PPG DES Report
Taylors Avenue
DN35 0LN
- The Taylors Avenue Patient Participation Group
- Objectives
- Membership
- The Committee
- Patient Survey
- What we are Doing Well
- Areas we Could Improve
- Priorities and Action Plan
- Practice Opening Hours
1. The Taylors Avenue Patient Participation Group
We have had a successful and well established Patient Participation Group for many years now and the group meets on a quarterly basis on a Wednesday at Taylors Avenue Medical Centre.
The patient participation group comprises the GP surgeries of Dr Dijoux and partner and Dr Zaro and Qureshi. We have been running as a joint group for the last 9 years.
The practice actively advertises the PPG in its website, health screens and on its prescription counterfoils. The group has a core of members that have attended the meetings for quite a few years. However, it is recognised that certain groups are particularly hard to recruit when it comes to representation. The practice is trying to attract younger members of the practice by advertising .The group has its own constitution and holds an AGM every November.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the group is to promote the benefit of the patients of the Practice without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions by encouraging development and quality of health promotion and health care services, to achieve this aim by liaising with the doctors and staff of the Practice, other community health workers, Health Authorities and other persons or organisations concerned with health care.
The group is non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion. The group shall have power to affiliate to the National Association of Patient Participation Groups and to other organisations with similar charitable objects.
3. Membership
The membership to the group is open irrespective of political party, nationality, religious opinion, race, gender or colour to any patient of the Practice.
Any patient may nominate themselves for election to the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.
4. The Committee
During the Annual General Meeting the group elects three members who must be patients of the Practice. Any patient can nominate themselves. During the first meeting immediately after the AGM the Committee appoints an Executive consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer to which it may delegate any or all of its powers as it from time to time decide.
5. Patient Survey
As surgeries we have always sought the opinion of our patients and even when the local trust stopped the yearly satisfaction survey, the practices have continued running it in house.
The survey is designed in a group consisting of practicemanagers, PPG chair, deputy chair, secretary and any other member of the PPG that wishes to be involved. Two years ago the group decided to use a fairly reduced version of the GPAQ survey, retaining only the elements they wished input such as access to GPs, telephone access and choice of GP as these have been main points of concern amongst patients in this years survey it was to do with the pharmacy application for license to dispense refusal and what other patients thought about it. We also asked peoples thoughts and opinions on the new surgery facilities that both surgeries now work from.
The results are collated by the same group as above, then the information is put into an easy read format before being proof read by the PPG committee and agreement for release
The practice drafted an action plan which was shared with the PPG and open to comments and suggestions.
6. What we are doingwell
It was agreed that overall the patients are much more satisfied with the practice, and the group agreed that this may have been related to the move to the new purpose built, fit for practice building from smaller developed buildings.
The group were extremely happy that the survey demonstrated the practice is doing very well when it comes to dedicating time to patients.
The surveys also demonstrated that patients were also very satisfied with the opening hours. The group agreed that this was enhanced by the practice offering extended hours services.
It is obvious from the survey results that we are doing very well on the medical care of our patients. Patients were overwhelmingly happy with the time, attention and care given by both GPs and Nurses.
7. Areas we couldimprove
Last year results clearly demonstrated that we had an issue with the facilities and this stopped us being able to offer comprehensive services to patients as in house work instead of referring as can be seen in the extract below. This was acknowledged by the whole clinical and administrative team and an action plan developed to try and solve this problem.
8. Priorities and Action Plan
The practices already offer extended hours but it is now engaged in the LINCS pilot project for 7 days opening and it is actively involved in the design of this new service.
See action plan table at bottom of this document for the current action plan
9 -Practice Opening Hours
Day / Surgery opening times / GP appointments / Nurse appointments / HCA appointmentsMonday / 8am – 7.00pm / 9am – 12.00
4pm – 7pm / 12 – 6.30pm / 8am – 1pm
Tuesday / 8am – 6.30pm / 9am – 12.00
3pm – 5.30pm / 8.30am – 4pm / 8am – 12.30pm
Wednesday / 8am – 6.30pm / 9am – 12.00 / 9am – 4.30pm / 12.30pm – 4.30pm
Thursday / 8am – 7pm / 9am – 12.00
4pm – 7pm / 9am – 4pm
Friday / 8am – 6.30pm / 9am – 12.00
3pm – 5.30pm / 8.30am – 4pm / 8am – 1.30pm
Action plan
Identify the issue raised by the survey / What do we hope to achieve? How will we improve patient services / What work is needed to be done to achieve the goal / What are the timescales set to achieve the goal / Who will take responsibility and lead on the work / How will we monitor progress and how and when will this be measuredAccess / To ensure that we have clinical cover throughout the day and clinicians can be spoken to in case of an emergency / To work a rota system with the clinicians(GPs/nurses) to ensure that we have all day cover within the surgery / April 2014 / JL / When the system is up and running
Community services / To bring more in house services for patients to use
- Physiotherapy
- Dementia
- Falls collaborative
- More services for children
- Parkinsons and other neurological disease clinics
- Physiotherapy, to have use of an in house physio that can be referred to direct
- Dementia services, to work with the dementia collaborative to set up local clinics within the surgery and to use new electronic software to enable a quicker diagnosis and referral to a dementia consultant
- Falls collaborative, to bring services in from the falls collaborative to work with patients on a monthly basis
- Children’s services, to look at brining more services into the centre for children and specifically those who are child carers
- Parkinsons and other neurological conditions, to bring in specified monthly clinics with a nurse specialist who can work with patients who are suffering from parkinsons so that they can be treat within their own surgeries, which will be more familiar for them
- Physio – set up and running on a weekly basis from beginning of January
- Dementia services – to join the pilot scheme for dementia services in conjunction with the CCG and pharmacy to ensure quicker diagnosis and referral from June 2014
- Falls collaborative – to work with the collaborative to enable them to set up monthly services within the build – September 2014
- Children’s services – to work with local care UK and carers collaborative to bring together a 2 weekly group so that young carers have a point of contact for problems – September 2014
- Parkinsons and other neurological clinics- to work with north Lincolnshire and GOOLE hospitals trust to pull together local based clinics