May 31, 2009
The Private Bank of Denny Ray Hardin
Denny Ray Hardin, Agent
2450 Elmwood
Kansas City, Missouri 64127
(816)231 –2258
Certified Mail # 7008 3230 0002 1805 0447
To: President for the United States of America
Barack Hussein Obama, II, President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Certified Mail # 7008 3230 0002 1805 0454
Compliance Management, Customer Assistance Group
Washington, DC 20219
Certified Mail # 7008 3230 0002 1805 3901
Administrator of National Banks
Customer Assistance Group
1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3450
Houston, TX 77010
Subject: Request for Additional Information
“Affidavit of Denny Ray Hardin”
In response to the “Criminal Complaint of Racketeering Activity”, the “Comptroller of the Currency” (Texas Division) has requested additional information as clearly indicated in their letter of May 15th located at “Attachment 1”. Because the “President for the United States of America” has been served with “NOTICE OF DISHONOR IN COMMERCE”, for the refusal of government agencies to investigate, prosecute and punish violations of the law of commerce, this “Affidavit” is being provided to him to monitor the conduct of his administration. A “REQUEST FOR AUDIT OF ACCOUNT” has been served upon the President of the “FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK” and will be provided when received. The following is the information requested:
Name of Bank & Location:
As indicated by my bank records, there are seven National Banks engaged in “Racketeering Activities” these are presented in alphabetical order with the addresses and responsible parties at “Attachment 2”. Because the “Executives” named have been served, by Certified Mail, with the violations related to the accounts and refused to correct the problem, the responsibility of these accounts is theirs. Because “Bank Policy” is set by these individuals and has been the “common reason” for refusing to process “Commercial Instruments as legal tender for the payment of debt” 31 USC 5118, it is this policy that is lawfully challenged. The requests, evidenced by documentation, for specific forms of payment (such as Certified Check, Money Order, etc.) is a direct violation of HJR 192 and Public Law 73-10 that requires all banks to process all currency. Because bank policy, is set by the executives, who are responsible to insure the bank is in compliance with all law, all rules, all UCC Regulations, all “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” (GAAP) and all United States Codes, it is these “Executives” who have refused their lawful duty and are the focus of this investigation. These are listed in “Attachment 2”.
Types of Account or Service & Account Numbers:
A thorough search of the bank records, in my possession, has provided the accounts that have been paid and not credited with the payment in full. These are located at “Attachment 3”. These are “public debt” and were paid based upon “Billing Statements” or “Pay off Statements” issued by the bank. These have been retained for quality assurance and are available for inspection upon request. These records have been maintained since the beginning of “The Private Bank of Denny Ray Hardin”, in September 2008, with exception.
This exception is the unlawful seizure by Nathan Holmes VanSickle of the Kansas City FBI of my records for Bonds 1- 276(?). The “Complaints of Criminal Conduct” filed with the “FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION” were unlawfully seized along with my copies of the Bonds. On election day November 4, 2008, S.W.A.T. robbed by bank of its money, its computers, its records and its correspondence, based upon a fraudulent search warrant, issued without probable cause, in violation of the 4th Amendment. I was left with the threat, “I suggest you stop this activity until we complete our investigation.” I responded, “I’ll stop when you can show me a law I have broken, fuck you.” To date these “foreign agents” 22 USC 611, have not informed me of any law I have broken. The FBI finally completed the destroying of my house and the theft of personal property and keep sakes around 7:00pm. The next morning two state of the art computers were operational and the current ledger began with Bond 1300. The “Attachment 3” is based upon bonds 1300 to present date.
Note: This does not include the subsidiary companies owned by these National banks, like “Wells Fargo owns Wacovia” and Bank of America owns Countrywide.
