Near Neighbours GrantApplication Form 2014
If you are unsure or have any questions about completing this form, please contact your local coordinator.[1]
1. About the applicant organisation
Name of applicantgroup or organisation:Organisation address (including town and postcode):
Charity number and company number (if applicable):
Phone: / Organisation email:
Please detail how many staff/ volunteers your organisation has: / Number of full-time paid staff:
Number of part-time staff:
Number of volunteers:
2. About you
Your name, including title (Mr/Msetc):Your position in the above organisation:
Your contact address, if different from above (including town and postcode):
Phone: / Your email:
3. Background information
Have you applied to Church Urban Fund or Near Neighbours before? / Yes / No / Don’t knowIf so, under what name and Reference No.?
Fullpostcodeand electoral ward in which the project will be based:[2]
What Church of England parish is the project in, or which parish church have you given this application to? [3]
Please summarise your proposal in no more than 50 words:
Please specify costs associated with the project for which you are applying: / Total cost of project: / £
Amount requested: / £
Amount already raised: / £
Will you bring additional funding or volunteer time to this project? Please tell us how if applicable.
4. About your organisation, faith basis, and neighbourhood
What is the main purpose of your group/organisation?No more than 100 wordsDo you identify with a particular religion, denomination, community, or network?
Describe your area, and any particular issues and challenges your project will address.No more than 100 words
5. About the proposal and what you intend to do
a) How will you bring together people of multiple faiths or ethnicities, either for the first time or in an ongoing and sustainable way? What exactly will you do and when will it happen? No more than 200 wordsb) How do your proposals actively involve people of different faiths or ethnicities (e.g. in project planning or delivery)? Be as specific as possible, including names, partner organisations and their faith basis. No more than 200 words
c) What do you hope the impact of this work will be? What will make this group sustainable beyond the period of our funding?No more than 200 words
d) Who will be undertaking the work, what experience do they have, and how will the project/activity be managed?
No more than 200 words
6. Project timeframe
If your application is approved, when do you plan to start and complete the project? Please provide an expected date / Start Date:Completion Date:
If your application is approved, when will you request payment of your grant? Please provide an expected date / Payment Date:
7. Required documents
Please indicate that you have included the following. / Breakdown of proposed expenditure (required)Latest Annual Report and audited accounts (if applicable)
Copies of written quotes or estimates (if applicable)
8. Declaration
I am authorised to act on behalf of the aforementioned group/organisation in relation to this application, and to the best of my knowledge all information given is a truthful representation of factsSignature of applicant: / Date:
When completed, this form should be sent to your local Church of England vicar who is able to comment in an advisory role.[4] Their input alone won’t determine the outcome of your application but we value their local knowledge, perspective and input.Your applicationshould then be sent to our coordinator for your areawho will forward it to Church Urban Fund (acting for Near Neighbours in assessing and administering the grants). They will then make a decision on your application.
Comments on the proposals:
To be completed by the Vicar/Rector[5] of the local Church of England parish church:
Signature :
Position: / Date:
[1] Your local coordinator can be found here:
[2] Not all areas are eligible – to check, see our website:
[3] To find your parish church see our website:
[4]To find your local vicar see our website:
[5]Or their equivalent – Team Vicar, Curate etc.