Minutes of DOT
20 November 2013 12.00-2.00
The Seminar Room – Dolphin Centre
Present: Heidi Gibson Adult Safeguarding Team
Lynn Walton Age UK Darlington
Shamaza Ali Alzheimer’s Society
Alison Eldridge Talking Changes
Margaret Week Talking Newspaper
Sue Case Town Mission
Julie Currie PFIS
Carlyn Hardy PFIs
Sheila Crawford DAD
Carol Houghton Darlington Library
Janet English DWP
Terry Taylor GOLD
Sam Harrison NECS/CCG
Lisa Marsh Darlington Food Store Network
Fiona Wintle Darlington Food Store Network
Apologies: Jean Coltham
Jasmin Orrick
/ Action By / Target Date1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Apologies
As above
3. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising.
4. Guest Speaker
Sam Harrison attended in place of Siobhan Jones – NHS ‘Call To Action’ is a conversation with everyone. The NHS will be 65 this year and we are facing an ageing population. As we all age, we need increased support from NHS. This is going to be a challenge for our health services; we will need some clever and different thinking to make sure the needs of people are met. There are key questions to be answered.
Lisa Marsh – Kings Church (Food Bank) – Kings Centre, Whessoe Road
Lisa explained the background behind the food bank and gave details of how the service helps people. The service gives out approximately 150 bags of food per week. There are three distribution points across Darlington.
Kings Centre – Mon-Fri 9-4
St Columbus Church – 1 per week
St Mary’s Community Centre – 1 per week.
Food bags designed to provide 1 small hot meal for 7 days, tailored bags can be given for specific dietary requirements.
The service offers more then a bag of food – they are welcoming and accepting, offer emotional support and encouragement in a none judgemental environment.
5. Around the room updates
ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY – Dementia cafes still taking place in Darlington.
St Herbert’s D-Caf
Regular D-caf: Musical cafe at St Herbert’s Church Hall 343 Yarm Road Darlington, DL1 1BD. Bus route 11 / Free Parking,
Cafe Dates:15 October, 19 November, 17 December 2013.
2014 - 21 January, 18 February, 18 March, 15 April and 2 May.
Cafe opens 10 to 12 with songs from the 1940’s from 11am
The Lawns Cafe
Regular Cafe: The Lawns Care Home, Ridsdale Street, Darlington DL1 4EG. Bus route 11 / Free Parking.
Cafe Dates 6 November, 4 December 2013, 2014 – No cafe in January, 5 Feb, 5 March, 2 April.
Cafe opens: 10 to 12am.
TALKING CHANGES – Talking therapies based in Darlington and County Durham. Can be accessed in a range of formats, CBT, computerised, telephone, face to face, self guided packages and telephone support. The service can provide interpreters if needed and users can be accompanied if needed. People must be aged 16 or over and can access help for anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, panic attacks etc.
TALKING NEWSPAPER – Raising money via bag pack. More people are receiving boom boxes to listen.
DTM – Aimed at alleviating loneliness for people aged 80+. Provide visits, outings and lunch clubs. Looking at possibly doing afternoon tea in future. Looking for volunteers including drivers. Fundraising events are noted on their website.
AGE UK DARLINGTON – GOOD FRIENDS – Lynn thanked the group for their support of the project. The scheme is doing well with recruiting volunteers and are looking for people to help.
PFIS – Any organisation can register and be included on the website. You can look for childminders, nurseries, housing, services etc.
SAFEGUARDING – Free training available through the partnership board. Events can be cascaded to board via Heidi.
DAD – K.I.P – Keyworking in partnership. Funded by Dept of Education. Direct payments are still going ahead.
LIBRARY SERVICES – Action on hearing loss – 1st Tuesday 10-12 – Help with hearing aids – Drop In. Stop smoking drop in every Saturday morning 10-12. GEM every Wednesday afternoon 2-3.15pm £2.50. Baby Rhyme Time – Fridays at 10.30 and 2pm, free to children under 5. Family Learning x2 santa workshops in Crown Street 7th December 1-3pm and Cockerton 12th December 3.30-4.30.
DWP – Welfare Reform. October roll out of assessment. DLA has been replaced by PIP. No dates for Darlington as yet. There is a toolkit available on gov.uk website for PIP or Universal Credit. Carers can now apply for Carers Allowance online been a number of improvements.
GOLD – Dignity in Care up and running. There is a 5 week training process at 2 hours per week.
6. Information Directory – Update for 2013-2014
6.1 Updated information to be sent to Andrea ASAP.
7. Any other business
8.1 None at this time
19 February, Dolphin Centre, , 12.00-14.00