rig workers or soldiers posted abroad, can have their sperm frozen prior to treatment. Also men who are about to undergo radio or chemotherapy can freeze their sperm as a way of preserving their fertility. Finally, men with ejaculatory problems or who find it very difficult to produce semen samples during the stressful time of treatment can freeze sperm prior to the start of treatment.

If you would like to attend any or all of the planned group meetings, please complete the reply slip below and return it to:

Ann Curley or Bev Loftus


Department of Reproductive Medicine

Old Saint Mary’s Hospital

Oxford Road

Manchester M13 9WL

Alternatively, you can hand your slip in at the reception desk in the Department of Reproductive Medicine.

We will make contact with you nearer the time to confirm the event and your attendance.

Please note that a session may be cancelled at short notice if a speaker cancels or if attendance is low.


Name ......

(Please print clearly)

Contact Number ......

Email Address ......

I wish to attend the following (please tick as appropriate)

□ 4th September 2014 How good is your sperm?

□ 2nd October 2014 IVF The man’s role

□ 6th November 2014 Dad of a donor conceived son – A personal perspective

□ 4th December 2014 Freezing sperm

Please tell us how you found out about the Patient Support Group by a tick in box below

□ Clinic with Doctor/Nurse/Counsellor □ Letter

□ Leaflet/Poster on Unit □ Website