Technology Master Plan

Steering Committee Meeting Notes

(Prepared by D. Esterly)

Friday, December 6, 2002

9:00 a.m.

Meshel Hall, Conference Room

Present: A. Burger, D. Esterly, E. Greaf, G. Moring, V. Phillips, S. Sanders, H. Sockel,

W. Wood

Meeting notes for the November 22 meeting will be distributed at the next meeting. It was noted that significant progress has been made in identifying key issues within technology as they relate to the Goals and Strategies of the Centennial Strategic Plan. A review of the draft document resulted in additional recommendations for change. Several members of the committee indicated the need to use “action” terms to more appropriately articulate the issues, as we begin to discuss the process as it relates to the Advisory Committee. D. Esterly will revise the document by the end of the day and distribute to Steering Committee members for their input in developing Action Terms. Members will be prepared to discuss these revisions at the meeting next Friday.

It was noted that several members of the Advisory Committee have been inquiring as to when the next Advisory meeting will be scheduled. Members felt it was important to apprise the Advisory Committee of the work and progress of the Steering Committee. Due to the activities surrounding Final Exams and the beginning of the Holiday, the next Advisory Committee will be scheduled early in January. Several dates were discussed and all members felt that January 10, the Friday prior to the start of the Spring Semester would be a good time to schedule the next Advisory Committee Meeting. B. Wood will write a brief update regarding the progress of the Steering Committee for distribution to the Advisory Committee with the announcement of the next full committee meeting scheduled on Friday, January 10, at 9:00 a.m.

B. Wood provided an update regarding the ITC meeting last Friday. He has requested their input surrounding issues associated with Goal 4 by December 18th. Some members of the ITC were concerned at the quick turnaround time, but indicated they would solicit ideas and suggestions and forwarded their recommendations by the 18th. The ITC met in the Computer Center on the 4th floor of Meshel Hall, and had a tour of the Facilities. The tour included the Help Desk, the Operations area, and the Networking area. Many members of the ITC were not aware of the Facilities and the equipment that resided within the Computer Center, and seemed to find the tour very helpful in gaining a better understanding of some of the functions within administrative computing. The Steering Committee felt it would be beneficial to hold the January Advisory Committee in Meshel Hall and beginning the meeting with a similar tour.

Much discussion occurred regarding the next steps and how to proceed with the full committee. Now that the issues have been formulated, a recommendation was made to create several subcommittees, comprised of subsets of the Advisory group, to research

Technology Master Plan

Steering Committee Meeting Notes

(Prepared by D. Esterly)

Friday, December 6, 2002

more detailed information surrounding the issues and formulate recommended directions. A brainstorming session occurred, identifying core priorities and issues. D. Esterly will compile the list and distribute to members by the end of the day. Members were asked to review the list, and identify a small group of core issues for the next meeting. All members should be prepared to discuss the core issue subcategories, and identify those issues that fall within those subcategories at the next meeting.

D. Esterly mentioned that an “inventory” of projects for the next 12-18 month period has been requested from each Director within Technology and should be available for distribution early in January. A brief discussion relating to establishing a Technology Master Planning website (similar to the Web Site Advisory and Y2K website) with meeting notes and progress reports occurred. D. Esterly will work with S. Sanders to proceed. The Steering Committee will meet next Friday, December 13th at 9:00 a.m. in Meshel Hall. The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 a.m.