From: Campus Induction Coach

Sent: September 5, 2014

Subject: Mentor Training and Important Reminders

Dear Mentors,

Thank you for supporting your beginning teacher during the beginning weeks of the school year. Here are some important reminders:

  • Complete your required mentor training. Training requirements, deadlines and outcomes of training are in the chart below.
  • Use a CAL to record each interaction with your mentee. CALs are hard copy documents to be kept in a binder. Both mentor and mentee should keep a copy.
  • When you log on to MAS, you must be using Internet Explorer (not Chrome, Safari, etc.) or else you will get a blank page.
  • In September, there should be one log a week, 4 total. (August logs are optional.) It is important that mentors keep up with the logs. The window for logging August and September logs will close on October 1st.
  • As one of your MAS Activity Logs indicate that you have completed your eLEARN courses by typing in the Mentor Explanation area (red box in screenshot below. (For example type: Completed Foundational IP Criteria eLEARN course, or/and Completed HISD Portal Network Systems eLEARN course)

The Mentor training document (a copy is printed below) and directions for self registration into eLEARN online courses can be found at the website in the Mentor section, click on Documents button. There is a combination of face to face and online courses. Returning mentors will need only to complete the online courses available 24/7 if they meet the training requirements specified in the Mentor training schedule document.

Online courses have been designed to provide direction to the mentor to develop specific skill sets with their mentees (i.e. navigating functions on the portal, using dashboard to create class profile, introducing the Instruction Practice Rubric, completing IPDP etc.). Read the middle column to see outcomes for the beginning teacher and completion deadlines. The eLEARNcourse completion time can range from 15 to 45 minutes. The tasks to be completed with beginning teacher is what takes time.


Differentiated 2014- 2015 Mentor Training Schedule
Training is differentiated by mentor experience.
IF you are a new HISD Campus Mentor… / ALL Mentors read information in this column… / IF you are a returning HISD Campus Mentor…
Complete the courses in this column if you have NOT been a mentor within the past 3 years including:
A)The 6-hour face to face, and
B)Four short online courses and the associated tasks / Course Outcomes and
Completion Deadlines / Complete the courses in this column if you have been an HISD mentor within the past 3 years (Etrain transcript will indicate completion of one of the following courses: Instructional Mentoring, Coaching and Observations, Mentoring Essentials, Analyzing Student work or Rick Smith) including
A)Optional 6-hour face to face,
B)Four short online courses and the associated tasks
A)6-hour face to face
September 27, 8:30–3:30, Kingdom Builder’s Center
Conscious Classroom Management (3 hours credit)
Mentoring Essentials (3 hours credit)
eTRAIN TT3101 / Rick Smith trained the 800 beginning teachers during New Teacher Academy in building a positive and respectful classroom environment. Mentors should attend in order to be able to support implementation of what new teachers learned. (Great training for all!)eTRAIN TT3101 / Optional enrichment opportunity if you attended one of the courses listed above during the past 3 years.
B)Short online courses
E-Learn: HISD Portal Network Systems
(1.5 hours credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number) / Completion date – Within two weeks of mentor/beginning teacher assignment.
Beginning teacher will learn from mentor how to access, navigate to and utilize important functions on the portal. (i.e. Dashboard, eTRAIN, Gradespeed, AESOP etc.) / E-Learn: HISD Portal Network Systems
(1.5 hours credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number)
IF you are a new HISD Campus Mentor… / ALL Mentors read information in this column… / IF you are a returning HISD Campus Mentor…
E-Learn: Foundational IP Criteria
(1.5 hours credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number) / Completion date – Within first six weeks of mentor/beginning teacher assignment. Beginning teacher will become familiar with five of the Instructional Practice Criteria (IPC) and their level three indicators and get a picture of effective teaching when classroom activities are aligned to the criterion. / E-Learn: Foundational IP Criteria
(1.5 hours credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number)
E-Learn: Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL)
(1 hour credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number) / Completion date – Within two weeks of mentor/beginning teacher assignment.
This course introduces the tool mentors use to document their interactions. Returning mentors should also view course. Course has been updated to include a video example of utilizing the CAL. / E-Learn: Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL)
(1 hour credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number)
E-Learn: Mentor Activity System (MAS)
(.5 hour credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number) / Completion date – Within two weeks of mentor/beginning teacher assignment.
This course explains how to access the online Mentor Activity System (MAS) and includes information to sign the mentor agreement and required documentation procedures for beginning teacher support. / N/A for returning mentors familiar with MAS and documentation procedures
Optional enrichment opportunity / Completion date – September 27
This course outlines the role of the mentor in navigating the goal setting and IPDP process with the beginning teacher. IPDPs are due October 31 or for late hires, within 15 working days from the start date of the beginning teacher. / E-Learn Goal Setting Process and Creating the IPDP
(1.5 hours credit)
Self-Registration on eLEARN (no eTRAIN course number)

Thank YOU,

Your Campus Induction Coach

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. –Henry Ford