E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 1
1. Amanda Owen Saturn and Your Shadow
2. Buzz Myers Your Last (Void) Planet
3. Edith Custer Heliocentric Charts
4. Erin Sullivan Venus Aspects
5. Ingrid Naiman The Moon and Relationships
6. Julie Simmons Astrology and Aging
7. Marc Beriault Money and Investment
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 1 E
1. Paul Hewitt A 5 hour introductory CD on the basics of Astrology(for beginners)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 2
1. Jeff Jawer If Astrology Ruled the World 2007
2. Kim Marie Philosophy of Evolutionary Astrology
3. MarithaPottenger Four Major Asteroids 1989
4. Paul Hewitt Pluto Sexuality and the Dragons 1986 (in four parts)
5. Priscilla Costello Making Peace with Pluto 1995
6. Rick Levine Understanding the Planets 2007
7. Sheila Belanger Tracking Your Life Story 2005
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 3
1. Maurice Fernandez The Yod 2008
2. Paul Hewitt The Twelfth House 1989(in two parts)
3. Philip Sedgwick Sedna (in 2 parts) 2005
4. Philip Sedgwick The Galactic Core 2007
5. Steven Forrest Linking Inter-aspects 2005
6. Steven Forrest Reaching the Client 2005 (in four parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 4 (All these lectures are from UAC 2008)
1. Chris Brennan Intro to Hellenistic Astrology
- Christophe Schubert-Weller Uranian Astrology
3. Gary Christen Intro to Symmetrical Astrology
4. Gary Christen Speed Analysis
5. Jeff Jawer Nodes of the Moon
6. Ken Hopkins Declination Made Easy
7. Moses Siregar Advanced Transit Techniques
8. Richard Tarnas Harmonies of the Spheres
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 5
1. Alan Oken The Phoenix (Keynote address) (in 2 parts)
2. 4 Articles (published in 2008)
3. Bil Tierney Synthesizing Tips 1987
4. Buz Myers Pluto in Scorpio 1983 (in 2 parts)
5. Donna Cunningham Uranus Transits
6. Erin Sullivan Saturn Transits and Myths
7. Paul Hewitt Solar Arc Directions 1986 (in 2 parts)
8. Rob Hand The Father Complex
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 6
1. Alan Oken Androgyny
2. Brian Clark Chiron
3. Jim Lewis The Peter Pan Complex
4. Liz Greene Neptune Part 1 & 2
6. Liz Greene Mythology and Images of Neptune (in 4 parts)
7. Sandy Hughes The Asteroids
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 7
1. Ulrich Bold Solar Arcs and Progressions (in seven parts)
Each track on this CD is a portion of a weekend workshop held in 2004.
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 8
1. Richard Tarnas At The Threshold of a New World View
2. Richard Tarnas Jung, Cosmology and the Transformation of the Modern Self
Each track on this CD is a portion of a weekend workshop held in Toronto April 2008
(Disc Nine is the completion of this workshop)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 9
1. Richard Tarnas Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View
Each track on this CD is a portion of a weekend workshop held in Toronto April 2008
(Disc Eight is the beginning of the weekend)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 10
1. Brian Clark Astrology’s Changing Persona
2. Chris McRae Mars 2005
3. Donna Van Toen Mercury (in 2 parts) 2005
4. Donna Van Toen Transits to the Moon’s Nodes
5. Erin Sullivan and Jeff Green Counseling Techniques (2 parts)
6. Martha Lang-Wescott The Etiology of Behavior (3 parts)
7. Sandy Hughes The I Ching and the Planets
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 11
1. Erin Sullivan Mercury Retrograde (in 3 parts)
2. Lois Rodden Higher Octave Transits
(This weekend workshop with Lois Roddenis in 6 parts on this CD)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 12
1. SiraBeaumayne The Huber System of Astrology was developed in Europe by a
husbandand wife team of professional astrologers.They havetaught thousands of astrologers who come to study with them from all over
Europe. This weekend workshop is in 9 parts on this CD.
