2016GSHRM Board Transition Meeting

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday January 8, 2016

Thornblade Club

Meeting Minutes

Meeting attended by: Jada Jacobs, Jamie Taylor, Donnie Brown, Samantha Smith, Kelly Scheib, Robyn Knox, Donna Gaddis, Laura Bogardus, Lawanna Dendy, Matt Floyd

ACTION ITEM: Matt to look into securing a private room at the Commerce Club for the February 9th board meeting.

ACTION ITEMS: Regarding the treasurer function, Matt, Kelly, will “close the company” start a “new company” and “archive the old company” at a cost of about $20 per month for approximately 3 months. Revamp some of the Quickbooks reports so that they are easier to view.

ACTION ITEM: Robyn has contacted Gail to follow up on the press release

ACTION ITEM: Samantha to follow up on board of directors press release.

ACTION ITEM: Robyn and Samantha to follow up with quarterly or even monthly articles.

I.Meeting opened at 9:00 a.m. Robyn welcomed everyone and introduced the agenda and today’s objectives. Members provided introductions.

II.Installation of Officers and Board Members. Donnie conducted a formal installation process to install Robyn as president. Robyn conducted a formal installation process to install the new officers anddirectors.

Five minute break.

III.SHRM New Board Orientation. Robyntook the group through a presentation about SHRM. Discussed briefly the SHRM relationship with the SC State Council, regional councils, membership advisory council, chapters, etc. See PowerPoint presentation for details. Robyn shared a copy of the SC Chamber of Commerce book, Ascend. They host the SC HR Awards each year, and we nominate our winner(s) each year for this award.

Discussed board meeting location. ACTION ITEM:Matt to look into securing a private room at the Commerce Club for the February 9th board meeting. Discussed possibility of approving a member of one’s committee to attend in board member’s place as a solution when board member cannot attend.

Robyn discussed expectations for all board directors. For the new SHAPE Plan, there will be a worksheet that SHRM is creating to see if we can use it to track progress. Robyn reviewed SHRM Core Leadership Areas, Volunteer Leader Resource Center resources including downloads, webinars, newsletters, etc. See presentation for resources, links, and information. Board members should try to attend our state leadership conference. Laura suggested creating a special GSHRM email address that can serve as an alias to your email address. Robyn asked board to include the word “GSHRM” in emails to her.

IV. Website and Social Media review. – Laura reviewed the website with board members, with special emphasis on the Member Area, Member Directory, and Member Profile Editor, including a new Business Categories section. Also noted that Committee Interest Forms are online under “Committee” tab. Also, Blogs and Forums features are available.

Laura briefly reviewed LinkedIn Group, Facebook, Twitter, and Text Messaging.

12 noon - break for lunch.

V. SHAPE Plan – given us extra time to submit our initiatives for next year. Vernita is submitting everything for 2015 by the end of this month. The new 2016 Chapter Worksheet is your board member binder. Robyn showed everyone the Volunteer Leader Resource Center under Communities section of the SHRM website and how to get to the SHAPE section.

The group listened to webinars on SHAPE and on the Excel Awards. Robyn asked committees to plan which items they will work toward to meet Excel Award criteria. She asked Dawanda to review Bylaws earlier on in the Strategic Planning Committee timeline. She then reviewed our Strategic Plan. GSHRM works on a calendar year, which coincides with the SHAPE plan.

Membership – issue of non-exempt HR professionals was discussed. Donna reported that the membership committee recently met and reviewed the membership changes to the bylaws. Decided to remove the exempt distinctions from the professional category in the next bylaws revision.

VI. Transition Breakout Discussion Teams.Board members met to discuss individual committee oversight areas.

VII.GSHRM Value Proposition– tabled.

