Growth Group Questions 2/18/18

The Power of Bold

Week 4

1. Today is United Methodist Women Sunday. Are you involved in the UMW? If so, how? What are some ways our Aldersgate UMW share God’s love and grace in the local community and the world?

2. Our guest preacher for UMW Sunday, Pam Zwickey said, “The first time I was ever called, ‘A bold Christian woman,’ it took me by surprise. Am I bold? Is that a good thing, or was I just insulted? That took some thought and study.” Has anyone ever called you bold? What did person seem to be implying? What do you mean when you call someone bold.

3. Define what it means to be bold. Share some examples of bold leaders, both in our world and in the Bible. How does God use boldness?

4. Did anything about today’s sermon, “The Power of Bold,” surprise or challenge you? What was your take-away from the sermon today?

5. Read 2 Timothy 1:7 and Joshua 1:9. Do these two scriptures speak to you of boldness? How could they apply to your life as a follower of Jesus today?

6. When are you willing to be bold? When is it too scary? How might God be calling you to be bold in your faith?

7. Spiritual disciplines are, by design, challenging. Some are more challenging than others. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, certainly challenged the people of his day and continues to challenge us today. He got up very early, he spent hours in prayer, he preached and he fasted. It seems he did it all! Which specific discipline requires the most boldness from you, personally? Which would you like to try to cultivate in your life?

8. At the end of the sermon, you heard John Wesley's "can" challenge. What can you do that is more than you are doing now? What can you do, personally or as a group to help somebody today?

9. Today is the first Sunday in the season of Lent, which will end Easter Sunday. How do you plan to observe this season of repentance and reflection?

10. How might your Growth Group pray for you this week?