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 13
1. Alan Oken Venus – Esoteric Ruler of Gemini(in 2 parts)
- Alexander Ruperti How can astrology meet the needsof modern man? (2 parts)
3. Diana Stone How do we know it’s real? (2 parts)
4. Erin Sullivan Neptune Pisces and the 12th house
5. Joy Harrison-Edge South Nodal Medical Charts 1987
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 14
1. Alan Oken The Transcendental Horoscope(in 2 parts)
2. Diana Stone Rebirthing the Stone (2 parts)
3. Erin Sullivan Eighth House
4. Michael Lutin Karma Astrology and the History of the Soul (2 parts)
5. Paul Hewitt Venus – Morning or Evening Star(in 2 parts)
6. Philip Sedgwick Planetary Returns (2 parts)
7. Toni Glover-Sedgwick Venus (in 2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 15
1. Alan Epstein Keynote Address NORWAC 1987(in 2 parts)
2. David Pond Addictive Behavior and the Outer Planets(2 parts)
3. Jeff Jawer The Moon (2 parts)
4. Jim Vosper Self Esteem Counseling (2 parts)
5. Julie Schwartz-Simmons Astrology and Dreams (2 parts)
6. Kimberly McSherry Outer Planets Evolutionary Insights (2)
7. Kimberly McSherry Re-emergence of the Goddess (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 16
1. Alexander Zoltai Astronomy for Astrologers
2. Arlene Kramer Practical Uranian Astrology (2 parts)
3. Bil Tierney Astro-Logic Made Easy (2 parts)
4. Donna Van Toen The Yod
5. Ray Merriman Transits and Life Cycles (3 parts)
6. Sandra Leigh Sario Soul Mates
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 17
1. Amy Franco Vocational Ideals in the Chart (4 parts)
- Edwin Steinbrecher The Horoscope as HolographicUniverse (2 parts)
3. Karen Johns Jupiter
4. Rick Levine Those Annoying Quincunxes 2007
5. Shirley Kiley Name Interpretations
6. W. Brooke Smith Harmonic Factors (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 18
1. Buz Myers Secondary Progressions(5 parts)
- Dr. John Rankin Let Your Guardian Angel Speak (2 parts)
3. Eric Bloom Intercepted Houses (4 parts)
4. Gwynne Blanam Personal Planets and TheirProjection (2 parts)
5. Pat Geisler Nodes and Parallels (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 19
1. Buz Myers Prenatal Eclipses(3 parts)
2. Joan McEvers The Lunar Return(2 parts)
3. Marilyn Muir Minor Aspects
4. Philip Sedgwick Halley’s Comet (2 parts)
- Ray Merriman Karma, Destiny, Self Unfoldment and the Sun-Angle Relationship
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 20
1. Glenn Perry Astrological Psychology(in 3 parts)
2. Karen Hamaker-Zondag Jungian Experiental
3. Richard Idemon From the Notes to the Music(a weekend workshop in 8 parts)
(An advanced discussion about the perils ofmodern astrology and becoming an astrologer)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 21
- Dr. David Hawkins
Dr. Hawkins is NOT an astrologer. He is an MD andPsychiatrist, and was working in the
field of consciousness.Having become an enlightened man, he travelledand spoke to
people worldwide. His book Powerversus Force is a state-of-the-art look at modern life,
spirituality and consciousness. So is this workshop. (A day long workshop in 5 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 22
1. Robert ‘Buz’ Myers The Ascendant – Is It Really You
2. Lois Strantz The Cinderella Complex (2 parts)
3. Paul Hewitt 2009 – A Year In Review (2 parts)
4. Bil Tierney Psychological Profile of Aspects
5. Bil Tierney Your signs Polar Opposite
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 23
Glenn Perry Psychological Astrology
(a 10 week course covering signs, planetshouses and aspects over two CDs).
EASDisc 24 completes this course.
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 24
Glenn Perry Psychological Astrology
(a 10 week course covering signs, planetshouses and aspects over two CDs.
EAS Disc 23 begins this course.