VIII. Group Breakout Discussion of Committee Efforts. Members forwarded revised job descriptions to Laura for updating.

  1. Legislative Committee: Donnie and Jamie suggested 5 minutes at the start of each meeting to give a legislative update, provided by Steve Nail or Jamie Taylor. Give legislative committee greater exposure to members in other ways, perhaps at the HR Conference (such as inviting a guest speaker specific for legislative topics) and through other committees. Make members aware of the SHRM A-TEAM updates.
  1. Diversity & Inclusion Committee: Ideas surrounding building awareness of the committee and add structure. Create a web page on the GSHRM site. Programming – make sure we leverage the December meeting to talk about the award winners’ activities pertaining to diversity initiatives. Make the topic of diversity more business focused in how it relates to the bottom line, whether through speaker or training series. Wanted to talk to membership committee about reaching out to different organizations, to stir up the diversity of thought within our association. Key piece of legislation around gender identification. Sample diversity policies.
  2. HR Management Conference: Include some high profile speaker(s) on the conference agenda. The Water Coolers – they presented at a SHRM conference a year or so ago. Café and Then some – did a skit at a December meeting a long time ago.
  1. Treasurer: Discussed transition of duties. Develop Finance Committee to dig a bit deeper into the Profit and Loss statement. Matt noted that some entries are not entered under the correct categories. ACTION ITEMS: Matt, Kelly, will “close the company” start a “new company” and “archive the old company” at a cost of about $20 per month for approximately 3 months. Kelly and Matt will revamp some of the QuickBooks reports so that they are easier to view.

Donnie felt that this is necessary to continue to improve this area. He provided a history on the financial oversight for the past few years. They will create a procedures manual on the treasury duties. They will also look at the fiscal policy manual to see what needs updating. A Finance Committee will be able to help with this. Will coordinate and use StarChapter for some accounting purposes. Incentivize payments up front (pre-pay) for the full year.

  1. PR Committee: Modified the duties on the job description. Will work closely with Donna in terms of membership to engage members, spread out the committee responsibilities amongst more people, especially in messaging. Samantha will be reaching out to committees, asking for information about recent promotions, certifications, notices that can be publicized on social media. Jamie suggested a survey once a month to gather information about certifications or other things. Try to leverage free publicity through press releases, news bits, etc. Robyn suggested finding someone to take over the slideshow responsibility. Compensation and HR capability survey was mentioned by Matt. Donna says a compensation survey is much needed. However, we need to be careful about “selling” items such as surveys because we are a non-profit without lobbying capabilities. Also there are anti-trust issues related to salary surveys. We could promote / point to the Greenville Chamber and Spartanburg group that is doing this. Related to the press release: we need a press release on the new board and on the HR Awards. ACTION ITEM:Robyn has contacted Gail to follow up on the press release; Samantha to follow up on board of directors press release. Community relations events are also helpful in promoting GSHRM. ACTION ITEM:Robyn and Samantha to follow up with quarterly or even monthly articles. Jamie suggested hosting a job fair. Matt asked about a blog section, which is often picked up by business outlets.
  1. Membership Committee: Part of her committee will be focusing on recruiting new members, and part will be focusing on retaining new members. Badges are a good idea as long as GSHRM does not keep them. Give one free, and then if they need a replacement, the member would buy them. What about pins for 5 years, 10 years, etc. membership. Perhaps we could do place cards at tables. Photo booth for professional headshots; there is a headshot app where we could do it ourselves perhaps. Robyn reported that SHRM did a SHRM Foundation fundraiser – headshot for donations of $25 or more. Greenville Headshot, Fish Eye, or another that may be able to do it for free. Jada has a contact. Combine it with a fundraiser for SHRM Foundation would be excellent. Survey mid-year. Want to be sure we are meeting the members’ expectations for membership. Donna heard suggestions such as: more of an opportunity to network and learn from others; breakout sessions at tables if possible. Designating certain “topic” tables at meetings, assigned seating, etc. Mentorship program was a draw as well.

Robyn invited everyone to please add any additional committee ideas to the sheets on the walls.

IX. Board Business.

Kelly reviewed the financial balance and the profit and loss statements. Kelly made a motion to accept the reports as information. Matt seconded. Motion passed.

Please review and update Action Items.

Robyn read facts about each board member.

X. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm

Minutes submitted by Laura Bogardus, Chapter Operations Director.

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