MultiPark - ”Returning post-doc”

MultiPark aims with this call is to provide funding opportunities for postdoctoral researchers who have been abroad for an extended period and are either planning to return to Sweden, or have recently returned to Sweden from his/her postdoc abroad.

Eligibility criteria

  1. The research topic should fall within the area of Neuroscience, including brain and central nervous diseases, and with special focus on the aspects described in the research programme of MultiPark (
  2. The postdoc’s supervisor* is the applicant but the application should concern a specific candidate.
  3. The candidate must have a PhD from a Swedish university and been active as a postdoc outside Sweden for at least 18 months at the time of submission of the application.
  4. The candidate should not have been postdoc for more than one year in Sweden after completing the postdoc period abroad, at the time of application.
  5. Candidates who are likely to be able to start independent research within 2-3 years and obtain a position from e.g. the Swedish Research Council, or from a similar body in another country, will be prioritized.
  6. The supervisor can apply for supplementary funding or full funding for a postdoc employment during one year.
  7. The host group should not have access to alternative funding that can fully fund this particular candidate. If the supervisor/candidate get(s) other funding for the same purpose during the one year period, the remaining MultiPark money must be returned.
  8. The grant will only be awarded once for a particular candidate.
  9. The recruitment group takes responsibility of the selection process including possible personal interviews and recommends applications for funding to the MultiPark’s board where the final decision will be made.

* Head of the group where the fellow will be/is currently working

Application form

General information

Name of the applicant
Name of the postdoctoral candidate
Starting date of the postdoctoral fellowship abroad
Returning date


Amount applied for (incl. indirect costs)
Is any co-funding for the fellow’s salaries available? / Yes / No
Source of co-funding

Candidate’s qualifications(include a 2-page CV)

Months of postdoctoral experience
Teaching experience
Supervision of students
Courses attended during the postdoctoral fellowship
Briefly describe the candidate’s career plans for the next 3 years / max 2500 characters incl spaces

The candidate’s own ongoing research (include a 1-page description of the project)

Have any papers been published as the result of the project?
Are there any manuscripts in preparation?Include a title, author list and proposed journal where the paper will be submitted.
What was/is the fellow’s role in the project?

The project at LU (include a 2-page description of the project size 12 font, 2 com margin on each side.)

State the relevance of the project for MultiPark, please refer to / max 1000 characters incl spaces

Reference Letters

Please enclose two (2) reference letters, one from the supervisor of the postdoctoral project abroad.