Rainford Parish Council



Present: Councillors: Aspinall, Brown, Collins, Grice, G Jones, P Jones, Lee, Long, Monk,

D Mussell, L Mussell, D Nichols (Chairman), Reynolds, Wesley

In attendance: Sally Powell (Clerk)

Victoria Swainbank (Administration Assistant)

J Speakman

Absent: None

563. APOLOGIES: Councillors: R Nichols (Business)



The Chairman thanked all Councillors who had attended the St George’s Day service at All Saints Parish Church on Saturday 22.04.17. She also requested the names of all Councillors who will be attending the Walking Day parade on 17.06.17.



Councillor Reynolds: Councillor Reynolds informed the meeting about a new Community

Cinema group who hire equipment. He suggested that as the cost will be much less than before, 3 films are shown over the course of 2 days:

A classic Friday afternoon matinee, a fun film on the Friday evening and a Disney children’s matinee on the Saturday.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Reynolds for all the work he has undertaken on this project.



560.Finance Councillor P Jones requested that the wording was altered to:

The meeting then discussed an item under a private agenda

RESOLVED: Councillor Aspinall proposed that with the above amendment, the minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record. This was seconded by Councillor P Jones and carried unanimously.


548 Councillor Long informed the meeting that he had attended a further meeting of the Kirkby-Orrell Power Line Steering Group. The group will reconvene in July and is hoping to involve the local schools in their plans.

556.541 Councillor L Mussell reported that the Police had informed her there had been no signs of regular drug use in Springfield. It may be that the reported incidents are associated crime. Following a short discussion, it was agreed that a letter should be distributed to Rainford Junction residents to address their concerns. Councillor Mussell stated that she would be meeting with the Police shortly and would request assistance with the wording of the letter. This would then be passed to the Clerk along with the new contact for the Police.

558.11 Councillor Long had established who the van belonged to. There was a discussion regarding whether or not the land is adopted. Councillor L Mussell stated she would find out.

558.12 Councillor Lee requested further information regarding this item. Councillor Reynolds informed the meeting that he had made enquiries about the phone box outside the Village Hall being adopted by Rainford in Bloom. The cost of renovating the box would be around £600 and ways of raising funds for this in conjunction with the Rainford Heritage Society are being looked into.

558.14 Councillor Long asked for an update regarding the Ground Maintenance Contract. A discussion ensued and it was agreed that a private firm may be more careful and flexible in its approach. The Clerk’s office was asked to pursue other quotes.

558.15 Councillor L Mussell requested further details regarding this item: A resident who had formerly been a Police Officer had objected to the Church Bells being rung (in practice) on the day a Police Officer had been killed in a terrorist attack on Westminster Bridge in London. The complaint had been passed on to the Church Office.

561.i Councillor Grice stated he was pleased that the flag was being flown on appropriate days outside the Village Hall.


RESOLVED: Councillor Grice proposed that the Income and Expenditure Figures for March 2017 be accepted. This was seconded by Councillor Reynolds and carried unanimously. (See Appendix 1)


The Clerk summarised the following correspondence:

1.  Letter from Rainford Heritage Society requesting the use of the Main Hall, Kitchen, Bar area and Reception Room on Sunday 10.09.17 for the Open Heritage Event. This year’s theme is Victorian. Additionally, the society is asking that, as in previous years, the Council Chamber is open with Councillors on hand to speak to visitors. This was agreed

2.  Email from The Estate’s Director for Lord Derby regarding repairs that are required to part of the wall on Rookery Lane. The wall is the responsibility of the tenant.

3.  Email from a resident thanking the Council for the response to earlier concerns regarding an abandoned van and rubbish.

4.  Documents from BDO for the Annual return for 2016/17 (External auditors)

5.  Email confirming places booked on an Emergency First Aid at Work Course for the Bar Manager and Bar Supervisor

6.  Minutes of the Rainford in Bloom meeting held on 12.04.17

7.  Thank you card from John & Myra Hartley for Anniversary Flowers

8.  Letter from St Helens Council requesting the use of the Village Hall for a Polling Station on 08.06.17 for the General Election.

9.  Email from Rainford in Bloom stating that more planters are to be placed in Rainford Junction

10.  Remittance Advice sheet from St Helens Council for the first payment of the precept

11.  Copy of the CPRE Field Work magazine

12.  Copy of the CPRE Countryside Voice magazine

13.  Copies of emails between Councillor D Mussell and Mark Dickens regarding the possible rent for the land at the back of the Village Hall

RESOLVED: That the Correspondence be accepted


Councillor D Mussell reported that Mark Dickens had provided figures for the cost of rates if the land was a car park. Alternatives had been requested but not yet received. Councillor L Mussell reported that a third party is still interested in building a nursery/pre-school on the site. The details would be forwarded to the Clerk for distribution. There was a discussion regarding access and the legality of St Helens Council allowing a private company to build on the site. It was agreed that the Parish Council deeds and covenant relating to the land should be scrutinized.

The Clerk informed the meeting that a resident in Pilkington Street had expressed interest in leasing or buying the piece of land that is currently the Scout’s Allotment. The feeling of the meeting was that this was not an option and it was suggested by Councillor D Mussell that the space could become a Youth Community Garden. It was agreed that this item should be on the agenda for the next meeting.


