Brain-Based Section Activity
Johnny’s Story (Precipitating Factors)
Johnny didn’t have a good night and he doesn’t believe it’s going to be a good day.
Mom and her boyfriend were fussing and fighting last night, up into the morning. It got so bad that deputies from the Sheriffs’ Department came to the house and took both of them to jail. The deputies took Johnny, his brother and two sisters to stay at his grandmother’s house. It was obvious that his grandmother wasn’t pleased to see them.
He hasn’t had anything to eat. His grandmother didn’t have any money to give him for breakfast or lunch. She fussed at him about being brought to her house so early in the morning.
Johnny walked 5 or 6 blocks to school because his grandmother does not live close to a bus stop. It was raining and he didn’t have an umbrella.
Johnny noticed that he didn’t have any clean clothes. He knew everyone would be teasing him at school. He was very hungry and tried to borrow money from his friends so that he could eat. His friends responded by saying “no” and explaining that Johnny never pays his friends back. Finally, a girl loaned Johnny a dollar for breakfast. When he arrived to the cafeteria, he was told the line was closed.
The principal told him that he was late toclass and therefore was going to receive after-school detention. As he was walking into class, his teacher told him he was late and needed to go straight to the office for a tardy slip.
When he arrived at the office, the principal told him that he had detention. When Johnny proceeded to explain what had happened, the principal interrupted by stating “Johnny, I don’t want to hear your excuses.” He told Johnny to get his class work from each teacher.
Johnny walked to math class. He asked his math teacher for his work. She stated “You want work! You never finish your work in here.” She said this in front of the whole class. Johnny said “man” to her; she responded by saying “go to the office’. Johnny went to the office and the principal told him he had had enough. He told Johnny to go and wait in ISS and explained he was going to bring Johnny his work after he called his mother.
Johnny went into the ISS room and ………………………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!