Umatilla County LCAC Meeting Minutes
DATE: 03/11/2016
/Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston, Oregon
Meeting called by / Rod HarwoodCalled to order / 8:30 a.m.
Adjourned / 9:28 a.m.
Note taker / Judy A Jenner
Attendees / Rod Harwood, Chairman; Catie Brenaman, Vice Chair; Alisha Southwick, UCo Health; Angie Treadwell, Extension Office for OSU; Carol Johnson, Lifeways; Cathy Wamsley, IMESD; Heidi Zeigler, DHS; Juli Gregory, GSMC; Marci McMurphy, CAPECO; Nora Kramer, OCDC; Scott Young, Columbia Care; Bart Murray, GOBHI; Carol Speed, GOBHI; Charlie Carnes, Umatilla County Human Services; Charlotte Dudley, GOBHI; Emily Booth, Juniper House; Jessica McKay, GSMC; Julie White, Advantage Dental; Kevin Campbell, EOCCO/GOBHI; Lori Moss, EOIPA; Maritza Madrigal, GSMC; Sandra Chapman, Umatilla County Developmental Disabilities; Summer Crane, GSMC; Teresa Hollibaugh, St. Anthony CHW; Whitney Craig, GSMC; Corrina Herrera, GSMC; Lindsey Watchman, Yellowhawk THC; Robert Hubbell, GOBHI; Alita Nelson, GOBHI; Terra Richter, EOCCO; Robert Safford, Lifeways
Opening of Meeting
discussion / Rod opened the meeting and thanked Good Shepherd Medical Center for hosting the meeting today. Rod introduced himself as the chairman of L-CAC and asked attendees to take a moment to also introduce themselves.
Old Business
DISCUSSION / The minutes for the February 19, 2016 meeting were reviewed and the following suggestions were made. On page 5, first paragraph, “Angie Torres,” with PHTech, volunteered to help anyone who needed access to issues and determining a provider for OHP clients. Additionally on page 5, second paragraph, Kevin had stated he would contact “Kris Boler” about the Rental Assistance presentation for the 3/11/16 meeting. Also on page 5, third paragraph, Hermiston’s pain clinic involves not only meditation but also “yoga and mobility” issues. On page one at the bottom of the page, Marci stated “Morrow County L-CAC” should replace the word CAPECO. Meghan moved, Marci seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved to accept the minutes of the February 19, 2016 meeting as corrected.
Old Business: Identified Gaps & Recommended Preventive Healthcare Practices
discussion / Community Members Feedback: “What are you hearing from the consumers?”
______discussed there are many individuals who do not qualify for Medicare/Medicaid because they are “barely over the income limit” for these programs, and the consumers are having a difficult time paying their bills as well as having the extra money to pay for Medicare Part B. For clarification, Kevin asked, “How do we know they are over the limit,” as there needs to be an accounting of income. He added that on behalf of the CCO, he wanted to make sure individuals have the benefit of accurate accounting as another means of assisting them. Marci suggested looking into other services people can get that may help defray expenses, and/or other wraparound services that might be available. Juli stated some of these individuals are getting the benefit of continuation letters but are throwing them away because the letters are confusing to them. Rod suggested reminding such consumers of the potential of receiving such letters and encouraging them to ask questions, if needed.
Catie stated she, Nicole Cribbs and Maritza Madrigal had attended an ORPREN meeting yesterday when the issue of housing came up. CCO’s building houses for qualifying clients was discussed. Kevin stated there have been significant funding opportunities with other housing improvement resources. Profits are being reinvested in other activities but could also involve housing issues. Rod said the government does not recognize housing issues in relationship to some types of client population. ____ is going to a meeting next month that will be addressing housing, and she offered to report on this at next month’s L-CAC meeting.
______had two people looking for medical appointments with specialists in the Tri-Cities, and she unfortunately “got nowhere” in her inquiries.
Marci stated she is applying for a grant to assist with transportation, which will benefit four different agencies. This grant is set to be awarded in July and will offer curb-to-curb services. Rod asked if there are any meetings in Pendleton involving groups to discuss transportation issues. Marci stated there is such a meeting once a year. She also mentioned the problem is associated with funding to operate/offer transportation. Rod commented he would like to see all groups work together rather than independently. Marci suggested setting aside funds within supportive services for transportation issues and added, “The (transportation) need is only going up.”
a.Recruiting of Oregon Health Plan Members for L-CAC Membership: Committee Report
It was suggested Good Shepherd Medical Center could host a meeting in its two conference rooms. Offering additional resources at such a meeting were mentioned: foster care, patient care centered homes, mental health, substance use/abuse, L-CAC, Head Start, etc. Juli suggested service-type organizations would be invited. This type of meeting should also be held in the Milton-Freewater and Pendleton areas to maximize coverage and address population concerns within the county. A brief discussion regarding transportation for individuals to these meetings occurred. Incentives were also discussed, such as child care. Also, it was suggested to consider video conferencing and/or satellite meetings for smaller populated areas.
