Kindergarten Math Curriculum Map
Course Description: Students taking math in kindergarten will be introduced to a variety of mathematical concepts ranging from developing a sense of numbers 0-30 to comparing and contrasting shapes, numbers, and given objects using appropriate math vocabulary. Students will learn through teacher directed instruction, hands-on exploration, and discovery with manipulatives. Students will be assessed in various manners throughout the school year, including the State K-2 Assessments and teacher created formative assessments. / K-2 Assessments
Teacher-made exam
Kindergarten Power Standards
Students taking math in Kindergarten in Hickory Public Schools will…
1. Demonstrate an understanding of numbers 0-30 by counting, reading, writing, ordering, and solving problems.
2. Compare and contrast numbers, shapes, and specific objects using appropriate math vocabulary.
3. Explore and create puzzles, graphs, and patterns.
4. Identify and create triangles, rectangles, circles, spheres, and cubes.
5. Identify calendar concepts using appropriate math vocabulary (days of the week, months of the year, and seasons.)
/ Kindergarten MathKindergarten Math Curriculum Map
Kindergarten Math Vocabulary
Add – to join two or more numbers to get one number
Compare – to find the likeness between two objects
Contrast – to find the differences between two objects
Corners – a point where surfaces meet
Days of the Week – a unit of measurement for time (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
Equal – having the same amount
Estimate – to make an appropriate or rough calculation
Fewer/Less than – not as many as
Graph – drawing or diagram used to record information
Greater – more than
Group/Set – a collection of items
Least – the smallest in amount
Manipulatives – different objects or items that children can use to explore and examine math concepts
Months - a unit of measurement for time (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
More – greater in number
Most – greatest in amount
Number – describe quantity (how many)/ a numerical representation of a value. (0-30 focus)
One to One correspondence- pairing objects in two different sets to see whether the sets are equal or if one set has more.
Order – arrangement according to size, amount, or value
Ordinals – numbers that show place or position (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th)
Pattern – repeated design or recurring sequences
Picture Graph – a graph constructed of pictures, in which each picture stands for one thing
Positional Words – words that show direction and place or location (in, on, above, under, over, behind, in front, beside, around)
Seasons - a unit of measurement for time (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring)
Shapes – form or outline
Circle: bent line that has no sides or corners
Rectangle: two long sides, two short sides, and 4 corners
Triangle: a shape with 3 sides and 3 corners
Cube: a solid shape that looks like a box
Sphere: 3 dimensional solid that is perfectly round
Sides – the line or curve on the edge of a shape joining corners
Sort/Classify – arranging object by common attributes
Subtract – to take one quantity away from another
/ Kindergarten MathKindergarten Math Curriculum Map
Hickory Public Schools Grades K-5
Mathematics Shared Agreements
Teachers of Elementary Mathematics in Hickory Public Schools agree that all students will...
1. Discover and explore mathematical concepts and apply them to the real-world through the use of problem-solving strategies and critical thinking skills.
2. Utilize manipulatives and technology to improve understanding of mathematical concepts
3. Use mathematical vocabulary whichbuilds and extends understanding from kindergarten through fifth grade.
4. Explain math concepts through writing, drawing pictures, and discussion.
5. Apply math concepts in all subject areas.
/ Kindergarten MathKindergarten Math Curriculum Map
NCSCOS Math Objectives / Essential Questions / Strategies/ Activities /Resource
/Real Math and BTS
1.01b Count objects in a set and rote count 0-102.01 Compare attributes of two objects using appropriate vocabulary
3.01 Identify and name shapes
3.03 Model and use directional and positional words / Why do we need to know how to count?
Are all objects the same? Why or why not?
Why are shapes important? Why do we need shapes?
What kind of words do you need to describe a
location? / Calendar
Daily Counting
Music – number songs
Alike and Difference Game
Feely Bag Game
Shape Walk
Shape Book
Guessing Game
Bean Bag Toss
Simon Says
Music- Hokey Pokey
Teacher interaction in centers
Finger plays
Act out directions / NCSCOS
Math Essential
Math Strategies
-Ten Apples Up on Top-One Hunter
-Mouse Count
-10 Little Mice
-We are all Alike, We are all Different
-Rosie’s Walk
-Go Dog Go!