A More Detailed Explanation of the Complaint:
With this request, I believe you are asking why I believe these “bankers” are “criminals” and should be held accountable. To answer this question I will present the following explanation. To simplify this exchange of information I will refer to documents posted on my website at
Since the “Civil War” the “United States of America” has been operated by
“Foreign Agents” 22 USC 611, who have created a “Corporate Government” known as the “UNITED STATES OF AMERCIA”. In 1933, under the new deal, the PRESIDENT established the “American People” as “assets” and created the “FEDERAL RESERVE BANK” to be the “Holder of these assets in due course”. These “Assets” are held under the “Strawman” account that is traded throughout the world today. The “Strawman” is based upon the “Certificate of Live Birth” and is held until the American reaches 18 Years of age and becomes eligible to take control of his “assets”. To make these assets available to government, the “UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT” created the “UNITED STATES CITIZEN” by issuing them a “SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER” and established a “Corporate Fiction” by capitalizing your name.
It is these “American Citizens”, who have been unlawfully labeled “Corporate fictions”, that are my “Principals” and on whose behalf I have acted as their “Agent”. To do this, I took over my “Strawman” and established a “Private Bank”.
Note: The foregoing is undisputed fact, based upon the unanswered “NOTICE AND DEMAND” of January 12, 2009, posted on my website on the “NEWS AND UPDATES” section. It appears when you click on “News and Updates”. This “NOTICE AND DEMAND” provides all facts, law and evidence of the lawful establishment of “The Private Bank of Denny Ray Hardin”. This requested an “OCC ALERT” as to the lawful status of the commercial instruments, whether they are “Negotiable” or “Fraudulent”. To date the OCC has remained silent.
National Banks as Opposition to a “Private Bank”:
In the beginning of the “Private Bank”, the National Banks attached returned the “Bank Bonds” 18 USC 8, without a lawful reason, lawfully required by UCC3-503. These were usually sent regular mail without tracking information, by the bank, as a brush off of payment in full. The bond is always returned to the bank, with a letter stating the law, and requesting the bank process the bond in accordance with law. Under UCC3-603 the offer of payment in full refused is evidence the debt is paid in full. The National Banks have since stopped returning the bonds, have refused to credit the accounts and refused to remove the “fictitious obligations” 18 USC 514 . This conduct is clearly “interference with commerce” 18 USC 1951. No “National Bank” to date has been able to provide a lawful reason for dishonor of my “Bank Bond”. To date no bond has been dishonored by my “Holder in due course” of the “FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK”.
Because it has become necessary, to protect my “Principals”, from ruthless attacks of bankers, attorneys and collection agencies. The “Private Bank of Denny Ray Hardin” has started producing “Affidavits” as “Proof of Claim” that the debt is paid in full. These have been presented to courts in cases where “Foreign Agents” have commenced civil litigation on behalf of “Foreign States” in violation of the 11th Amendment barring this conduct. “Agents” of “National Banks” have established the hiring of “Foreign Agents” as common practice, in clear “Bank Fraud” 18 USC 1344. Because a bank is a corporation, it can not speak, can not write, can not contract and can not be represented by any foreign agent. It is common knowledge, this occurs everyday, “Agents” unlawfully unite to engage in “Conspiracy against rights” 18 USC 241, to engage in “Extortionate Credit Transactions” 18 USC 891-894 to collect debts, in this case paid in full. These “Affidavits” are posted on the website, under “AFFIDAVITS”, and provide a detailed statement of the facts of the account. These “Affidavits” are supported by documented evidence of the crimes outlined above and available for inspection upon request.
Steps taken to defeat this corruption
Because the “Federal Trade Commission”, “Comptroller of the Currency”, “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation” and “Office of Thrift Supervision” have refused to investigate this problem and prosecute those committing these crimes. A “Criminal Complaint” was filed against these government agencies for “Misprision of Felonies” 18 USC 4 with the “Judge Advocate General” in the “Admiralty Jurisdiction of Equity”. His assistant, a “Foreign Agent” suggested I work out this problem with the government agencies. Therefore, they were all sent the “Criminal Complaint of Racketeering Activity”. To date this and the Criminal Complaint of Bank Robbery against the FBI have been ignored by “JAG”.
