Lord of The Flies Lesson Plan #1

SUBJECT: English

TOPIC :Introduction to the novel, The Lord of The Flies. Vocabulary activity based around the verb, ‘To Survive’

GRADE: 10th Grade

TIME: 50 minutes

OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to understand the importance of free writing. They will also learn how to brainstorm different meanings of the verb, ‘To Survive’ on their own. Then the students will be able to participate in a ‘silent’ activity by writing their meanings collectively onto a poster board. (Feedback on the poster board is encouraged!) Students will be able to participate in an in class discussion about their findings both individually and as a class.

IN Academic (K-12) Standard(s): 11.1 Students apply their knowledge of word origins (words from other languages, history or literature, and other fields) to determine the meaning of new words encountered in reading and use those words accurately.

11.5.3 Write reflective compositions that:

• explore the significance of personal experiences, events, conditions, or concerns by using rhetorical strategies, including narration, description, exposition, and persuasion.

• draw comparisons between specific incidents and broader themes that illustrate the writer's important beliefs or generalizations about life.

• maintain a balance in describing individual events and relating those events to more general and abstract ideas.

Anticipatory Set (3 mins): Introduce free writing activity. Then, introduce the verb ‘To Survive.’ Students write their responses on a scratch paper. Then as a class, write their responses on a community poster board. Lastly, have an in class discussion about the findings on the poster board.

Teaching Materials: None

Objective and purpose (3 mins): The objective to the following free writing exercises is to help the students to create a daily writing practice into their personal routines. It will help clear their mind and be focused for class. The poster board routine will help them brainstorm off of each other’s ideas which will help benefit them for the in class discussion.

Teaching Materials: None

Input / Instructional strategies (20 mins): Students will free write first five minutes of class. Then they will respond on a piece of paper to the verb, “To Survive.” Then, they will compile all of their answers onto the community poster board silently. Lastly, I will initiate an in class discussion.

Teaching Materials: Free Write Notebook, Scratch Paper

Checking for understanding (10 mins): Free writing counts as participation/attendance. Each student will receive a point for each day they free write in class. The poster board findings about the vocabulary word will be assessed by the quality of their contribution to the discussion.

Teaching Materials: None

Guided practice/ Independent practice (10 mins): The students will free write on their own for both writing prompts while I walk around and monitor. Then I will participate along with the students in the poster board activity and facilitate discussion. In order to keep the discussion flowing, students will have to be in possession of a beanie baby in order to talk out loud to the class.

Teaching Materials: Poster Board, Markers, & a Beanie Baby.

Closure/Evaluation (4 mins): For homework, students will be asked to bring in a one paged typed response about three things they would need if they were stranded on a deserted island and explain the importance of each item and how it relates to the meaning of survival. Also they are also required to include their predictions about what the text is going to be about. Lastly, They will bring in one of those three things to share with the class.


Primary importance:This content is important because they are able to learn the basic life skills from this lesson and apply it to their personal lives. Also they are able to gain a new understanding about the meaning of surviving. In order to accommodate English language learners, their interpreter will be able to help them be a part of the group discussion and activity. They will communicate to them in their language as necessary and will be able to communicate to the class what they would like to say as well.

Secondary importance:Having the students get up from their seats and write their responses on the poster board gives them the ability to read, analyze, and provide feedback with a new found energy. They are able to have a hands on experience and be able to show the rest of the class their opinion of the writing prompt. It is essential to debrief the class about the activity by having a discussion based around the writing prompt. They are able to build off of each other’s ideas and create new and meaningful responses and improve their ability to communicate with others.

Student work to be collected: Student’s responses to the writing prompt: What is the real meaning of having the strength and willingness ‘To Survive?’

Ancillary Materials for Lesson #1

Free Write Prompt (Announced Verbally): Students are able to write anything that comes to their mind for the first five minutes of class. The objective of this activity is to keep their pen moving at all times.

Writing Prompt for Poster Activity: What does the verb ‘to survive’ mean to you personally? What are the emotions and strategies that go into achieving the state of ‘survival?’ Apply the verb ‘to survive’ to the real world, how will this act benefit you in the future? (TO BE WRITTEN ON THE WHITE BOARD)

Discussion Questions for Poster Activity (Announced Verbally):

(Students only speak when they are in possession of Beanie Baby)

1)What were your findings about the verb individually?