-Ten Black Dots
-Anno’s Counting Book / 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10
0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 1.2
Pages 36-41 and 54-55
3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Pages 2-4 and 29-34
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6
Pages 21-28
/ Kindergarten Math
Kindergarten Math Curriculum Map
NCSCOS Math Objectives / Essential Questions / Strategies/ Activities /Resource
/Real Math and BTS
1.01b Count objects in a set and rote count 11-201.01c Read and write numbers 0-10
1.01g Match sets to numbers 0- 10
2.02 Name Days of Week
5.01 Sort and Classify by one attribute and explain own rule / Why do we need to know how to count?
Why is it important to read and write numbers?
How do we identify numbers?
How does the day of the week determine our schedule? / Calendar
Daily Counting
Music – number songs
Shaving cream writing
Counting objects and write matching numbers
Make numbers with play -dough
-Marker boards
-Dr. Jean write # song
Number Mats
Counting Manipulatives
Child created counting books
-Centers Activities
-Can you guess how I sorted? Game
-Nature sorting
-People sorting
-Manipulative sorting / NCSCOS
Math Essential
Math Strategies
-Ten Apples Up on Top-One Hunter
-Mouse Count
-10 Little Mice
-Go Dog Go!
-Ten Black Dots
-Anno’s Counting Book / 4.1
2.02, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10
2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10
0.14, 0.15
Pages 5-11
NCSCOS Math Objectives / Essential Questions / Strategies/ Activities /Resource
/Real Math and BTS
1.01b Count objects in a set and rote count 21-301.01c Read and write numbers 11-20
1.01e Use ordinals (1st through 10th)
1.01g Match sets to numbers 11-20
2.02 Name Months of the Year
3.01 Build/Draw shapes
3.02 Compare geometric shapes (identify likeness and differences)
5.02 Create and extend patterns with actions, words, and objects / Why do we need to know how to count?
Why is it important to read and write numbers?
How do you use ordinal numbers in everyday life to solve problems?
How do we identify numbers?
How do the months of the year help you to understand how to use a calendar?
Create shapes using appropriate materials
How can you compare and contrast different shapes?
How can you make a pattern? / Calendar
Daily Counting
Music – number songs
Shaving cream writing
Counting objects and write matching numbers
Make numbers with play -dough
-Marker boards
-Dr. Jean write # song
Line up game
Blast off Line with spaceships
Number Mats
Counting Manipulatives
Child created counting books
-Shape pictures
-Marshmallow and toothpicks
-Shaving Cream
-Finger Paint
-PVC pipes
-Pipe cleaners
-Group Activities
Name that pattern
Pattern task cards
Manipulatives / NCSCOS
Math Essential
Math Strategies
-Anno’s Counting Book / 4.44.3
Pages 13-20
3.4, 3.5
Pages 58-62
0.16, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Pages 42-53 and 64-69
/ Kindergarten Math
Kindergarten Math Curriculum Map
NCSCOS Math Objectives / Essential Questions / Strategies/ Activities /Resource
/Real Math Lessons and BTS
1.01c Read and write numbers 21-301.01d Compare and order sets and numbers
1.01g Match sets to numbers 0- 10
1.02 Share equally (divide) between two people; explain
1.03 Solve problems
2.02 Name the Seasons
3.01 Identify and name sphere and cubes
3.04 Complete simple spatial visualization tasks and puzzles
4.02 Display and describe data with concrete and pictorial graphs as a group activity. / Why is it important to read and write numbers?
How do you know if the sets or numbers are in order?
How do we identify numbers?
How can you make sure a group of objects are shared equally between two people?
Share with your group how you would solve a given story problem.
What are the Seasons of the year?
What shapes can you identify?
Using pattern blocks design your own puzzle.
How can you organize collected data? / Shaving cream writing
Counting objects and write matching numbers
Make numbers with play -dough
-Marker boards
-Dr. Jean write # song
Number line
Number tile and playing card activities
Balance scale
Cuisenaire rod
Number Mats
Counting Manipulatives
Child created counting books
-Story mats
- Teacher and students story problems
-Problem of the day
-Make seasons wheel
-Seasonal Murals
-Nature walk
-Observe seasonal changes in an apple tree on playground
-Shape Walk
-Shape Book
-Guessing Game
-Bean Bag Toss
-Pattern Blocks
-Variety of puzzles
-Weather Graphs
-Lunch Graphs
-Weekly Graphs
- Opinion Graphs
-Concrete Graph
-Picture Graphs / NCSCOS
Math Essential
Math Strategies
-Anno’s Counting Book / 4.28.5, 8.6, 8.7
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5
8.2, 8.3
6.2, 6.3