Progress Tracker provides clear action-oriented information on participant, class or group performance.

These tracking tools allow teachers to build a profile of each student’s strengths and weaknesses and ensure on-going monitoring of progress. The teacher uses the tools to prioritise areas of need and use their own time effectively and efficiently.

Combined with classroom observations, the teacher can be confident of ensuring the student gets the comprehensive and systematic learning experience required to develop the cognitive and language skills necessary for reading effectively.

Progress Tracker allows the teacher to spend more time on teaching and less on data preparation and administration.

·  Information is secure and accessible using the Internet and email.

·  Automatic analysis, including diagnostic and prescriptive information, displayed in graphs and tables.

·  Timely and specific intervention guidance provides teachers with recommendations to maximize the impact of classroom reading instruction and the effectiveness of the Fast ForWord products.


This individual participant report displays the completion history for each exercise on which the participant has worked, in both graphical and textual format.

Detailed longitudinal progress reports for individuals and groups let teachers monitor how participants are progressing over time, in specific reading and language skill areas.

Status messages and flags. We use these to highlight potential skill areas in which intervention might be helpful, or notify teachers when a student has received the most benefit from one product, and is ready to advance to another product.


These individual participant reports display the errors for each exercise on which the participant has worked. We use the reports to gain insight into the areas of difficulty for each participant.


This individual participant report displays detailed participation information for the Fast ForWord products. We use this report to account for a participant’s daily work activities.


Overall features include:

Secure reports based on learner profiles specified by school and type of student.

Automatic analysis of group and individual progress, including diagnostic and prescriptive information, displayed in graphs and tables.

Timely and specific intervention guidance, providing recommendations for maximizing the impact of classroom reading instruction and the effectiveness of the Fast ForWord products.

Curriculum alignment. The Fast ForWord exercises are aligned to reading standards and correlated to major basal programs.

Email and print features. These tools make it easy to send reports to parents, teachers, or administrators, automatically or on an as needed basis.

Customized Email Reports

Fast ForWord provides customizable email data that can automatically send selected participant reports to parents and important staff members such as teachers, principals, school officials, and others, on a daily or weekly basis. We can customise these reports to reflect each recipient’s needs. For example:

·  A concerned parent could automatically receive the individual participant report at the end of the week to see how his or her child is doing in the products.

·  A teacher could receive an Exercise Percent Complete report each day for only those participants who needed attention, to help determine why those individuals are not progressing as expected.

·  A school principal could receive an Administrator report each week to find out how all immigrant recipients or special needs students were responding to the Fast ForWord products.

With these automatic notifications, everyone involved stays informed and up to date.

Teachers and families can incorporate progress information into their work with the students in the classroom and at home. At the end of Fast ForWord activity, teachers, parents, and officials can evaluate student success in all areas instructed in the above formats. Fast ForWord Progress Tracker allows teachers to further personalise Fast ForWord activity, reinforcing areas of strength and helping with areas of difficulty. Teachers can then make appropriate adjustments to class work by examining student Fast ForWord Progress Tracker reports.

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