Procedure for Elections of Regional Cricket Associations

1)The Regional Cricket Associations shall be an elected body consisting of: -

  1. Executive Committee (Will consist of elected office bearers of RCAs and one executive member representing all District/Zonal Cricket Associations)
  2. General Body (Executive Committee + one representative of each district)

2)It shall carry out its aims and objects through its Executive Committee and General Body. The objects and functions of RCAs are attached as “Annex A”

3) Elections of following office bearers of Regional Cricket Associationswill be conducted by the Election Commissioner/Deputy Election Commissioner PCB: -

i. President

ii. Secretary

4) Following office bearers of RCAs will be elected by the regional bodies themselveswithin 30 days of the elections of RCA: -

i. Senior Vice President

ii. Vice President

iii. Joint Secretary

iv. One member for executive committee representing all District/Zonal Cricket Associations.

a. TreasurerNow it will be called “Manager Finance” who will be the sponsor or his nominee, however where sponsors are not available, Manager Finance will be nominated by PCB.

b. Voters/Electoral College:The elected office bearers (President, Secretary and Treasurer) of each District/Zonal Cricket Association under Regional setup will cast vote for the President and Secretary of Regional Cricket Association.

c. CandidatesThe Candidate for the elections of RCA (for President and Secretary) must be a member of a registered cricket club i.e. declared by the Scrutiny Committee PCB either active or inactive and candidates should also belong to the same region. The President and Secretary should not be from the same District/Zone of the region having Four or above Districts/Zones.


The President and Secretary of LCCA and KCCA will represent their respective region as Regional bodies.

Where as the “Manager Finance” who will be the sponsor or his nominee, however where sponsors are not available, Manager Finance will be nominated by PCB.

Qualification of Office Bearers

Reputation:Good, no criminal record, and no defaulter (defaulter means a person who has not submitted accounts with the PCB, has been fined by the PCB, has failed to clear PCB dues as incharge of any department or association etc. or who’s name has been appeared in the defaulters’ list of any utility services like WAPDA and others.


Tenure:The Tenure of office bearers shall be three consecutive terms (three years each). Thereafter, a person shall only be eligible to hold further any office (President or Secretary) after the lapse of oneyear.

Sports:Is actively associated with cricket of that area.

Political:Not an office bearer of any political party including legislators, office bearers, elected representative, Minister, Senator, MNA, MPA, MLA, Nazim,Naib Nazim, Councilor or a person who is contesting elections on the platform symbol, flag or draws financial or material support from a political, Religious, Ethnic or Sectarian party.

Government Servants:Government servants, public servants, civil servants, and employees of corporation registered under companies act like PIA and other, autonomous bodies/departmentsandsemi-autonomous bodies/departments shall not be eligible to contest elections for any office.

No employee, be it regular, permanent, temporary, on contract, daily wage basis or otherwise, of a department affiliated with the PCB in any form and manner, be a full or an associate member or merely affiliated and playing in the PCB-organized tournaments, shall be eligible to contest elections for any office of the RCAs.

Academic QualificationFA(Candidates are required to produce original or certified copy of intermediate certificate as proof)

If an official of District/Zonal Cricket Association is elected as President or Secretary, he will be entitled to retain both the posts. (at district/zonal and regional level)

If President of district of international venue (e.g. Multan, Peshawar etc) is not elected as one of two RCA posts, he will be co-opted member of that RCA.

The Regional Cricket Associations shall keep the Board posted with its affairs on quarterly basis and shall be bound to abide by the Constitution, Rules and Regulations, Bye-laws and directions issued by the Board.

The Regional Cricket Associations shall be intermediate body and subordinate to Pakistan Cricket Board.

A vote of No confidence shall not be initiated before the expiry of 18 months from the date of elections of the RCAs, with minimum of 2/3rd majority to pass the motion. Once a resolution for Vote of No confidence fails, it cannot be reinitiated earlier than a period of 12 months.

The office of the RCAs will be established at the headquarters of the region.

If the elections (for President and Secretary) end in tie than the tenure of three years will be divided into two phases, each of 18 months duration. The decision to the effect as to who will takeover in the first instance may be made through a win/lost on toss or with the mutual understanding of both candidates.

The undertaking to be given by the elected office bearers of RCAs is attached as Annex “B”.


