Year 10 Earth and Space Science Test and Exam Revision

Ideas for revision strategies

Create and use FlashCards for revision (preferably with another person to give you the chance to explain your understanding) – using list of key terms off STL link

Create visual aids to organise key ideas and concepts for both main topics (such as a concept map)

Review you completed test and repeat incorrect questions (exam preparation)

Practice writing explanations using key terms (use look-cover-write-check method)

Read Chapters 6 and 7 from Science Quest 10 and do further research to clarify anything you’re not sure of

Complete Chapter 6 Looking Back questions (chapter review) from Science Quest 10 – Q3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15

Describe the key events that occurred in the early universe after the Big Bang (focus on how the complexity of matter changed over time)

Complete Chapter 7 Looking Back questions (chapter review) from Science Quest 10 – Q 1a, b, c, 2 e, g, i

Create revision notes based on your class notes plus the class PowerPoint presentation and highlight keywords

Any else you can think of…!

Tips for during the exam

60 marks in total to complete in 60 minutes – plan your time!

20 marks multiple choice – record your answers on the answer sheet (around 15 minutes)

40 marks short answer (around 45 minutes)

Read the questions carefully and double check what they are asking

Underline keywords in questions to help identify key points

If a question is worth two marks your answer should include at least two separate points

Use the bolded command termson the test to help you understand what a question is asking

  • Describe: Give a detailed account
  • Suggest: Propose a hypothesis or other possible answer
  • Explain: Give a detailed account including reasons and causes
  • Identify / name: Give the name of something

If you’re ever stuck – put down something at least – remember I want to find out what you know and give you marks wherever possible :)

When you are finished reread each question and answer - ask ‘does this answer the question?’ – adjust your answer if necessary.

Key Space Science concepts (keywords in italics)


Units for measuring distances (Light-Year, Parsec, Astronomical Unit)

Nuclear Fusionin stars (Hydrogen  Helium)

Star life cycle (Compare large stars and small stars. Key words: nebula, main sequence star, supernova, red giant / supergiant, black hole, neutron star, planetary nebula, white dwarf)

Black holes(how do they form? What are they like?)

Star brightness (Apparent Magnitude, Apparent Brightness, Absolute Magnitude, Absolute Brightness)

Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram (know how to interpret for star brightness, luminosity, colour, temperature, size)

Spectroscopy and star composition (absorption lines)

What is a galaxy?

Cosmology (Origins of the Universe)

What is the Universe?

Steady State Theory

Expanding Universe (Edwin Hubble)

Big Bang (timeline of events, age of the universe, increasing complexity of matter, decreasing temperature)

Evidence of the Big Bang - Cosmic Background Radiation, Doppler Shift – Red Shift, proportion of elements

How will it end? (big rip, big crunch, big chill)

Planetary motion (experiment: how does mass of the central object affect orbit time?)

Dark Matter (effect on speed of stars in galaxies)

Dark Energy (effect on expansion of the Universe)

Key Earth Science concepts (keywords in italics)

Carbon Cycle (respiration, photosynthesis (don’t memorise equations), fossilisation)

Human impacts on carbon cycle (combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation)

Greenhouse Effect (Long wave radiation (Ultra Violet, visible light), short wave radiation (infrared radiation))

Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Gases (CFCs, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane – know human sources)

Global warming and climate change

Evidence of climate change

Water Cycle (Percolation)

Thermal expansion of oceans

Albedo(how does it affect global temperatures? What is it?)

Comparison of Earth and Venus (magnetosphere)

Ice cores (used for researching Earth’s atmospheric history)

Permafrost (feedback effect on global warming)

Ozone layer (how is it useful to life? How have human affected it?)

Technologies to help solve global warming (be able to describe at least one)