Answer all questions:

1- Choose the correct answer: (5 marks)

1- Boaz believed that ……………………

a-  the description of an individual language is an end in itself.

b-  language is a part of human behavior.

c-  habit formation starts with stimulus from external environment.

2- Bloomfield wrote…………………….

a-  The Handbook of American Languages

b-  A Course in general Linguistics

c-  Language

3- Ferdinand de Saussure is influenced in linguistics by ………….

a-  Whitney

b-  Durkheim

c-  Freud

4- Synchronic linguistics studies………..

a-  the historical development of language.

b-  a particular state of a language at some given point of time.

c-  the language as a system of communication.

5- In Saussure’s view of syntax he worried of:

a-  Langue vs. Parole

b-  the signifier vs. the signified

c-  syntagmatic vs. paradigmatic

1-Use Column (c) to Match the items in column (a) with those in column (b): (5 marks)

no / a / b / c
1 / Mode of communication / Symbols have meaning or function
2 / Interchangeability / Communication systems serve useful purpose
3 / Cultural transmission / Talking about the past, present or/and future
4 / Discreteness / No direct meaning between the meaning and the object it denotes.
5 / displacement / Acquiring aspects of communication through interaction with other users of a system
6 / The design features of languages / How messages are transmitted
7 / Semanticity / To create completely novel utterances
8 / productivity / Small meaningful bits are combined to make larger complex linguistic units
9 / Arbitrariness / Participants can transmit and receive messages
10 / Pragmatic function / They are made to tell whether it is a language or a system of communication

2- Complete the following passage from the list given: (5 marks)

diachrony / Saussure / signs / systematic / significant / system / Saussure / dependent / langue / synchronic

According to ………...... there is an essentially ……………..……..character to the …………..…….. facts of a language which he claims to be lacking in………..…………. Saussure’s concept of a ………………… as a network of relationships in which the value of each element ultimately depends, directly or indirectly, on the value of every other. A language comprises a set of ………..………… each sign being the union of a …………………with a signifié. According to……………..….., the changes which actually occur in the history of a language are in no way ……………………on the effect they will have on the……………..………….

4- Define only two of the following terms: (5 marks)

1-  Diachronic linguistics

2-  Socio-linguistics

3-  structuralism

Best wishes

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