2)What was something new that you learned after reading your classmates responses?

3)How will you apply this verb to the real world in the future?

4)What are your predictions about this verb playing an essential role in The Lord of The Flies?

5)What are some benefits to this type of activity?

Lord of The Flies Lesson Plan #2

SUBJECT: English

TOPIC : Exploring new ways to understand ‘survival’ and its meaning to the real world. (Sharing Activity)

GRADE: 10th Grade

TIME: 50 minutes

OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to explain their personal object that is relevant to the class discussion of survival. They should be able to explain it clearly from their personal papers. Students should also be able to listen carefully to each of their peers responses so that they are able to add on to the conversation which will enhance the entire group discussion. Students should also be able to make relevant predictions about what the text is going to be about.

IN Academic (K-12) Standard(s):11.7.11 Interpret and evaluate the various ways in which events are presented and information is communicated by visual image-makers (such as graphic artists, documentary filmmakers, illustrators, and news photographers).

Anticipatory Set (3 mins): I will explain to the students that they will have the first five minutes to free write. After they are finished, they will move their desks into a circle shape so that they will be able to look at one another during the in class discussion about their objects.They will also get out their object that they brought for homework and will be prepared to talk about it.

Teaching Materials: None

Objective and purpose (3 mins):The objective to the following free writing exercise to help students create a daily free writing practice. Theobjective to the in class discussion about their personal objects will help improve their interpretation of their objects and how it is relevant to both the book and the real world. Having them share out loud their findings about their personal object will also help improve their confidence in public speaking as well.

Teaching Materials: None

Input / Instructional strategies (20 mins): Students will free write first five minutes of class. Once the five minutes are up, they will be asked to move their desks into the shape of a circle and get out their writing response as well as their personal object to share with the class. Volunteers will be asked to share first and afterwards the students will share by going clockwise around the circle. They will be asked to talk about the three objects that they wrote about for homework and then explain why they chose the particular object that was brought to class. Lastly they will make a prediction about what they think the story will be about.

Teaching Materials: Free Write Notebook (Students)

Checking for understanding (10 mins): Free writing counts as participation/attendance. Each student will receive a point for each day they free write in class. While listening to the students, I will ask questions when necessary in order to pick their brains so that I am able to fully understand why they brought in that particular object. I will also ask each student to reference their object to the real world and how it may be useful for ‘survival’

Teaching Materials: None

Guided practice/ Independent practice (10 mins): The students will free write on their own for while I walk around and monitor. Once they are finished and the desks are put in place, I will listen to each student’s mini presentation about their object. I will facilitate the discussion when necessary but I will make sure that they answer all possible prompts to the best of their ability.

Teaching Materials: None

Closure/Evaluation (4 mins): Once the discussion is finished, I will give them positive feedback for their effort on their mini presentations. Then I will explain to them what they will have to do for their homework. Students will be asked to read the first two chapters of the novel The Lord of The Flies and annotate them. They are required to have at least three markings per page for the annotations.


Primary importance:This content is important because it helps improve their communication skills with others. They are able to talk to each other instead of having the teacher facilitate the entire discussion. Also they are able to make accurate predictions about the future of the text and make valid connections between their personal stories and to the text. These skills are very important when it comes to communicating with others in the real world. English language learners will be able to participate as well in this lesson by having their interpreter help them communicate to the class what their object and writing prompt was about.

Secondary importance: Having the students face each other during an in class discussion helps improve their eye contact with one another. They are able to look at each individual while they present and are able to respond to them with what ever is on their mind. Eye contact is important when it comes to speaking to others.

Student work to be collected: Student’s writing responses to the ‘Desert Island Survival’ prompt.

Ancillary Materials for Lesson #2

Free Writing Prompt (Announced Verbally):For five minutes, students will write whatever comes to their mind first. They will have to keep their pen moving at all times.

For Mini Presentations (Announced Verbally): Students will have to talk about the three objects they wrote about and how it pertains to the vocabulary word, ‘survival.’ They will also present their in class object as well as make a prediction about what the novel is going to be about.