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 25
1. Glenn Perry Mother Moon and Transference(2 parts)
2. Glenn Perry Natal Chart Depth Analysis(4 parts)
3. Glenn Perry Psychopathology in the Birthchart(3 parts)
4. Glenn Perry Psychopathology of the Zodiac(2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 26
1. Robert ‘Buz’ Myers Beginning and Ending Planets(2 parts)
2. Robert ‘Buz’ Myers Pot Pourri (5 parts)(Good Questions from the audience)
3. Marion March An In Depth Delineation (3 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 27
0. A brief intro
1. Judy Johns, Leigh Tobias, Bob Glasscock - One chart with 3 interpretations,
1)as a child, 2) as an adult, 3) a health analysis)
2. Joan McEvers Relocation (3 parts)
3. Karen Johns The Escapist and the Imposter (2 parts)
4. Ray Merriman Pluto and the 8th (2 parts)
5. Richard Idemon Pluto and Eros (2 parts)
6. Richard Idemon The Wounded Healer (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 28
1. Claire Chandler Cycles
2. Darby Costello Plenary - The Progressed Moon(A Place of Refuge)
3. Geoffrey Cornelius Plenary – A Question of Eris
4. John Etherington Genius in Contemporary Music
5. John Etherington Popular Music
6. Luis Robeiro Warrior, Trader or Artist
7. Sasha Fenton The Vertex
(These lectures are from the 40th Astrology AssociationConference Sept 19-21, 2008 in England)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 29
1. Jim Lewis Beginners AstroCartoGraphy (2 parts)
2. Jim Lewis Advanced AstroCartoGraphy (2 parts)
- Jim Lewis The Vancouver AstroCartoGraphy Workshop (5 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 30
1. Dr. Ingrid Naiman Past Lives and Astrology (2 parts)
2. James Baker Solstice Points – Astrological Mirrors(4 parts)
3. Nancy Hastings The Fear Of Success (2 parts)
4. Nancy Hastings When You Are Sick of Lemonade (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 31
1. Howard Berg How To Turn Misfortune Into Success (2 parts)
2. Howard Berg Vocational Astrology (4 parts)
3. Joan McEvers The Twelfth House (2 parts)
4. Richard Roess Time For The Wounded Healer (a lecture about Chiron)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 32
1. Judy Johns Venus – The Secret Life of Loving(in 8 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 33
1. Dr. Ingrid Naiman Retrograde Planets (2 parts)
2. Michael Lutin Coping With Stress (4 parts)
3. Michael Lutin The Nodes (2 parts)
4. Michael Lutin LIVE!!
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 34
1. Dr. Ingrid Naiman Introduction to Medical Astrology (2 parts)
2. Dr. Ingrid Naiman The Root Chakra (4 parts)
3. Dr. Ingrid Naiman The Sacral Center (4 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 35
1. Dr. Ingrid Naiman The Solar Plexus (4 parts)
2. Dr. Ingrid Naiman The Higher Chakra (4 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 36
1. Alan Oken Abundance and Lacks in the Horoscope (2 parts)
2. Buz Myers Sexuality in the Chart (6 parts)
3. Dr. Ingrid Naiman Squares – The Challenges of Life (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 37
1. Buz Myers Mutual Receptions (4 parts)
2. Diana Stone Counselling Techniques (6 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 38
1. Diana Stone The Ascendant (2 parts)
2. Janette Matthews Astrology Class on Transits (3 parts)
3. Janette Matthews Astrology Class on Retrogrades (2 parts)
4. LoraleeScaife Saturn as the Shadow – A Jungian Approach (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 39
1. Alan Oken The Moon – Goddess Mother and Soul(7 parts)
2. Mae Wilson Ludlam Healing on the Centers (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 40
1. Angel Thompson Mars and Pluto (2 parts)
2. Diana Stone Astrology Above – Homeopathy Below (2 parts)
3. Dona Matthews Children’s Charts (2 parts)
4. Glennys Lawton Family Patterns (2 parts)
5. Lois Strantz Astrology For Skeptics (3 parts)
6. Martha Frohlinger Saturn Pluto Conjunctions (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 41
1. Sandy Hughes Twelve Themes Class Aries and Taurus (in 12 parts)
