Recognition of Prior Learning Learner Assessment Portfolio
Supporting access, transfer and progression in Higher Education

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for Admission

What is RPL?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is defined as the process by which prior learning is given a value. It is a means by which prior learning is formally identified, assessed and acknowledged (NQAI, 2005).

RPL involves the assessment of knowledge, skills and competence previously acquired. Learning occurs in many contexts which include work, involvement in social and community activities, or learning through life experience generally. RPL does not give credit for experience as such; rather it considers the learning that was acquired as a result of the experience. Your RPL application for Admission must show:

  • What learning you have acquired and
  • How this learning is equivalent to the formal entry requirements of the programme.

RPL may not be used to gain a qualification solely on the basis of prior learning.

Table 1: Summary of the terms associated with RPL

Term / Definition/ explanation
Informal learning / Learning resulting from daily activities related to work, family or leisure
and is not organised or structured in terms of objectives, time or
learning support (e.g. project management skills, ICT skills, languages,
intercultural skills) (EU, 2012)
Formal learning / Learning which takes place in an organised and structured environment,
specifically dedicated to learning and typically leads to the award of a
qualification (EU, 2012)
Non-Formal learning / Learning which takes place through planned activities (in terms of
learning objectives and learning time) where some form of learning
support is present (e.g. in-company training, structured online learning)
(EU, 2012)

How to Apply for RPL for Admission

  1. Select the course that you would like to apply for, and complete the online application for that course. You will be asked during this application if you intend to apply for RPL. Please take note of your username and password for your course application and use the same username and password for your RPL application.
  1. Contact the Programme Director of your course to discuss your options. The Programme Director will provide guidance with your application for RPL.
  1. Complete the form below and upload it along with all relevant documentation to support your application on Apply Online. It is recommended that you contact the Programme Director prior to submitting your application for RPL, to ensure you have captured all the informationrequired for your application to the course.
  1. Once your application has been submitted and all of the relevant documentation has been uploaded, you will be assessed. You may be contacted for more information, invited for an interview or you may be requested to undergo further assessment. Admissions to taught postgraduate programmes under RPL are managed by the relevant School in consultation with the Programme Director.

The form below should be completed with reference to the RCSI Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. This is not a programme application form. It is intended as a tool to enable assessment of your prior learning for the purpose of admission to a programme. Once complete, please upload this document to the online system under your RPL application.

The form should be uploaded to the RPL online application system. You must have completed an online course application before completing the RPL Supplemental Application.

RPL Learner Assessment Portfolio
For Admission MSc Loss & Bereavement (Counselling)

Section 1: Learner Portfolio

Mobile Number
Email Address
RPL Assessment Type
  1. Give the name, years and institutions of your professional counselling/psychotherapy training. Detail for each course how the training prepares you for this MSc Loss & Bereavement (Counselling)
  1. Detail your professional experience in loss/bereavement related work and the learning you have gained. Outline why you think this learning should be considered as equivalent to the standard entry requirement for this programme. (1,000 words)

Please list all relevant courses and relevant verification documentation and references to enable the assessor to evaluate your case. (Please upload this form and all relevant documentation into the online system) Note: All qualification/experience used in support of your application for RPL must be recent, i.e. from the past 5 years.

At the discretion of the Programme Director formal assessment of knowledge/skills/competence may be conducted by way of interview, examination, essay, assignment or other appropriate tool.

Section 2: Applicant declaration

I confirm that the information provided here is a true and accurate record. I have read the RCSI Regulations on the Recognition of Prior Learning and I understand that my application for a place on this programme will not progress until the outcome of this assessment is known.

Print name:



Please note that you may also be required to complete other forms of assessment as part of your application.

Now that you have completed this form, please upload it to the RCSI Apply Online system under the RPL supplemental application document upload page.