Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Martin O’Malley, Governor – Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor – Joshua M. Sharfstein M.D., Secretary

Prevention and Health Promotion Administration

Michelle Spencer, MS, Director

Donna Gugel, MHS, Deputy Director

Ilise D. Marrazzo, RN, BSN, MPH, Acting Director, Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Deborah B. McGruder, MPH, PMP, Director, Infectious Disease Bureau

Clifford S. Mitchell, MS, MD, MPH, Director, Environmental Health Bureau

Donald Shell, MD, MA, Director, Cancer and Chronic Disease Bureau


DATE: February15, 2013 CCPCHO Memo #13-09

To: Health Officers

CRF-CPEST Program Directors, Coordinators, and Staff

SAHC CRF Program Directors, Coordinators, and Staff

From Barbara Andrews, M.S.Ed, R.D., Program Manager

Cigarette Restitution Fund Programs, Center for Cancer Prevention and Control

RE: Teleconference on CRF Cancer Programs – Wednesday,February 20, 2013


Attached is the agenda for the Teleconference on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, from 10:00 -12:00.


Dial in to the following “Meeting Place” dial in number: 410-225-5300

Give the following Meeting ID Number: 4321#

When entering the Meeting ID Number, follow by the # sign.

If there are problems, we will send out an e-mail notifying you about what is happening, so please check your e-mail.If you have any trouble dialing into the audio-conference call, please contact DHMH Teleconference Services at (410) 767-5108. A staff member will assist you in your connection to the audio-conference. Please turn your phone to MUTE unless asking a question at the teleconference. You may connect into the conference call as early as 9:55AM, NOT SOONER, PLEASE.

Attachments (E-mailed to Health Officers and CRF/CPEST Program Directors/Coordinators)

cc:Michele Spencer/Donna Gugel/Donald Shell

Courtney Lewis/Sarah Hokenmaier/Diane Dwyer

201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 500 N. Calvert Street, 5th Fl, Baltimore, Maryland 21202

410-767-6742 Fax 410-333-5995410-767-5227 • Fax 410-333-6333 • TDD for Disabled 410-333-4800

Toll Free 1-877-4MD-DHMH TTY for Disabled Toll Free 1-800-358-9001 • TTYfor Disabled

Maryland Relay Service 1-800-735-2258Maryland Relay Service 1-800-735-2258

Web Site:

CRF-Cancer Prevention Education Screening and Treatment Teleconference

DHMH Center for Cancer Prevention and Control

Wednesday,February 20, 2013, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM


Dial in to the following “Meeting Place” dial in number:


Meeting ID Number: 4321#

Please turn your phone to MUTE unless you are asking a question—and DO NOT put your phone on “Hold” during the teleconference (or we will hear background music). Thanks.


The Program staff is encouraged to listen and participate on the Monthly CRF-CPEST Teleconferences. The current URL for the announcements and agendas of the teleconferences and other health officer memos is:

1. Minority Outreach and Technical Assistant – Christine Wiggins

Update from the Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities (MHHD)

6 MOTA Programs will be hosting regional Affordable Care Act Training Sessions for their partners, stakeholders, and other community based organizations from December 2012 through February 2013. Next scheduledACA Regional Training takes place in Frederick County on Saturday, February 16th.Information about locations and specific times for future trainings will be shared as it becomes available.

If anyone has questions, please feel free to contact:

Ms. Christine Wiggins,MS, CHES, CTTS, Director, Health Disparities Initiatives, Office of Minority Health and Health or 410-767-8954

2. Maryland Skin Cancer Prevention Program – Roberta Herbst

  • For information or questions, please contact:

Roberta M. Herbst, M.S.

Director of Programs and Communication

Center for a Healthy Maryland, Inc.

MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society

1211 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 21201

410-539-0872 or 800-492-1056, ext. 3340

Fax: 410-649-4131

3. Clinical Update- Dr. Diane Dwyer

  • Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation Regimens. Presentation by Danielle Goodrich, 4th year University of Maryland medical student regarding the results of the survey on colonoscopy bowel prep that local programs answered (Attachment 1).
  • Emergency treatment of clients such as for complications due to colonoscopy: a contract is not needed between the program and the provider(s).
  • From Karen Matsuoka, PhD, Director of Health Systems and Infrastructure Administration in response to Dr. Dwyer’s question about “first dollar” coverage for CRC screening under the Affordable Care Act (ACA):

As the ACA is currently written (and I caveat this by saying I'm not a lawyer!), I read it as deferring authority for what is covered [for cancer screenings] to the USPSTF. According to USPSTF for your specific example, their guidelines are very flexible [for CRC screening] (and specifically mentionfecal occult blood testing, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy but also note that the risks and benefits are different for different people).

So barring any further regulations from Feds or State on how to interpret these [USPSTF Guidelines], I think plans and providers have a lot of flexibility/discretion [over what tests they will cover in their plans].

However, what is very clear is that plans cannot charge out of pocket costs for anything they include[emphasis added]. So if a plan chose to cover colonoscopy, they [the plan] would not have the option to take it out of the deductible or charge a copay/coinsurance….the patient would not be responsible for that cost, including the deductible [even if the deductible had not been met for the year].