Ø  Audit – The committee had not met since the last full Council meeting, but it was agreed a meeting should be convened when the Annual return is complete.

Ø  Community Development – Councillor Lee reported that the CDC had not met since the last Full Council Meeting. She requested that a letter of thanks be sent to Mersey Forest for the donation of the trees which have been planted at the front of the building. Councillor L Mussell updated the meeting on the provision of dog bins, stating that as there were 40 dog bins within the Parish, no further finance would be available for the provision of these.

Ø  Health & Safety - No meeting had taken place since the last Full Council Meeting. Councillor D. Mussell asked if the external electricity cable had been tested and certified. The Clerk confirmed that it had not. Councillor Grice stated that the electrician who installed the cable had been asked to provide the certification. Councillor D Mussell indicated that this should be followed up as a matter of urgency and steps should be taken to ensure it has been done before the next Full Council Meeting.

Ø  Finance, Planning & Administration – Councillor P Jones summarised the FPA meeting on 19.04.17 (See Appendix 2 for the minutes):

PLANNING - 6 sets of plans were considered, for which no objections were raised.

RESOLVED: Councillor Aspinall proposed that the plans be agreed en bloc. Councillor Long seconded the motion which was carried with one abstention.

P/2017/0323/FUL – A discussion took place about whether this application was for building on green belt land. The Clerk’s office was asked to determine this, and it was unanimously agreed to object to this application if it fell within the green belt.

Councillor L Mussell informed the meeting that Helena Housing will be developing the site of the old garages on Pilkington Street.


·  Progress had been made since the last meeting in reducing the amount of money owed to the Council.

·  The end of year accounts are nearly complete. Councillor Brown asked when the return had to be made and the Chairman stated 30.06.17.

·  Income for 2016/17 was just over £175,000. It was just under £100,000 4 years ago. Th increase in revenue has offset the high expenses during the year.

·  3 quotes will be required for decorating and carpeting the Reception Room as the first is over £1000. These are currently being gathered by the Clerk’s office.

·  The result of the bar stocktake for the last quarter was 57% gp – a very good result and an improvement on the previous quarter.

·  The Clerk has requested that the separate bank account for the bar is closed. This will save on bank charges and prevent the need to transfer monies from one account to another. The Chairman stated that this request had her full support. Following a short discussion this was agreed.

RESOLVED: Councillor P Jones proposed that the separate bank account for the Bar is closed and that all transactions for the bar are dealt with through the current account. This was seconded by Councillor Aspinall and carried unanimously

The Chairman informed the meeting that a representative from RAG had told the Clerk that funding for banners would be made available by the Parish Council, sanctioned by the Chairman. Councillor D Nichols had no recollection of such a conversation and it was the feeling of the meeting that funding should not be made available at this time.

Borough Council – Councillor L Mussell informed the meeting of the following:

·  Lots of complaints had been received regarding the behaviour of groups of youths. Police patrols had increased.

·  Apparently nothing can be done about the advertising hoarding outside the Co-op as although it was erected some years ago without planning permission, the statute of limitations will not now allow the enforcement of the planning laws. Councillor Monk stated that this issue needed to be pursued and that a social campaign should be launched if a there was no legal redress. There was general agreement with this opinion. Councillor L Mussell said she would endeavour to find out more about the hoarding: who owned it and who rent was paid to.

·  Councillors Allan Jones and L Mussell had attended a further meeting with Mark Dickens regarding the preferred options for the Local Plan, but had not made any headway with their objections.


i.  Councillor Monk asked if Mersey Travel needed planning permission to put adverts on the bus-stops in a conservation area. The Clerk’s office will contact the Conservation Officer.

ii.  Councillor Wesley asked if there was an update regarding the work on Pasture Lane. No further information was available. The Clerk’s office was asked to write to St Helens Council.

iii.  Councillor D Mussell raised concerns about staff on duty at the Community Cinema needing DBS checks. It was agreed that any under 12s attending must be accompanied by an adult.

iv.  Councillor Grice asked if it was known who owned the road in front of the shops at the top of The Avenue. He was informed that each shop owner is responsible for the part of the road outside their shop. The Clerk’s office was asked to write to each shop regarding the state of repair of the road and the amount of rubbish that is allowed to accumulate.

v.  Councillor L Mussell alerted the meeting to the fact that people have been parking on the pavement in the centre of the Village.

vi.  The Chairman informed the meeting that Councillor Lee would be unable to take up the role of Vice Chairman. Councillor Reynolds had agreed to take on the role instead.

vii.  Councillor Grice requested raffle prizes for his fundraising events during his year as Chairman.


08.05.17 7pm Annual Parish Meeting

14.05.17 2.30pm – 4.30pm Afternoon Tea – Fundraiser for the Chairman’s fund for the Rainford War memorial

17.05.17 6.30pm Finance, Planning & Administration Committee Meeting

19.05.17 6.30pm Annual meeting of the Parish Council + Full Council Meeting

followed by the Chairman’s Evening

03.06.17 11am – 11.30am Borough Councillors’ Surgery

04.06.17 10am Civic Service at All Saints Church

07.06.17 7pm Community Development Committee Meeting

17.06.17 1.30pm Walking Day

21.06.17 6.30pm Finance, Planning & Administration Committee Meeting

26.06.17 7pm Full Council Meeting