New Year, New Pharma Insights:
CPhI Worldwideannounces international advisory board
Boardto contribute to overall development ofCPhI global portfolio and shape content including conference platforms and seminars at events
19January 2015:CPhI Worldwide, organised by UBM EMEA, has started the New Year by announcing the launch of a newadvisory board designed to bolster the experience provided by the global event portfolio and supporting brands to both exhibitors andvisitors.
The advisory board, consisting of a group ofthe industry’s most experienced and highly respected members, will help CPhI to identify industry hot topics and will guide the content produced at CPhI Worldwide. The new board will also naturally coexistwith the annual report expert panel, which predictsthe future of the industry across a series of in-depth articles.
A key goalis toensure that the CPhIcontentplatforms address in a meaningful and interactive waythe industry’s concerns and challenges,whilstcreating forumsfor industry professionals toexchange ideas, discover new opportunitiesand find solutions to their most critical problems. The advisory board members reflect this commitment to serving the CPhI customer base and will include representation from keyanalysts, leading exhibitors, big pharma, independent experts and academics.
Alan Sheppard, Principal, Global Generics, Thought Leadership, IMS Health will provide expertise across the generics, biosimilars and emerging markets. Ingredients manufacturer, FMC will lend its expertise on excipients through Brian Carlin, Director of Open Innovation.
Whilst the world’s largest CDMOs, Catalent and DPx, will provide invaluable global perspectives through Cornell Stamoran, Vice President of Corporate Strategy, (Catalent); and Lukas Utiger, President, DPx Fine Chemicals. Regulatory expertise will come from Dilip Shah, CEO of Vision Consulting and Marlene Llopiz, Director for International Strategies and Regulatory Affairs,Probiomed.
Big pharma and generics will be represented through Martin Folger, Head of Pharmaceutical Development, BoehringerIngelheimVetmedica; and Roger Bakale, Vice President CMC and Clinical Supply Chain, Receptos (and formally a Senior Director of R&D at TEVA).
Partnerships, Packaging, Fine Chemicals and Marketing will complete the expertise portfolio through: Giles Breault who left Novartis to found consultancy firm the Beyond Group; Frederic Kahn, Vice President Key Account Management, Gerresheimer AG; Jan Ramakers, Owner, Fine Chemical Consulting Group; and Nigel Walker, Managing Director of That’s Nice respectively.
The board will meet annually and take part in regular conference calls in order to provide strategic insights into current plans and future development priorities, along with key practical issues surrounding the pharma industry and CPhI- ensuring that this feedback is implemented at the world’s leading pharma event.
At CPhI Worldwide, the Pre-Connect Congress agenda will be heavily shaped by insights derived fromconversations with the advisory board. Using theirdiversemix of skills will create a wider breadth of knowledge to further improve customer experience at the show.
The advisory board will also assist with targeted attendee profiling and audience message mapping- whichis essentially a review of visitor goals and priorities so that CPhI can help them to targetthe most salient information and contacts more quickly at the show.
This latest development completes CPhI’s commitment to be at the forefront of keeping its exhibitors, visitors and the wider industry, up-to-date and informed with the latest content and trends within the international pharmaceutical community.
On joining theCPhI Advisory Board, Alan Sheppard of IMS Health, commented: “What is really setting the most dynamic pharma companies apart is access to the most targeted information and contacts- in a heavily globalised and diversified industry these raw materials will be essential in driving tomorrow’s growth. CPhI, using its advisory panel and events, will now become a hub for centralising this process and helping its customers to obtain precious targeted information that will give their companies a key advantage over rivals.
Later this year, the CPhI annual report panel for 2015 will also be released; a collection of world-leading experts who give vital market analysis and explore future contingencies for the pharmaceutical industry- with Dilip Shah (CEO at Vision Consulting) and Brian Carlin (Director, Open Innovation, FMC) already confirmed again as panel members.
“We are really delighted to be able to call upon such a unique mix of industry experts to help ensure that our global CPhI Pharma portfolioremains the most relevant, insightful and respected platform for doing business and finding new opportunities in the global pharma community. Our goal now is to enhancethe opportunities and services we bring to our customers and ensure we present them with the latest insights,and practical solutions, to establish more pharma contacts and make improved business decisions.” Chris Kilbee, Group Director Pharma at UBM.
For more information on the advisory board’s role at CPhI and future opportunities available, please visit: email
About CPhI
CPhI drives growth and innovation at every step of the global pharmaceutical supply chain from drug discovery to finished dosage. Through exhibitions, conferences and online communities, CPhI brings together more than 100,000 pharmaceutical professionals each year to network, identify business opportunities and expand the global market. CPhI hosts events in Europe, Korea, China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Istanbul, Russia and South America and co-locates with ICSE for contract services, P-MEC for machinery, equipment & technology, InnoPack for pharmaceutical packaging and BioPh for biopharma. CPhI provides an online buyer & supplier directory at
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The UBM EMEAannual schedule of Pharmaceutical events includes; CPhI, P-MEC and Innopack South East Asia (08-10April, 2015 at the Jakarta International Expo- Jakarta, Indonesia); CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC, BioPh and Pharmatec Japan (22-24 April, 2015 at the Big Sight Exhibition Centre- Tokyo). CPhI Russia and IPhEB(27-29 April, 2015 at the VVC, Pavilion Nr 75, Moscow Russia); CPhI Istanbul (3-5 June, 2015, at the LutfiKirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre- Turkey); CPhI, Hi and Fi, ICSE, P-MEC, BioPh and LabWorld China (24-26 June, 2015 at SNIEC- Shanghai, China); CPhI, ICSE Korea (7-9 September, 2015 at the COEX- Seoul, South Korea); CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC and InnoPack Worldwide (13-15 October 2015, IFEMA- Feria de Madrid, Spain)
UBM |EMEAconnects people and creates opportunities for companies across five continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products, promote their brands, and expand their market. Through premier brands such as TFM&A, Internet World, IFSEC, MD&M, CPhI, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs, publications, Websites, and training and certification programs are an integral part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry sectors.
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