Friends of Stanwix School

Tuesday 15th January 2013

6.30pm – Staff Room


Attendees:Judith Chambers/Jenny Mitchell//Sarah Carruthers/Sarah Grieve /Kim Mitchinson/Jackie Thompson/Katie Mellor/Paul Uppard/Sue Whitlock/Richard Clark/Kuldip McMullan/Paula Pasque/Jill Gardiner/Kath Pearson/Gillian Thomas/Jane Walshe

Apologies:Lynda Hepburn/Shona Park/Jane Heathcote/Gerard Edwards/Joanne Leadbetter/Wendy Adam

2.Minutes of the last meeting (Tuesday 6th November 2012)

The minutes were recorded as a true record of the meeting.

Proposed:Kath Pearson Seconded: Jackie Thompson

3.Matters Arising.

More information was asked about item 13 and it was explained that Quidco is an online search engine where you can click onto stores and attract 1% cashback of your spend for your chosen cause, i.e Stanwix School.

Richard Clark gave an update on the ICT funding request and confirmed that school funds, approximately £8k, have been used to purchase 26 Samsung Galaxy tablets. They have been set up and are used on a network. The use of these has been built into the school timetable and most classes have had the chance to use them with the juniors using them the most. Other ICT items to note:

  • £1k from the Border Cars competition that was won by a pupil from our school has been put into the budget.
  • A second hand colour printer and 4 colour cartridges have been purchased.
  • £1k has been spent on a new projector for Mrs Winter’s classroom.
  • £1k has been spent on a new computer for admin – this is used for displays.
  • 5 new laptops are required for the truck at a cost of £449 each plus set-up costs.
  • Cases are still required for the tablets.

4.Financial Update

There is £5,194.88 in the current account, less £1,500 for the first instalment agreed towards the ICT fund. This leaves £3,694.88.

5.New Financial Requests.

The YR5 Art Co-ordinator, Julie Wilson, would like some new shelves for the art gallery area for the window display. These will be made by the caretaker and materials required include mesh/hanging facilities/spotlights. Cost £200.

Sarah Carruthers in Reception requested a robust laminator as they have gone through 2 cheap ones. Cost £189.

YR1 teachers have requested 6 Bee Bot mats for ICT resources as the current resources are limited. Cost £119.84.

Total Cost: £509.00

Proposed:Sue WhitlockSeconded: Paul Uppard

6.Feedback from Xmas Fair & children’s raffle.

The children’s raffle went well, although it was noted that some children had experienced difficulty in obtaining raffle tickets. We ran out of selection boxes for Santa’s Grotto. The Eden Valley Hospice stall made over £100 and the ladies were very pleased.

7.Disco – 06.02.13

The idea of having a theme for dressing up was discussed, but in the end it was agreed that this may put some children off and therefore this would run as normal. Paula and Kim agreed to help with the infants disco with Jane Walshe and Judith helping at the juniors.

8.Social media/online fundraising

Facebook – concerns were voiced about negative comments being posted. It was suggested that a page was set up as “information only” with no facility to leave comments. However, it was decided that this was not productive, as people would expect to be able to leave a comment. Someone would also have to be responsible for keeping the page up to date and there is no capacity for the school to do this. It was noted that someone from FoSS was happy to do this.

Action = Paula and Richard Clark to conduct more research into this idea.

It was suggested that we use the forthcoming parents evenings to publicise FoSS with the following:

  • Some representatives from FoSS on hand in the Hall
  • A “boasting” board highlighting some of the items that have been purchased with money raised
  • A board where parents could attach post-it notes with comments, feedback and information


It was suggested that an information sheet, such as the one Kim had prepared previously and which was circulated, was put into the book bags with a note at the bottom regarding the open night at parents evening. Jane and Kim to action.

Other fundraising ideas suggested included:

  • Another pamper night
  • Race night with a raffle during the summer term on a Friday evening for the parents only. Mr Bulman, the caretaker, may help organise this as he has done these before
  • Beetledrive which would involve the children
  • Bag pack at Morrisons

It is possible to order from Scholastic online and they will donate a percentage of your spend back to your chosen school. Yellow Moon and Baker Ross also donate cashback.

A thank you letter was read out from Bob Taylor (retired Santa) for the vouchers we sent him.

Jane requested that we submit ideas for a FoSS social night out at the next meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 7.30pm