(This entire workshop takes up 6 CDs and it runs for a total of about 50 hours)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 42
1. Sandy Hughes The Twelve Themes Class Gemini and Cancer (in 12 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 43
1. Sandy Hughes The Twelve Themes Class Leo and Virgo (in 11 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 44
1. Sandy Hughes The Twelve Themes Class Libra and Scorpio (in 11 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 45
1. Sandy Hughes Twelve Themes Class Sagittarius and Capricorn (in 10 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 46
1. Sandy Hughes Twelve Themes Class Aquarius and Pisces (in 10 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 47
1. Erin Sullivan Venus Retrograde (4 parts)
2. Marion March An Investors Profile (2 parts)
3. Sandy Hughes Asteroids as Signal Flags(2 parts)
4. Walter Guttensberger Transits to the Progressed Moon(2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 48
1. Buz Myers The Descendant (2 parts)
2. Donna Van Toen The Part of Fortune (2 parts)
3. Marilyn Waram Reversing the Downward Spiral of Depression (2 parts)
4. Richard Idemon The Lost Goddess (5 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 49
1. Adrian Duncan Retrograde Planets in Progressions(2 parts)
2. Brian Clark What We Give Away In Relationships (2 parts)
3. Donna Van Toen The Part Of Fortune (2 parts)
4. Glennys Lawton Jupiter In Perspective(2 parts)
5. Tadd Mann Astrology, Reincarnation and Cosmology (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 50
1. Erin Sullivan Pluto in Scorpio (2 parts)
2. Ingrid Naiman The Elements (2 parts)
3. Ingrid Naiman The Elements - Part Two (2 parts)
4. Kimberly McSherry Human Sexuality (2 parts)
5. Sandy Hughes The Yod – Crossroads of the Soul (2 parts)
6. Sandy Hughes Weaving It All Together (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 51
1. Allan Annand Astrology and Speculation (2 parts)
2. Allan Annand Lives Of Famous Lovers
3. Andre Dionne Horse Racing (2 parts)
4. Mary Downing Planets For Fun And Profit (2 parts)
5. Roxanna Muise What Will My Day Be Like (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 52
1. Alan Epstein Chart Classification (2 parts)
2. Alan Epstein The Inconjunct (2 parts)
3. David Pond Astrological Counseling (2 parts)
4. Diana Stone The Ninth House (2 parts)
5. Maggie Nalbandian The Karmic Connection (2 parts)
6. Paul Hewitt The Astrology of 2010 (EAS Jan. 2010 lecture - 3 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 53
1. Gloria Star Does Time Exist At All? (Keynote Address)
2. Inge Lohse Pluto - Current Times and The T-Square of 2010 (2 parts)
3. Joanne Wickenburg Eclipses (2 parts)
4. Joanne Wickenburg Living With Transits (2 parts)
5. Karen Hamaker-Zondag The Paradox of Saturn Transits (2 parts)
6. Priscilla Costello Astrology and Jungian Psychology (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 54
(Advanced astrology material)
1. Michael Munkasey The Personal Sensitive Points (2 parts)
2. Philip Sedgwick 360 Degrees Revisited (2 parts)
3. Philip Sedgwick Galactic Astrology (2 parts)
4. Robert Hand Greek Predictive Techniques (part 1only – part 2 unreadable)
5. Robert Hand Tertiary Directions (2 parts)
6. Steve Cozzi Local Space Astrology (4 parts)
7. Tad Mann Lifetime Astrology (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 55
1. David Pond The Outer planets and Evolution(2 parts)
2. Dr. Lee Pulos Extending Human Capabilities (2 parts)
3. Marc Beriault The Black Moon(2 parts)
4. Nick Campion Astrology and History
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 56
1. Michael Lutin Made In Heaven (2 parts)
2. Diana Stone All The Worlds A Stage (2 parts)
3. Gloria Star Transits ProgressionsReclaiming Personal Power (2 parts)
- Jeff Jawer Creative Prediction(2 parts)
- Priscilla Costello Astrology as a Healing Art (2 parts)
- Sandy Hughes Chiron Emerges (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 57
1. David Pond The Art of Relationships (2 parts)
2. David Pond The Evolution of Capricorn (2 parts)
3. David Pond The Inward Journey (2 parts)
