Name: ______

Date: ______

Ch. 3 Lesson 1 Questions

1. Do you think it was fair for Christopher Columbus to claim land in the Americas even though people were already living there? Explain your answer. ______


2. What effect did the Spanish have on the Native Americans? ______

3. Why did the Spanish not want to trade with the Indians? ______


4. What led Juan de Ulibarri to the land we now call Colorado? ______


5. Name two of the people who helped Dominguez and Escalante. How did they help them? ______


Name: ______

Date: ______

Ch. 3 Lesson 2 Questions

1. Why was the Louisiana Purchase important for the United States? ______


2. Why did people not want to move to the Great American Desert for years after Longs expedition? ______


3. What was Fremont’s goal? Did he accomplish that goal? Why or Why not? ______


4. How was Fremont’s description of the West different from the way Pike and Long Described it? ______


5. What was the Mexican American War? Who won? ______


Name: ______

Date: ______

Ch. 3 Lesson 3 Questions

1. What was the first industry in Colorado? Describe what their job description was. ______

2. How did mountain men and American Indians work together? ______


3. Why do you think forts and trading posts were built near rivers and trails? ______


4. Why do you think only two of the four original forts were rebuilt? Explain your answer. ______

5. How did the fur trade change the way American Indians lived? ______


Access Project: Louisiana Purchase Poster

Due: ______

The United States just bought 500 million acres of land from France and now explorers are needed to go into the area to learn about the new land. Make a poster advertising the Louisiana Purchase and the need for willing explorers to investigate the new area. You must include the following items on your poster:

  • A creative title that will catch people’s attention.
  • A brief explanation of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • A request for willing men to explore the new land.
  • A description of what the explorers will need to do: study the plants, animals, and native people, take notes, and make maps, etc.
  • Images or drawings to represent the advertisement.

When you are finished we will hang them in the hallway to share with our school!