Marci stated one of the subjects discussed at the meeting she attended in Morrow County was, “How many of us would be here (at this meeting) if we were not paid to be here?” Rod suggested community healthcare workers could offer assistance for people who needed help with filling out the paperwork in order to qualify for compensation/stipends. It was suggested some of the programs of the representatives attending the meeting today might be interested in sponsoring individuals to come to such a meeting. Juli commented it might be intimidating for some people to meet within such a large group as is present at today’s meeting. Rod offered the concept of the viability of small roundtable groups. Juli stated it is not so much about the information/data needed but the relationship that is developed. Rod asked the group what they would consider to be a next step. Charlotte mentioned getting the commitment from L-CAC members to participate in the roundtable meetings; Juli commented feedback is needed on dates and times to hold such meetings; and Marci suggested evenings, especially if food and daycare are provided. Angela stated while she was at WIC, the best times that seemed to work for their meetings with clientele was around noon or early afternoon. Rod suggested to plan/schedule meetings at the three different parts of the county and then reassess after the first meeting. Juli volunteered for her GSMC group to set the first meeting and plan for the event.
New Business: Around the Room: Preventive Care Activities and Other Activities
Discussion /
- Updated Resource Packets
- Umatilla County Health and Human Services Department
New Business: GOBHI Rental Assistance Program
DISCUSSION / Alita Nelson explained about GOBHI’s Rental Assistance Program. She stated clients need to be able to provide 30 percent of their income for rent with a cap of $650 on the rental amount. She provided attendees with packets of information regarding the program. Alita stated, “The goal is to help people not be homeless and to have a bed.” The clients are checked on once a month, and home inspections are done for the safety of the client. A client does not have to be homeless to qualify but does have to have a qualifying SMI diagnosis. Kevin stated the intent is to maintain the Eastern Oregon program through the State. It is similar to HUD in the form of paperwork but operates under different guidelines. Kevin clarified that clients are recovering from some type of mental health issue and housing is key in the recovery of the individual.
New Business: Community Health Improvement Plan
discussion / Community Health Assessment FY 16 Update
Rod stated the CHIP meetings are scheduled for April 13, 14 and 15 through the three county area (Union, Morrow and Umatilla). On April 13, there will be a meeting in Milton-Freewater and one in Pendleton at 1:00 p.m. at the Pendleton Convention Center. On the 14th, the meeting will be held in La Grande reviewing Union County’s CHIP. On the afternoon of the 14th, a meeting will be held in Boardman for Morrow County’s CHIP. On April 15, there will be a meeting held in Hermiston from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Britney Ward will be the presenter.
Rod asked for all Hispanic surveys to be turned in to him today.
A Native American assessment report has been done, but it has yet to be determined whether it will be included in Umatilla County’s CHIP. Lindsey Watchman reported the whole process has been very personal for him, his family and other tribal members. Out of a 2 percent Native American population in the county, they received a response rate of 0.83 percent.
Rod voiced his appreciation for all those who have volunteered their time to assist individuals with the surveys.
Meghan talked about a children’s health assessment. The first mailing went out last Friday. A survey monkey link will be available next week. Almost every school district within the county has agreed to help with this assessment.
New Business: Other Activities
discussion / OHA Office of Equality and Inclusion Technical Assistance
Charlotte stated Estella was unable to attend the meeting today. She explained this program is offering technical assistance coaching;approximately 10 hours are available. She encouraged subcommittees to get together to complete the program. She stated they hope to have a conference call with everyone in the near future.
Eastern Oregon Healthy Living Alliance
Meghan stated the SBHC coordinated program will be receiving a $50,000 transformation grant to promote fluoride for children’s teeth. Also, mental health trainings will be coming through the transformation grant. A $24,000 grant has been received for colon cancer screening. One project that is being worked on concerns a maternal mental health assessor who will be going with nurse home visitors, however, the details have yet to be finalized. Meghan stated providing services in the home promotes better relationships and results in a “soft hand-off” to other services that may be required.
Kevin stated they are looking at changing the term “mental health” in communications with clients and utilizing other terms, such as postpartum depression.
New Business: Good of the Order, Agenda Items, and Set a Date for the Next Meeting
discussion / Rod informed the group of a GOBHI event that will be held at Wildhorse Resort and Casino regarding education for Adverse Childhood Experiences Study(ACES) program. They are hoping to move forward with more education and offer this for provider education.
Kevin stated there will be a GOBHI conference on May 11-13 where Dr. Vincent Feletti will be making a presentation on ACES. He commented there needs to be more efforts made and funding available to promote prevention. There is also a need to develop strategies for working with certain groups for prevention services rather than necessarily involving law enforcement all the time.
Behavioral Summits are usually offered in March and October.
Catie stated Paper Tiger will be in Hermiston in April. Incentive funds are available to promote WCC, so the dialog is beginning.
Kevin suggested going to to complete a survey. He stated a high score on resiliency is a good thing. The survey is all about relationships and peer support.
Angela mentioned there will be a Community Health Worker training program offered in La Grande on April 8. This is so these workers can become certified. Kevin offered that OHSU is offering more training education for certification of CHW’s as this is becoming a career move for some individuals.
Marci stated CAPECO’s Area on Aging just applied for funding to train persons to track individuals who might have senile dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc., which is called Project Life Saver.
Rod stated L-CAC’s May meeting has been moved to May 6 and will be held at St. Anthony Hospital.
The next L-CAC meeting will be held in Milton-Freewater at OCDC on April 8. The address is 403 Peabody.
Cathy stated the oral health school based conference got funding for four more years of screening students through Advantage Dental. $35,000 in funding will result in a full dental lab. They will start assembling labs in April, and the labs will be located in ______. If anyone is interested in helping, Cathy urged that she be contacted.
Cathy also stated there will be another series of workshops through Head Start about what to do when a child gets sick. Free child care will be offered during the training. She is also developing a calendar of events, so she asked for individuals to contact her if there are any events they would like to have placed on the calendar.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Next meeting scheduled for April 8, 2015
8:30 – 10:30 a.m.
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