Team Games - Basketball and Football
Cooperation and competition
While learning together, and in leadership situations, I can:
· Experience different roles and take responsibility in organising a physical event.
· Contribute to a supportive and inclusive environment.
· Demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play.
HWB 4-24a
Lesson 1
Social wellbeing
I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations.
HWB 4-14a
Target – To organise fair teams and assign appropriate roles.
Success Criteria
Green – I can independently select my own personal and physical qualities which make me suitable to take on the role as ______within my group.
Amber – With some help I can select my own personal and physical qualities which make me suitable to take on the role as ______within my group.
Red – I can identify one personal and one physical quality that I have.
Questions and structure of the lesson
· How do we make fair teams?
· Team name must include alliteration – What does this mean?
· Discuss the roles to be fulfilled. What personal qualities do you require for each role?
Lesson 2
Social wellbeing
I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.
HWB 4-10a
Target – To adopt your preferred position in a game.
Success Criteria
Green – I know the main positions required for (enter activity). I have chosen my preferred position based on this knowledge and have played this position to the best of my ability in the lesson.
Amber - I can identify my preferred position and have had the opportunity to play this position to the best of my ability today.
Red – I have chosen the role of (enter role) and played it with some effort throughout the period.
Questions and structure of the lesson
· Understand each of the different positions. What personal and physical qualities are required for each?
· Captain must ensure that each person in their team has the opportunity to try out their preferred position during one of the games. Why is this important?
Lesson 3
Social wellbeing
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community.
HWB 4-13a
Target – To create a code of conduct.
Success Criteria
Green – I contributed very well to this discussion and have communicated 4 or points to our member of the disciplinary panel.
Amber - I contributed well to this discussion and have communicated 3 or points to our member of the disciplinary panel.
Red – I contributed reasonably well to this discussion and have communicated 1 or 2 points to our member of the disciplinary panel.
Questions and structure of the lesson
· Disciplinary panel to adopt a leadership role.
· Discuss in teams what the rewards will be for X, Y and Z, and what the sanctions will be for X, Y and Z.
· Disciplinary panel must meet to finalise the class code of conduct.
Lesson 4
Social wellbeing
As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others.
HWB 4-09a
Target – To define fair play and good etiquette.
Success Criteria
Green – I can define the terms fair play and etiquette, and I can give 2 examples of each for (enter activity).
Amber - I know what the terms fair play and etiquette mean. I can give 1 example of each for (enter activity).
Red – I am aware of the terms fair play and etiquette, and have some idea of what they mean. I can give an example for (enter activity).
Questions and structure of the lesson
· What do fair play and etiquette mean?
· Why are they important?
· How can they be applied to your games/ tournament?
· How can they be applied to your life/ learning and work?
· Respect.
Lesson 5 and 6
Social wellbeing
I make full use of and value opportunities I am given to improve and manage my learning and, in turn, I can help to encourage learning and confidence in others.
HWB 4-11a
Target – To list the benefits of conditioned games.
Success Criteria
Green – I know and understand the benefits of conditioned games. I can list and explain 3 benefits.
Amber – I can list and explain 3 or 4 benefits.
Red – I can list and explain less than 3 benefits.
Questions and structure of the lesson
· What is a conditioned game?
· List four or five benefits of conditioned games.
o Focus on a specific area of learning.
o Help people who are not as able.
o Ensure everyone applies themselves.
o Ensure one or two people don’t take over.
o Develop confidence.
· How can we transfer the skills learned?
Lesson 7 and 8
Social wellbeing
I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.
HWB 4-10a
Target – To understand different tactics.
Success Criteria
Green – I know and can give 3 examples of tactics that can be used in (enter activity).
Amber - I know and can give 2 examples of tactics that can be used in (enter activity).
Red – I know and can give 1 example of a tactic that can be used in (enter activity).
Questions and structure of the lesson
· What is a tactic?
· How can a tactic be employed?
· Give examples of tactics.
o Man to man/ zone defence.
· Referring back to roles and responsibilities.
· Playing to individual strengths and weaknesses.
· Adapting for opposition.
Lesson 9
Social wellbeing
I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.
HWB 4-10a
Target – To contribute to a supportive and inclusive environment.
Success Criteria
Green – Throughout this lesson I was inclusive and supportive for more than 80% of the time.
Amber - Throughout this lesson I was inclusive and supportive for more than 60% of the time.
Red – Throughout this lesson I was inclusive and supportive for more than 40% of the time.
Questions and structure of the lesson
· Evaluate strengths and weaknesses within your team.
· Discuss team/ individual strengths and weaknesses in order to make improvements.
· Play to team strengths and exploit opponents weaknesses.
· Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Say things in an appropriate way.
· What is constructive criticism?
Lesson 10
Social wellbeing
Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self- worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society.
HWB 4-12a
Target – To play my part as an effective team member.
Success Criteria
Green – I can list 5 or more qualities of being an effective team member in (enter activity). Throughout this lesson I displayed all of these qualities.
Amber - I can list 3 or more qualities of being an effective team member in (enter activity). Throughout this lesson I displayed most of these qualities.
Red – I can list 2 or more qualities of being an effective team member in (enter activity). Throughout this lesson I displayed some of these qualities.
Questions and structure of the lesson
· A celebration of success and hard work. Class versus class games.
· Giving pupils an opportunity to represent their class. Points can contribute to overall class standings throughout the year.
· What makes an effective team member?
· How can I be effective in this situation?
· How can I be confident?
· How can I encourage the rest of my team?
· Pupils can evaluate each other’s targets.