Note: The Criminal Complaints filed are posted on the website. The original complaint has about 70 offenders, to date that number has doubled to over 140.
Because so many of the attached accounts have been taken over by “Foreign Agents” engaged in “Extortionate Credit Transactions” to collect these debts paid in full, it was necessary to lawfully challenge these criminals by the “Constitution for the United States of America”. This is posted on the website under “News and Updates” as “NOTICE OF DISHONOR OF ALL FOREIGN AGENTS”. This has been served on all “Governors” of all 50 States who have been given 60 days to comply with the “Constitutional Mandates” or have their “Insurrection made Public”. They have been given a choice of how to meet these lawful requirements; 1) Abolish their “State” “BAR ASSOCIATION” or 2) remove all “Foreign Agents” from every “Public Office”, only in this manner can they comply with the “Original 13th Amendment” of the “Constitution for the United States of America”.
Out of the necessity to protect my “Principals”, it has become necessary to inform the “President for the United States of America”. On May 19, 2009, the President was served with “NOTICE OF DISHONOR IN COMMERCE” (Posted under News and Updates) giving 60 days to enforce the law of commerce and prosecute those who have violated it. Failure to provide “Admiralty for Enforcement of Commerce” is grounds for loss of “Sovereign Nation Status”. Should he fail, this matter will be taken to the “Hague Convention”, in “Condemnation Proceedings”. Because of this, the President is being provided with a copy of this “Affidavit” as addressed.
Banks have committed all the crimes outlined above and on the website because of their conspiracy with attorneys and judges who allow these violations of law. By taking property paid for in full, allowing unlawful seizure by banks, corporations and finance companies, the 4th Amendment protection of law has been abolished by “Foreign Agents” engaged in “Organized Crime”. Unless these “Foreign Agents are removed from our government, banks, and financial corporations, we can no longer trust the integrity of these institutions. No corporation, has any right, that I, as an “American Citizen” do not possess first. An “American Citizen” can lawfully be a “Private Bank” as clearly established in “Blacks Law” without commercial regulation. Though I am not lawfully obligated, I have met these regulations and performed as lawfully required to report those who have violated our law. I believe these criminals should be held to account for their criminal acts, just like everyone else. Every bond is a “Contract” with my “Administrator” to pay a sum certain to remove a debt of my principal. I claim my right to contract under 42 USC 1981 and Article I, Section 13 of the Constitution of Missouri. I believe I am entitled to enforcement of my contracts and to have those who have obstructed my commercial instruments held accountable. After all as an “American Citizen” I am entitled to equal protection of law and equal opportunity under the law. Corporations do not believe I am entitled to these rights, privileges and immunities, it is your responsibility and lawful duty to enforce our law and prove them wrong. This is why I believe these criminals should be prosecuted.
I, Denny Ray Hardin, “Agent” demand an “OCC Alert” that my commercial instruments are “Negotiable” as evidenced by my contracts with the “Secretary of the Treasury for the United States of America” lawfully requires.
I, Denny Ray Hardin, “Agent” demand an “Audit”, by a “Bank Examiner” of
each and every account listed in “Attachment 3” and a statement signed by the “Executive” named, stating that accounts are paid in full and the obligations are removed. I demand these signed statements within 30 days, failure to provide these statements will be evidence this government agency has refused its lawful responsibility, yet again. This request is made to protect my principals from further peril.
Maxims of Law:
“IN COMMERCE FOR A MATTER TO BE RESOLVED MUST BE EXPRESSED” Heb. 4:16; Phil 4:6; Eph. 6:19-21. Legal Maxim: “He who fails to assert his rights has none.”
“ALL ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW” (God’s Law – Moral and Natural Law) Exodus 21:23-25; Lev 24: 17-21: Deut 1:17, 19:21, Mat. 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; Col 3:25. “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”