Ola High School Yearbook

Senior Ads 2014

Ads for Grads

Believe it or not, soon it will be time for your senior to move on to the next great adventure. The OHS Yearbook Senior Ads are your chance to show them how proud you are of this accomplishment. Order as an individual, or get a group of family or friends together and order one together. Share the space with teammates or best friends. Guarantee the size/space you want by ordering today. All ads are in full color and last a lifetime! The deadline for ordering an ad is December 13, 2013.
This year, include video messages for $10 each. Consider the possibilities: Personal messages from little siblings, grandparents, a loved one in the military. Contact Ms. Salter for details on this exciting opportunity!

1/8 Page: 1 photo; approx. 30 words / $100
1/4 Page: up to 2 photos; approx. 50 words / $150
1/2 Page: up to 4 photos; approx. 70 words / $225 includes a free yearbook if ordered before 9/30
Full Page: up to 8 photos; approx. 150 words / $350 includes a free yearbook if ordered before 9/30


Ad Information

Submit this form with your payment (cash or check only) and photos in an envelope marked YEARBOOK STAFF to the front office. Write the ad message on the back or on a separate sheet. You may also email the photos as .jpg files to Ms. Salter at . Please fill the form out completely.

Name of Senior Is this ad a surprise?

PRINT name of purchaser:

Address City Zip

Phone: Email Video? r Yes r No

We will email you a proof so you can review it before it prints

Ad size Enclosed amount $ Check # No. of photos submitted

Checks should be made payable to OHS Yearbook. If ordering a full page, please send two checks – one for $300, one for the remainder (school policy). Your check must have your name, address, and phone number on it to be accepted.

Note: Your order is not complete until we have (1) this form, (2) payment in full, and (3) your photos and message. We do not accept photos showing nudity from the waist below, even if it is your most adorable baby photo, nor do we accept copyrighted material or photos with illegal activity or inappropriate content.

Ad Formats*

1/8 page: 1 photo, approximately 30 words ½ page: 4 photos, approximately 70 words

1/4 page: 2 photos, approximately 50 words Full page: 8 photos, approximately 150 words

*1/8 and ½ page primary background photo must be horizontal; ¼ and full pages primary background photo must be vertical

Please indicate the photo that you want used as the primary background either by noting on the back or including directions in the message.

You may send in more pictures, but make a note of the ones you want the most in your ad. We will try to meet your needs.

Contact Info ● Deb Salter ● ● (770) 288-3222