4. David Pond The Uranus Saturn conjunction Through the Houses (2 parts)
5. Gloria Star So You Think You’re Not a KidAnymore (2 parts)
6. Kimberly McSherry The Outer Planets – Evolutionary Insights (2 parts)
7. Sandy Hughes Cycles of the Dragon(2 parts)
8. Sandy Hughes Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 58
1. Rob Hand Multi Level House Interpretation(2 parts)
2. Bil Tierney Ascendant and Self Image (2 parts)
3. Donna Van Toen Mars Through a Microscope (2 parts)
4. Joanne Wickenburg Intercepted Signs (2 parts)
5. Joanne Wickenburg Why We Get Sick (2 parts)
6. Michael Lutin The Horoscope and the Family (2 parts)
7. Noel Tyl The Interplay of Neptune and Pluto(2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 59
- David Pond Giving Transit and Progression Readings (2 parts)
- Demetra George Eros and Psyche (2 parts)
- Diana Stone Plucking Moon Strings (2 parts)
- Gloria Star The Co-Dependent Personality (2 parts)
- Gregory Nalbandian Astrology and Vibration Therapy (2 parts)
- Richard Roess Mercury (2 parts)
- Stase Michaels Astrology and Reincarnation (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 60
- Robert Hand Astrological Symbols of the Earth (2 parts)
- Robert Hand Astrology, Magic and the Astrology of the West(2 parts)
- Erin Sullivan Hermes – Teacher, Trickster (2 parts)
- Gloria Star Eclipses (2 parts)
- Jayj Jacobs Sexuality of the Sun Signs (2 parts)
- Joanne Wickenburg The Retrograde Dilemma (2 parts)
- Michael Lutin Karma, Astrology and the History of the Soul(2 parts)
- SiraBeaumayne Astrological Psychology (Huber method) (4 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 61
- Buz Myers Mutual Receptions (6 parts)
- Carol Tebbs Transformation for the New Age Woman(2 parts)
- Dottie Santangelo Saturn and Landmark Ages (2 parts)
- Philip Sedgwick The Six Human Dilemmas (4 parts)
- Robert Pelletier Synthesizing Summarizing and Delineation (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 62
- Eileen Nauman Cycles of Healing and Illness (2 parts)
- Eileen Nauman Homeopathic Remedies and Sea Salts(2 parts)
- Eileen Nauman Medicinal Herbs (2 parts)
- Eileen Nauman The Detoxification Diet (2 parts)
- Robert Jansky Health and Opinions (3 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 63
1. Frances McEvoy Understanding Retrograde Planets
2. ZipporahDobyns The Twelve Letter Alphabet (2 parts)
3. Joyce Wehrman Transits for the Time of Your Life (2 parts)
4. Buz Myers Pluto Through the Houses (4 parts)
5. Buz Myers Staying in the Present (2 parts)
6. Donna Warner The Pillars of Venus
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 64
1. Annie Hershey MC – The Path to Fulfillment (2 parts)
2. Buz Myers Lunar Nodes (2 parts)
3. Buz Myers Neptune Through the Houses (4 parts)
4. Constance Mayer Transits Feast or Famine (2 parts)
5. Philip Sedgwick Retrogrades, Reversing the Trend (4 parts)
6. Ronald Cole Astro Geography (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 65
1. Donna Cunningham Being a Solar Type in a Lunar World(2 parts)
2. Donna Cunningham Games People Play in Relationships (2 parts)
3. Donna Cunningham Pluto and Resentment (2 parts)
4. Joan McEvers Comparison Composite and Compatibility (9 parts)
5. Lois Rodden Transits of Uranus (2 parts)
6. RozanaMuise The Saturn Pluto Conjunction (2 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 66
- Robert Jansky An Introduction to Holistic Medical Astrology
(An 8 week course - in 16 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 67
1. Dottie Santangelo Triplicities and Quadruplicities (2 parts)
2. Joan McEvers Configurations Including the Boomerang (2 parts)
3. Joyce Wehrman Developmental Cycles of the Moon (2 parts)
4. Robert Pelletier The Key Cycle (2 parts)
5. Robert Pelletier Transits – A Forecasting Device
6. Buz Myers Sexuality (3 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 68
1. Bil Tierney Love and the Higher Octave Planets (2 parts)
2. Jeff Jawer Synastry (4 parts)
3. Michael Lutin The Power of Prediction (4 parts)
4. Robert Gaines Mars and Venus (4 parts)
E.A.S. Digital Library Disc 69
1. Bil Tierney Lunar Aspects (2 parts)