Monday, August 29, 2011 Albion Bolton Branch
Present:Donna Cragg; Sandy Keith; Janet Manning; Susanne McRoberts; Mike Stapleton
Staff:Bill Manson; Laura Luopa; Mojgan Schmalenberg; Sharon Wilson;
The Vice-Chaircalled the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
1. Adoption of the Agenda
Moved:Mike Stapleton Seconded:Sandy Keith
2. Apologies for non-attendance: Yevgenia Casale
3. Disclosure of pecuniary interest – none declared
4. Minutes of July 18, 2011 meeting
Item 4 Strategic Plan
It was noted that there was no Chair of the Planning Committee. “The chair” to be changed to “member”.
Motion: To adopt the minutes as corrected.
Moved: Sandy Keith Seconded: Janet Manning
5. Strategic Plan
The Strategic Planning committee met on August 12, 2011 to discuss the changes that were agreed upon by the Board. The changes have been incorporated in the plan presented tonight. A letter from the Chair of the Board and the CEO has been added. The Communications and Programming Department has formatted the Draft Plan adding colour and photos. The Management Team members attending were welcomed to the meeting.
A page by page review of the document took place and changes were discussed and noted. These changes will be passed to the Communications and Programming Department and will be incorporated into the publication to be presented to the staff, Council and the public.
Chair Virginia DiLauro joined the meeting at 7:35 pm.
Councillor Patty Foley joined the meeting at 7:40 pm.
Motions arising from the discussion:
Cover Page
Motion: That the date be added to the title page “Caledon Public Library Strategic Plan 2011”.
Moved: Janet ManningSeconded: Sandy Keith
Our Core Beliefs
Motion: That “Literacy and Lifelong Learning” be shortened to “Literacy and Learning” and that the order be alphabetical after “Accountability and Stewardship” is changed to “Stewardship and Accountability”.
Moved: Patty FoleySeconded: Donna Cragg
Connecting people to information and inspiring creative works
Motion: That the word “create” be changed to “provide” in the goal statement.
Motion: Sandy KeithSeconded: Patty Foley
Partnering and Collaborating
Motion: That statement 2 be changed to “Work collaboratively – within the library, with the Town of Caledon, with other levels of government, and with other organizations” in order to clarify the meaning.
Moved: Mike StapletonSeconded: Janet Manning
Governing responsibly
Motion: That statement 7 be shortened to “Consider the environmental impact of all decisions.”
Motion: Patty FoleySeconded: Sandy Keith
Add signature page
Motion: That a signature page be added at the end of the document that includes the date of Board approval.
Motion: Mike StapletonSeconded: Sandy Keith
Additional grammatical and cosmetic changes were discussed and will be passed to the Communications and Programming Department for inclusion in the new document.
6. Time and Date of Next Meetings
The regular monthly meeting of the Board will be held Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7 pm at the Caledon Village Branch.
7. Meeting Adjournment
Motion: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm
Moved: Virginia DiLauro Seconded: Mike Stapleton
Virginia DiLauro Bill Manson
Chair Chief Librarian