Annex “A”

Objects and Functions of Regional Cricket Association (s):

The objects and functions of the Association (s) shall be to:

a)Maintain overall control, promote, manage, regulate and develop the game of cricket within its jurisdiction;

b)Promote formation of Cricket Associations, Clubs, formulate and regulate affiliation of the Clubs, fix fees with the prior written approval of the Board and other terms and conditions for the grant of playing rights and supervise Cricket activities as well as functioning of the member (s);

c)Organize at least two Inter District Tournaments (Senior and Junior) in one calendar year in its area of jurisdiction.

d)Ensure uniformity of application of Rules and Regulations including financial, grant affiliation, exercise supervision and ultimate jurisdiction over all cricket teams within its jurisdiction in conformity with the Rules and Regulations of the Board and with prior written approval from the Board;

e)Coordinate activities in respect of the game of cricket in all matters and ways, including the formulation of the laws of the game, subject to the laws and regulations of the Board, holding and organizing of tournaments, National and International matches through the Board;

f)Generate funds, donations and subscriptions and utilize them in such manner as may be considered desirable for achieving its objectives;

g)Ensure proper utilization of funds collected by it;

h)Undertake fair and transparent selection (at district and regional level) and formation of cricket team to represent in domestic cricket contests

i)Recommend appointment of managers, coaches and other officials of the team to Pakistan Cricket Board.


j)Develop and maintain stadium, playing grounds and other properties

k)Promote, control, regulate, manage and develop Women, Blind, Deaf & other Cricket Bodies in the area of its jurisdiction;

l)To prescribe and ensure implementation of the Code of Conduct to its members and the players for the maintenance of discipline among them, as prescribed by the Board;

m)To manage and maintain the Secretariat of the Association and to recruit staff for the smooth functioning of the same who shall only be the employee of the Association (s) and shall not be the employee of the Board;

n)To formulate Rules & Regulations, scales, pays and other emoluments for the staff of the Association (s);

o)To enter into contracts / agreements for the sale of rights e.g. publish books, magazine etc. for the development of the game of cricket within its jurisdiction with the prior written approval of the Board and to generate funds for the said purpose;

p)To follow and implement the directions of the Board / PCB & ICC in letter and spirit;

q)To arrange for external and internal Auditors and ensure that the audit of the Association (s) is conducted in a transparent manner every calendar year and submit the audited report to the Board within a period of one month;

r)Participate in all the National Cricket Tournaments organized by the Board;

s)Constitute various Committees to facilitate smooth functioning of the Association. To do all such other acts and things as may appear to it convenient and conducive for carrying out its objects and functions.

t)To resolve disputes related to cricket and administrative matters in its area of jurisdiction.

u) To monitor the performance of Active and In Active Cricket Clubs (declared by the PCB Scrutiny Committee) in the tournaments organized by the concerned District/Zone/Region.

Annex “B”

Undertaking by the Office Bearers

Elected office bearer of the Regional Cricket Association shall give an undertaking to the Board on his / her appointment or nomination, as the case may be;

a)That he / she shall strive to achieve the objectives and purpose of the Board;

b)That he / she shall abide by the Rules & Regulations of the Board and bring into consonance the bye laws of the Association he is representing, with the instructions / directions of the Board and fulfill all obligations as contained in Article 19 of the Constitution of the Board;

c)That he / she shall not give any press statement, interview, comment or participate in any discussion, program or appear in any interview, debate or discussion aired by any Television Network, Radio Broadcasting Channel, Audio or video Network or Terrestrial Channel, which may be against the interest of the Board or its officials.

d)That he / she shall also not hold any press conference, meeting, protest or participate in any procession, display any play card etc. against the Board or Association etc. in any private or public place, individually or collectively;

e) That he/shall not approach any Court of Law in case of dispute of any kind with the Region, City, District Association (s) or the Board;


Pakistan Cricket Board

ELECTIONS- City/Regional Cricket Association

(Nomination Form)

  1. Name: ______

2. Region/City: ______District/Zone: ______

3. ClubName: ______

  1. Status of Club (Active/In Active) as declared by the Scrutiny Committee PCB: ______

5. Affiliation with the Club since: ______

6. Father’s Name: ______

7. Date of Birth: ______

8. Address:______

9. Qualification: ______

10. Affiliationwith Cricketas: ______Since:______

(Documentary proof be annexed)

11. TelNos: Mob ______Res______Fax______

12. Post for which papers being filed ______

(Indicate only for one office)

13. Attach following:

  1. 3 x passport size photographs
  2. Copy of CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card)
  3. Bank Draft Rs. 10,000/- in the name of PCB (non-refundable)
  4. Attested Copies of Matriculation and Intermediate certificates
  5. Documentary proof of affiliation with cricket as per item no. 10 above.

14. Certified that I am member of the club from the last 1 year.

15.Present employment: ______

I do solemnly declare that the above stated facts are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Candidate Signature

Date: ______

Signature: ______

Proposer Name: ______

(To be the member of theClub either Active or In-active, as declared by the Scrutiny Committee PCB,comes under the district of the concerned region, Copy of CNIC to be attached)

Address: ______

Signature: ______

Seconder Name: ______

(To be the member of the Club either Active or In-active, as declared by the Scrutiny Committee PCB,comes under the district of the concerned region, Copy of CNIC to be attached)

Address: ______