Maximize Your Classroom Funds With Donors Choose

Jennifer Navarre, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

Presented at TNTESOL 2014, Nashville, Tennessee

Donors Choose:

What Teachers Are Saying

•“I like that I get to choose what my students need.”

•“Getting to pick from so many different sources is so helpful!”

•“My kids LOVE it when we get things in the mail from our funded projects!”

What Donors Are Saying

•“I really enjoyed getting all the thank you from your students, it really was good to hear from them personally!”

•“I liked the site, the info, the follow-up, and the email at the end of year telling my donation amount for taxes.”

•“I like donating to Donors Choose projects because I know my money is going directly to a classroom and a teacher who has a plan. It's rare that you can really know where your donations are going!”

Create Your Account

Points System

•You begin with 3 points when you register.

•Projects cost at least one point, depending on the materials and the cost.

•You earn additional points by completing tasks when a project is funded.

•If your points total is less than zero, you will no longer be able to use the site.

Points Spent

•$400 or less in vendor directory: 1 point

•$401-$2000 in vendor directory: 2 points

•$2001+ in vendor directory: 4 points

•Can also create projects with class visitors, trips, or outside vendors for varying points.

Points Earned

•Confirm you still want your materials within 6 days: 1 point

•Return a thank-you project: 1 point

•Return the thank-you project before the deadline: 1 point

If you don’t do these things on time, you will LOSE these points instead of earn them.

Permission Slips

•You MUST have signed permission slips in order to photograph students.

•Download the form on the DC website (available in English and Spanish).

•If you have multiple projects funded in one school year, you do not need the form to be filled out twice.

•Hold onto these forms!!!

Creating Your Project

•Select the subject area and types of materials (books, technology, etc.)

•Select the grade(s) that will benefit

•Select the number of students who will benefit and if these materials can be used in future school years

•Set the length of time your project will be on the Donors Choose site (maximum time is 4 months)

•Verify everything you have entered and submit!

Your project got funded! Now what?

•Confirm online that you still want the items.

•Set a deadline for your completed thank-you package.

•Write a short thank-you note to your donors on the website.

Thank-You Package

•Once materials arrive, have students create thank-you letters or cards; send to Donors Choose headquarters.

•Take pictures and upload—remember to check your permission slips!

•Write a longer thank-you letter and submit online.

Successful completion earns you points to use on future projects and gives you a good reputation on the site.

Tips To Get Your Project Funded

•Smaller projects are more likely to be funded.

•First 7 days—matching code to share with others.

•Link your Donors Choose account to your Facebook account.

•Promote yourself on social media, and ask your friends to do the same.

•Join Caring Classrooms.

•Donate a small amount to your project to raise awareness.

•Matching grants from businesses

•End of year tax write-offs

•Local businesses

•Groupon and Donors Choose gift cards

If your donors notice you consistently meet deadlines, they may donate to multiple projects.