Staplehurst Parish Council

Publicity and Website Group

Meeting notes - Thursday 19thAugust2010

Present:CouncillorsJ Kelly, Reardon, Burnham, Fairfax, Frodsham, Best

Apologies: Councillor Buller, David Henley– Zulogic

Councillor Frodsham was welcomed to the meeting and has joined the Publicity and Website Group.

Village Update

The group reviewed the latest version of the autumn edition of the Village Update.

This is ready for final review by the Chair of the Council subject to any final comments that the group may have. Members were invited to supply any final comments on this draft to Councillor Fairfax by Sunday 22nd Sept at the latest.

Update from Special Meeting held on 24th June 2010.

A review of the work accomplished todate arising from the Special Meeting held on 24th June 2010 took place and the group discussed further actions and proposals.

It was agreed to let Full council make the final decision on the issue of the use of pseudonyms on the forum and the group also concluded that sufficient monitoring measures are now in place.

The group agreed to make a final report for consideration by Full Council on September 6th. Councillor Best agreed to draft this and circulate to the rest of the group for comments.

It was also agreed to finalise the Councillor’s Guide to posting on the Forum.

The group agreed not to progress the simple user tips (for posting on the forum) for the time being. Instead it was felt that a general review of the existing guidelines should be undertaken at the next meeting. Councillors agreed to bring any recommendations for amendments to the guidelines to the next meeting.

Review of Actions brought forward (from previous meetings) and matters arising

Action 200510/01 Revamp home page

Councillor Best agreed to discuss with David Henley

Action Continues

WEB Site

The group reviewed the current homepage and agreed that the revamp of this is now a top priority. It was agreed that the group should decide on the content requirements for the home page and progress this at the next meeting.

Progress has been delayed due to temporary unavailability of Zulogic resources.

Dashboard Report

It was agreed to add a new metric to the report to monitor the number of forum postings modified during the period. It was noted that no postings had been modified in the past three months.

Year in the Life Pages.

It was agreed that the Council should retain editorial control of all content on the website and in particularly the photographs published on the Year-in-the-Life pages. Councillor Reardon proposed and it was agreed by the group that any photographs should be uploaded but only published by a councillor (or Clerk).Councillor Reardon agreed to establish this process.

Action 190810/01 Councillor Reardon to investigate publishing process.

Councillor J Kelly made the point that the layout of the Year-in-the-Life pages was not very user friendly and needed improvement. Ideas for better groupings and listings were discussed and Councillor J Kelly agreed to draft some proposals for a better layout of these pages.

Action 190910/02 Councillor J Kelly to propose changes to the Year-in-the-Life pages.

Change Request List

No new items were added to the change request list.

The review of the website accessibility compliance continues and is in hand with Zulogic.

IT Issues – Backup process and new ISP contract

The group discussed the recent failure of the new hard drive backup and also the configuration being used by the two machines in the office.

Councillor Reardon agreed to talk to David Archer of Arron about this and report back.

Action 190810/03 Councillor Reardon to meet with Arron

It was agreed that a the costs of replacing the existing desk top PC should be added to next year’s budget and that a specification will be drawn up for the new machine. The group will progress this over the coming months.

Meeting finished at 9.30pm

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 5th October 2010 @ 07.30 pm in the Parish Office

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