Bullying Prevention Tic-Tac-Toe Project

Starting with the center square, choose two more activities to complete (3 total) a “tic-tac-toe”.

Brochure / Poem or Art / Fact of the Day
Film/PSA / Informational Poster / Poem or Art
Poem or Art / Brochure / Film/PSA
  • All projects should relate to the theme of “Together against bullying – united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.”
  • Optional: Films, art, and poems may be submitted to “Students with Solutions”

Project Requirements

Informational Poster – Poster should include at least 4 facts/statistics related to bullying and advocate the theme. Posters should be in color and include relevant graphics. Posters may be created by hand or digitally.

Fact of the Day – October is Bullying Awareness Month. Create a calendar with facts or statistics that could be read on the announcements each morning.

Poem or Art - Poems or art should be original work and relate the theme. Art may be create by hand or digitally.

Brochure – Create a tri-fold brochure that explains the problem of bullying including at least 4 relevant facts/statistics as well as the types of bullying. The brochure should detail ways students can be “upstanders” along with ways to prevent or stop bullying.

Film – Create a public service announcement that defines bullying and dramatizes examples of how students should handle bullying situations. Film should also promote theme of “Together…”

Project Timeline

12/4 & 12/5: Research12/18: Gallery Walk to view posters

12/6 – 12/8: Begin Production12/19: Film Presentations

12/11 – 12/15: Creating/Filming

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Poster/Brochure Research / Students include 4 or more high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their project. / Students include at least 3 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their project. / Students include at least 2 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their project. / Students include fewer than 2 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their project.
Campaign/Product / Students create original, accurate and interesting products that adequately addresses the issue. / Students create accurate products that adequately addresses the issue. / Students create accurate products but do not adequately address the issue. / The products are not accurate.
Required Elements / The project components include all required elements as well as additional information. / All required elements are included. / All but 1 of the required elements are included. / Several required elements are missing.
Group Collaboration / Group listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of its members. Works well together. / Group members usually listen to, share with, and support the efforts of each other. Are able to compromise or overcome disagreements. / Group members sometimes listen to, share with, and support the efforts of each other but require teacher intervention to compromise or overcome disagreements. / Group members rarely listen to, share with, and support the efforts of each other. Group is not able to compromise or overcome disagreements.
Focus/On-Task / Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed. / Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. / Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. / Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done.

Total Points: ______/20 = ______%