Questions for discussion.Are local programs:

  • Enrolling individuals who have both Medicare parts A and B?If you have discontinued enrolling individuals with Medicare parts A and B, have programs heard concerns expressed by patients or providers?
  • Discussing with their community health coalitionwhen to enroll “insured” individuals?
  • Enrolling individuals with minimal co-pays, deductibles, and/or pharmacy products?
  • Giving theselvesm credit for assistance they provided to residents tohelp them accesscancer care even though the program does not pay for the care? (Refer to Progress Report, “H. Other Major Achievements.”)
  • Addressing the financial burden of burden of cancer.This webinardetails what resources exist to help patients navigate the very expensive waters of cancer treatment. You will hear from a person who is on the front lines of the battle: Elaine Martinez, a case manager with the Colorectal CareLine at the Patient Advocate Foundation.

This Webinar recording is located at:

  • Colorectal Cancer Virtual CME Summit. Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine; Complimentary, Online Continuing Medical Education. This series includes several hour long presentations that require registration, but are free of cost. You may wish to share availability of the webinar presentations with your clinical providers as they may be able to fit these CMEs into their schedules. Some of the topics covered include: Improving Recommended Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates and Adjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancer. This series of Webinars is located at:
  • Prevent Cancer Foundation, Dialogue for Action 2013, March 20-22, 2013


Registration: $210

  • Electronic Health Records—Teleconference coming 2/21/2013

From:CoP Logistics
Date: Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Update - Public Health Forum
To:"Paul Messino (DHMH)" <>, "Patricia Swartz (DHMH)" <
Please join us for the Public Health Forum on February 21, 2013 at 3:00pm EST.


10 minutes – Announcements and Introductions (CDC and ONC)

35 minutes – Presentation “The Road to Meaningful Use - District Health Department #10’s Journey”


Christine Lopez, MBA, Administrative Services Director

Sheryl Slocum, BCN, Family Planning Supervisor/Electronic Health Record Liaison

Topic Description: The presenters will share the experience of Michigan’s District Health Department #10, a local health department, in meeting meaningful use. Some of the key activities, challenges, success factors, and lessons learned during their journey will be discussed. They will also highlight some of the benefits and savings realized from their EHR implementation.

10 minutes – Question and Answer Session

5 minutes – Wrap Up

Program URL for all meetings:

Password for all sessions:PHCOP*1115

Thursday,February 21, 2013 3:00 pm

Event number: 643 603 034

5. Surveillance and Evaluation Unit Updates –Carmela Groves

  • CDB Provider Colonoscopy Quality Assurance (QA)- We conducted a Survey Monkey this summer in order to obtain information regarding providers' feedback on the QA reports that received. Only 16 jurisdictions responded. On January 11, 2013, we sent an e-mail requesting your participation in a second Survey Monkey on this topic. Thank you to those of you who did respond. Summary of what we learned.
  • CRF Cancer Report 2012. We are sending printed copies out
  • CDB Tips. See HO memo #12-42.
  • CDB Training - offered monthly. See HO Memo #12-41 for 2013 training dates. Next scheduled training is onMonday, March 4, 2013. Please contact Lorraine Underwood to register for training and further instructions at 410-767-0791 or via e-mail at .

If you have any problems such as connecting to the EDB and CDB or navigating the system, you may contact:

Lorraine Underwood at 410-767-0791 (Main number)

Jia Soellner at 410-767-0815

(Client Database)

(Education Database)

6. Administrative, Fiscal Issues, Education and Training – Barbara Andrews CRFP/CPEST Program Progress Reports – First Report-Interim-Mid-Year Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Progress Reports. Thanks for all the great information and promptly responding when we had questions.

  • Reminder – Plan now for your March, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month activities. The packet of helpful resources was sent out by Dr. Dwyer in Health Officer Memo #13-01. If you have questions about any of the material provided, please let me know.
  • Presentation: Talbot County Activities for Breast Cancer awareness. See Attachment 2.Talbot County Health Department developed some new Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) activities, with very visual features to increase people’s attention about breast cancer awareness. These activities can be used for both the General Public and Health Care Professionals.
  • Hospital Contracts. Please have copies of your executed contracts available for your site visit or earlier upon request.
  • Health Officer Memo Attestations for your Human Service/Non-Fee for Service Contracts. Refer to your Grant Award attachment for template of attestation form. Provide copies of the Human Service Contracts/Non-Fee for Service contracts if you have not already done so.
  • 2013 Medicare/Medicaid Reimbursement Fee Schedule – Currently being prepared and will be provided in an upcoming Health Officer Memo.
  • CRFP Unit: We are interviewing for the Community Health Educator III and NurseConsultant/Administrator I vacancies in our CRFP Unit. Both of these positions were posted on the DHMH Current Recruitments on at
  • New Employee Orientation Power Points and Quizzes are available. Please let me know if you have new staff that needs this information. Please remember to complete the quizzes and e-mail them to our secretary, Cynthia Walker at as noted on the last page of the quiz. In addition, Health Officer Memo #11-52, New Employee Orientation Resources Checklist is also available for your use with new staff.

Future monthly teleconferences are scheduled for the third Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon of each month in 2013 calendar years:

March 20 Dialogue for Action?

April 17

May 15

June 19

July 21

August 18

For information on other Center for Cancer Prevention and Control Programs, please see contact list below.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Program:
Dawn Henninger – 410-767-5141,

Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Program:
Jackie Richter – 410-767-5738,

Colorectal Cancer Control Program:
Ann Walsh – 410-767-0816,

Maryland Cancer Fund:
Sandra Buie-Gregory – 410-767-6213,

Maryland Cancer Registry:
Kimberly Stern – 410-767-5521,

Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Control Program:
Sarah Conolly Hokenmaier – 410-767-0804,

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