Press Advisory For: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 [Tax Day]
Contact: [Insert local contact name, phone number]

[City/Town] Activists to Protest on Tax Day;
Demand the Rich and Corporations Pay their Fair Share

Protest Tuesday, April 17 at [insert time] at [insert location]; [insert address]

*** members to join allies for ‘Tax the 1%’ National Day of Action ***

On TaxDay, Tuesday, April 17, [insert city/town] members will join allies in a national day of action by protesting at [insert target] to demonstrate their collective outrage that the rich and corporations aren’t paying their fair share of taxes to help rebuild the economy. Participants will demand that corporations and the richest 1% be required to pay their fair share in taxes to help rebuild the economy so that it works for the 99%.

The event is part of a national day of action called ‘tax the 1%’, which includes more than [insert total number] of grassroots actions across the country. The events come the week after 100,000 people across the country were trained in non-violent direct action as part of the 99% Spring, in order to stand with the 99% and reshape the country. The events will seek to change a system in which Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, Mitt Romney pays only a 14% tax rate, and Wall Street and Big Oil get billions in tax kickbacks. Wells Fargo alone has received tens of billions of dollars in tax giveaways over the last few years, and some giant corporations pay no U.S. taxes.

“We’re here today to express our outrage that the rich and corporations like [insert target] have been allowed to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us and aren't paying their fair share to help rebuild the economy,” said [insert name], a local member. “Taxing the 1% is the quickest way to rebuild our economy so that it works for everyone. We pay our fair share of taxes. [insert target] should too."

[If merited -- add paragraph about local impacts of budget cuts that are occurring because the 1% aren’t paying their fair share of taxes and/or information about how the target of the action is not paying its fair share.]

The event will take place on Tax Day, Tuesday, April 17th 2012 at [insert time] at [insert location]; [insert address].

****VISUALS: Signs/crowd****

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