Discussion Questions (Use when students do not present enough information or if the discussion about the mini presentations becomes off topic):

1)How is your object relevant to your predictions about the novel?

2)How would your object be useful for the real world?

3)Why did you write about the objects that you chose?

Lord of The Flies Lesson Plan #3

SUBJECT: English

TOPIC : Chapters 1 & 2 of The Lord of The Flies

GRADE: 10th Grade

TIME: 50 minutes

OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to have a better understanding about annotation. They will be able to improve their annotation skills by annotating important points within the text. Students should also be able to have a better understanding about the main ideas within chapters 1 & 2. They will then be able to interpret the meanings of these specific points and be able to apply it to both the rest of the story and their personal lives.

IN Academic (K-12) Standard(s):11.2 Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate material.

11.3.3 Analyze the ways in which irony, tone, mood, the author's style, and the "sound" of language achieve specific rhetorical (persuasive) or aesthetic (artistic) purposes or both.

Anticipatory Set (3 mins): I will explain to the students that they will have the first five minutes to free write. Afterwards, the students will receive a pop quiz over chapters one and two. Then I will introduce a short lesson on annotation. Time permitting, I will give the students the rest of the time to start on chapters three and four.

Teaching Materials: None

Objective and purpose (3 mins): The objective to the following free writing exercise to help students create a daily free writing practice. The objective to the pop quiz is to ensure that the students are reading the chapters each night. These will show me their comprehension and understanding of the text. The objective to the mini lesson on annotation is to help those who are struggling have a better understanding about the purpose of annotation.

Teaching Materials: None

Input / Instructional strategies (20 mins): Students will free write first five minutes of class. Once the five minutes are up, they will be asked to clear their desks and take out a pencil or a paper. They will be given the pop quiz and will be asked to keep their eyes on their own papers.Once they are finished, they will be asked to turn their quizzes over. Once everyone is done, I will collect the quizzes and we will go over the answers in class. Afterwards I will present a mini lesson over annotation and explain how vital it is to their comprehension and understanding to the text. Time permitting; students will have time to begin reading chapters 3 & 4 for homework and annotation.

Teaching Materials: Free Write Notebook (Students), Pop Quiz over Chapters 1 & 2

Checking for understanding (10 mins): Free writing counts as participation/attendance. Each student will receive a point for each day they free write in class. While the students are working on their quizzes, I will be walking around and checking for completion on their annotations of chapters one and two. After the quizzes are completed, I will collect them and facilitate the discussion over the quiz questions. I will find out after the mini annotation lesson if the students understand the purpose of annotation better by looking over their annotations over chapters three and four the next day.

Teaching Materials: Answer key for Chapter 1 & 2 Quiz

Guided practice/ Independent practice (10 mins): The students will free write on their own for while I walk around and monitor. Once they are finished with both their free writing and the pop quiz, I will call on students at random to answer the pop quiz questions. I will only intervene if the student does not answer the question to the fullest. I will also explain the reasoning behind annotating and ask if there are any questions. Time permitting, while the students are reading I will be walking around answering any questions they may have over the text or the annotations.

Teaching Materials: None

Closure/Evaluation (4 mins): For homework, students will be asked to read chapters 3 & 4 and annotate. They will be required to make at least four annotations per page. Students should also prepare for a quiz as well.


Primary importance:Annotating the text is vital to both reading comprehension and gaining a better understanding. It helps the students pick out certain passages that are important to in class discussions and are easy to refer back to when they are needed for evidence. It also helps the students think about the text in a deeper way and are reading it at a more slow and careful pace.

Secondary importance: It is important for the student’s to have quizzes because it shows the teacher weather or not the students are reading their assigned chapters. It also demonstrates which students are having a hard time understanding the text and which ones are right on track.

Student work to be collected:Quiz

Ancillary Materials for Lesson #3

Free Writing Prompt (Announced Verbally):For five minutes, students will write whatever comes to their mind first. They will have to keep their pen moving at all times.

In-Class Pop Quiz over Chapters 1 &2

In-Class Pop Quiz over Chapters 1 & 2 Answer Key