play scenario: Title Mike and Nic


Mike and Nic


Two students, Mike and Nic, attend middle school and since the beginning of the lower secondary school[1] they have a difficultrelationship.Both are part of the school football team that won several championships. The first year Mike and Nic had become friends, and even if they were very different they got along well. The second year, after a football game,they had a bad fight, this year the relationship has deteriorated, so now they need the intervention of someone who can help in managing this situation.

Three days ago, during recess, Mike insultedNic’s mother of and Nic responded in the presence of other students: - Mike, you shouldn’t insult my mother, who has no fault but your because abandoned you! -

Mike's face turned red, he took Nic by his neck and he pushed him against the wall, then he shouted: look around you, idiot! When coming out of school me and my friends of the we will cover you with mud!!!!None of the people involved, Mike goes and Nic feels guilty about the things I said to Mike.

In the last two days Mike looks nervous, he often goes out from the class and the teachers complain about him.

The two boys decided to turn to mediators: today after school Mike and Nic are in the courtyard of the school to talk with mediators.



School’s courtyard

Number of players

7-8: 2 students; 2 mediators, some teenagers who are in the courtyard, observing what’s going on between Mike and Nic, but who do not intervene and remain detached

Characters and instructions for players

Name of character


What does the character know about his/her character?

Age: / 14
Background: / Mike is a lively guy when he's nervous and does not respect the rules: when he is scolded by his teachers he denies the accusation, and reacts in a theatrical way
Home situation: / His parents do not have any contact with the school and when they were sent by the teachers, they always defended their son, explaining that he is simply a lively boy and that the real problem is that the school is not able to manage such situations.
Mike was adopted when he was 5, as soon ashis father died and his mother abandoned him.
Personality traits: / anxious, talkative, with a loud tone of voice, childish facial expressions. He always tries to have a physical contact with his interlocutors, he doesn’t respect the necessary interpersonal distances He glances suspiciously, with a sarcastic expression, as if he was laughing “beyond is moustaches”
School situation: / Mike plays on the school soccer team but he does not participate in trips and other social activities of the school, and his parents have deliberately chosen not to have any contact with the parents of his classmates.
When heis nervous becomes aggressive, for example, offends his mates, saying unpleasant things the girls or the mothers of boys.

What does the character know about other characters in this scenario?

Nic / He’s a schoolmateof. During the first year of the middle school Nic and MIke began to play both on the soccer team and became good friends. They were both really good in attack. Once a talent scout came to watch their game: during this game Nic had misbehaved with him, he had not passed the ball (although it was in a perfect position to score) and had continued the action by itself, to be noticed by talent scout. After the match in the locker room they had quarreled and came to blow, and were separated from the coach. Since then they don’t speak each other, and Mike has reduced its commitment to the team. Now there are only two months to the end of the school and know that Both of you will not see anymore, because next year Nic will attend high school, while Mike will go to technical college.

What does the character know about the situation?

Mike feels humiliated by what Nic and told him and wants to give him a lesson. It is also still upset about the behavior of Nic 2 years ago and, although he does not want to admit he’s sad to have lost a friend, he remembersthe time we were at peace with a lot of fun playing football or talking during break.

What is the player’s role and task in this scenario

Mike reacts to frustration becoming aggressive but at times feels the weight of having the label of offensive guy, he just do not know other ways to address the difficulties.

He do not talk to anyone about his family situation and this sometimes makes him feel alone. When Nic offends him, he begins to develop a strong desire for revenge.

His PE teacher, who is also her coach of the football team, suggested that he contact the mediators to help resolve the situation between him and Nic. Mike decides to give it a try because he's sorry to say no to his coach.

Name of character


What does the character know about his/her character?

Age: / 14
Background: / He’s one of Mike schoolmates
Home situation: / He has a good relationship with his family He has a good relationship with girls, who feel attracted by his sympathy and capability of listening.
Personality traits: / Nic is sure of himself and succeeds well in everything he does, deals with situations thinking that they could ever get well.
School situation: / He is an excellent student, the best of his class; he has gentle manners and looks sensitive.

What does the character know about other characters in this scenario?

Mike / Nic feels guilt towards Mike for what he said two days ago. Many guys at school know that Mike was adopted when he was 5 years old beacause his father died and his mother abandoned him. When Mike began to insult him, he lost his head and replied with the worst thing that came to mind, but in this case has gone too far.
Nic has been thinking about these days when he and Mike were friends and it was nice to play together. He's still a little angry with Mike for the fight of 2 years ago. They played a friendly match in the presence of a talent scout. At the end of the game, in the locker room, Mike had accused him of being selfish and not having passed the ball because he wanted to be noticed by talent scouts. Certainly during the game Nic was very focused to do well and score a goal. But he had not seen that Mike was in position to score, he thinks Mike has overreacted.

What does the character know about the situation?

The day after the quarrel between Nic and Mike, Anthony, Nic’s best friend, told his parents what happened; they got in touch with Nic’s parent’s and they told them everything. Nic’s parents decided to talk with the Director, but Nic opposed to such a decision, because it wants to resolve the issue without any parents. Anthony suggested him to contact the school and he thinks it's a good idea.

What is the player’s role and task in this scenario

Although Mike is often nasty and aggressive, Nic is sorry for what happened and is ashamed of having said those things in front of his classmates: he is afraid to appear a coward for what he said to Mike. He wants to remedy this situation, even if he does not like to apologize


[1] According to the Italian education system, students attend the lower secondary school from 11 to 14